Saturday, March 5, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Is it just me? That sees this as a set up? Let me take you back Pre-Covid. Trump had China on a short leash. China was experiencing some of the worst pro-democracy demonstrations ever. It had got so bad that they had to deploy troops in order to oppress the uprise. Then, Covid was released in to the world. It caught one nation after another by surprise. Killing people in its path. The pro-demonstrations stopped. China accomplished its National goal of stomping the pro-democracy movement. Governments of the world due to Covid turned one against the other. Banning travel and trade in fear of infection. Causing major havoc and turning neighbour against neighbor over mask/vaccination mandate. Governments of the world had to do something. They turned to the world Health Organization for a solution. The World Health Organization turned to the United Nations. Once the magic bean was formulated in the form of a vaccine. The world had forgotten of who the responsible culprits were. All the world wanted was the vaccine in order to get the monkey off their back. Meanwhile, the world economy was under siege. The Chinese game plan was working without questions of who originated this nor any real consequences. While we the world ran looking for answers China, Russia, North Korea, Iran were working on a master plan. De-stabilize the enemy. Hitting hard and plan your next attack. The world united in the quest of finding a cure/vaccine. We walked right into their plan. We were and in part still are self destructing by design. How is it that as soon as we find the magic bean to COVID. We have an invasion in the Ukraine? Does it not seem strange to you. WE CAN’T KILL THEM BY DISEASE. We now kill them with war. Not just any war. A nuclear war they threaten. We have ‘Goofy’ as the leader of America. He can’t hold a thought without messing up. Have you heard some of his speeches? My God one would think he is insane. This is good for the Russians as they see weakness in America and the Russians are taking advantage of it. Sucker in America into a war. The same America that could not defeat ISIS. The same America that has had it’s economy turned upside down and is highly dependant on those thy are wanting to go to war with. The same America that went from being energy self reliant. To one that is heavily dependent of import. Is there no shame in this world? We have been fed ‘SAVE THE PLANET’. Renewable energy be environmentally responsible. Meanwhile our gas prices have gone through the roof. Our economy is failing. We are in trouble every place we look. Now WAR!!! You got to be kidding me. I think this is the final nail in the ‘DEMOCRACY’ empire. I think that if the U.S. - NATO gets suckered in to fight a battle that is not their. We the West will pay the consequences of looking the war. I say this because as it stands. China owns us in trade. If a war was to brake out. You think Russia would be our own enemy? Think again. We be fighting a war all over the globe. From Iran, to Venezuela, Syria, China, North Korea and most of the pacific rim countries. Including Japan as they still have it in for us. The question I have for our Prime Minister. What the hell are you doing putting Canadians at risk fighting a fight for freedom and democracy when you on your own home land call in the troops on protesters. Really, Hey Justin why not use the millions of our money to feed those in need in Canada. How about spending the millions you are wasting on weapons to fan a war in Canada. Do as Trump had done. Increase all taxes and tariffs on Chinese imports. End hunger in Canada. Help the many million of Canadians struggling to pay their mortgages. Help all Canadians by injecting direct money into the pockets of Canadians. Hell, start by lowering and controlling the out of control gas prices. How can anyone justify that during Trump administration. The world enjoyed the lowest gas prices in the last 50 years. Biden takes office and every country in the world pounces and takes advantage of the weakness including our own.... We need leadership. Not basket cases chasing rainbows riding environmental unicorns.

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