Friday, July 1, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. Police report after report: ‘Firearm Seized During Traffic Stop in Oshawa.’ ‘Foot Patrol Officers in Oshawa Seize Cache of Weapons.’ ‘Firearm and Drugs Seized During Traffic Stop in Oshawa.’ ‘Police Looking for Male Wanted on Firearm Charges.’ ‘Charges Laid After Car Explosion in Oshawa.’ Firearms, firearms, firearms.... What has happened to Oshawa. Our taxes keep going up. We live in the highest property assessment values in Durham. Where are our taxes going? Surely the police services are a regional matter. But as a municipality that pays hefty amounts to the region for DRPS. We surely have a voice, why is it our mayor not using it. Well, sadly we have a voice but no direction. A voice with out direction can’t be heard. Our Mayor has sat for four years and has yet to work with Durham Regional Police to come up with a community based policing solution to the skyrocketing crime with weapons and drug related crime. We need a way to send a clear message to the criminal element in Oshawa. That Oshawa will not tolerate guns, drugs and prostitution. Not to mention the many that die every month on the streets of overdose. How is it that those numbers are not made public? People are getting killed by gun and knife violence. People are dying at a bigger rated due to drugs. Instead Carter blames the region the province.... anyone but take responsibility and do something. He has to go. Instead our mayor has allowed methadone clinics to open just about one every block. He has allowed for cannabis shops to open, one every ten feet. Do we really need 5 cannabis shops withing 1 miles of each other? Do we really need a needle exchange program in our downtown? Do we really need safe injection sites? Do we really need Simcoe St. United Church and The Back Door Mission in the downtown core. Attracting the homeless by the hundreds. We need to relocate The Back Door and the United Church services. By having these services in the downtown. Their client camp out on their property. or worst have them sleep on businesses doorways, alley ways and street. WHERE IS OUR MAYOR? WHERE IS OUR COUNCIL? We need to call for accountability. Our Mayor was quoted as stating that, “We are a lot better off than other municipalities.” or “that it is not his problem.” Well yes it is. 2022 is a very special year. It is the year for change. As it stand there are two of us in the race. Anyone else coming in the race will only split the vote and assure Carter another term. We need to do what is best for our city and lets make the right change.

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