Friday, March 11, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I can’t put it in words on how disgusted I am at humanity. Those that read my column would think. Joe, lighten up a bit. Life is not that bad. life is great. What is truly alarming and at times overwhelming is how we the human animal prove that we are nothing but just that, ‘ANIMALS’. It appears that in modern society we are constantly in some sort of global conflict. War on drugs, war on equality, war on just about every aspect of life. We just recovered or we are so led to believe from the war on COVID. Not a week passed and we may be facing another world war. But wait, let’s put on the brakes for a moment. Government throughout history ruled through fear. From the ancient times of living in fear of all kinds of Gods. To today’s time fearing extinction from global warming. Look at how we the people are getting once again, oppressed and fooled to believe that our efforts are for a worthy cause. The Russian/Ukrainian conflict. Question one. What are we Canadians becoming entangled in foreign conflicts? How can as a responsible government rationalize sending one dollar to fight a foreign war. When our own people here in Canada are suffering. Some living on our streets and our government sends millions in weapons an other aid to the Ukraine. We Canadians are being suckered in to a war we have no business fighting. It is done through the media. We hear the constantly being bombarded with images that break people’s heart. Yet, we forget it is war. People die in wars. The media during war is used as a tool to either gather support or plea for help. I have a huge problem when governments mix patriotism with ignorant pride. I say ignorant pride due to the fact that civilians should never be used as weapons and made to be easy marking targets. Think about it. The Ukraine government has issued out large number of guns to it’s civilian population in order to have them fight in the war against Russia. Really!!! The Ukrainian government is arming civilians. Making them a target for the Russian army. Is this right. It is not about pride. It is not about nationalism. It is about out right ignorance of the facts. By arming civilians now you are giving the green flag for the Russian to blanket bomb and attack the population at large, deeming everyone an enemy. This feeding horrific images to the media for further Ukrainian support. Come on people. An old 80 year old lady with a an AK-47 is no threat to a trained Russian soldier. But she surely makes a great target and gives the Russian army reason to shoot to kill civilians. We in the west view these images and our hearts bleed. How can these bad Russians shoot innocent women and children? Old people... When your own government uses it’s population as soldiers. This is wrong. We in the west watch these images and go about our business not thinking about how we are being manipulated. We do not even consider how our own Canadian government plays on us every day. We are supposed to live in a free democratic nation. Yet our freedoms are mandated by our wealth and our ability to get away from our daily routines. Our democratic right is manipulated by public thought. The question then is, are we any different than those being attacked by the Russians? Well, we are not being shot at. But we are being manipulated by our government the same. Look at our gasoline prices? Yet, we are sending 211 million just this week to the Ukraine. We are fed the line that we must pay a carbon tax in order to save the environment... yet the tax collected goes to everything but the environment. Look at what happened when we the people attempted to complain via demonstration in Ottawa with our truckers. They were labeled terrorist, nationalist and the worst the government could come up with. Only to have the government call in the troops to put a stop to it. I say you want to champion democracy and freedoms. Drive your car to Ottawa and park it as the truckers did. Demand lowering of gas prices. Stop blaming it on imported gas from Russia. Demand accountability. Demand justice. We have a war in our own country and no one seems to see it. Look how much the truckers accomplished against COVID. It appears that ever since the truckers protested. Covid has become a secondary issue. COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP WE ARE UNDER SIEGE. And no one is coming to liberate us from our own ignorance of the obvious oppression by our own government.

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