Saturday, July 23, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. When I am in the wrong. I am in the wrong. I will be the first to admit it. But to be presumed wrong or in violation of any law is wrong. Since I have put my name forth to run for Mayor. It has been one obstacle after another. One agency after the other attempting to discredit me or question my integrity. Some deem it a complaint others normal inspection. The bottom line is, that it is what it is. This past week I received the following email from a staff member at City Hall that I will not disclose after I had sent in a detailed document requesting explantion on By-law 42-2014. I bring this by-law to question due to the fact that it is only applicable to city roadways and partial regional roads. Furthermore, the by-law in question favor the incumbents as it is tailored to confuse and mislead new candidates. The by-law in question is signed by the Mayor himself. This brings to question the intent. If this by-law is intended for city roadways Then why am I being made to feel like I am being harrassed. Not only that. The presumption that I have done anything wrong without proof. Is WRONG. The email read: Good morning Joe; Thank you for your email. After reviewing it, the City’s position remains the same - the signs in question (the “Signs”) are in violation of Section 3.q) of the City’s Election Sign By-law. As previously requested, please ensure the Signs are removed immediately to avoid further action being taken by the City. 1. I have not erected any signs. False accussation. 2. Threaten wirth further action. 3. The City has yet to give me explanation in reference to the detailed document presented for clarification Section ‘3q reads: (q) for a municipal election, is erected, placed, maintained or displayed before the forty-second (42nd) day prior to the last polling day for the election or after the seventh (ih) day following the last polling day for the election. I brought this to question due to the fact that the date stipulate from the date of the election only gives new candidates limited exposure on municipal roadways. I also brought to question as to who set those dates as they are not a provincial nor federally mandated. All I asked was for clearification and I am ignored and just told to comply. To almost admit to the fact that I erected ANY SIGNS as prescribed by the said by-law. In which I have not. Therefore why the demand? Why does the City want me to admit to something I am not guilty. This mentality at City Hall will STOP. Together we will bring our municipal government back to the people where it belongs. At the least before they pass judgement get the facts straight. Call me. I called numerous time and still waiting. I know you read this. Please call 905-441-2657 Thank you.

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