Monday, July 11, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. This is a recent message released by the mayor of Oshawa in a desperate attempt to make it look like he is and has done something for the people of Oshawa. The release read: (in dark letters). Message from His Worship Mayor Dan Carter to Business Community Stakeholders, July 2022. As we enter the summer months in the great city of Oshawa, we’re seeing many residents and visitors exploring our community. Whether you’re seeking new parks, splash pads, cycling paths, walking trails, events or patios to spend time with friends and family, you will find many ways to enjoy the outdoors in our community. I would like to make the business community aware of great initiatives recently approved by Council and provide an update on events that have recently occurred. I believe these new programs and enhancements will have a positive and sustainable impact on our city. Does our Mayor know where our downtown is? “We’re seeing many residents and visitors exploring our community.” He claims. Where? People are staying away from Oshawa due to the problem with the homeless in our downtown. With the drugs and crime on our streets. You have to wonder in what dimension Carter lives in. Our parks!!! riddled with needles from his ‘Safe’ injection sites and free needle exchange program he allowed to operate downtown. Splash pads!!! yet Rotary pool sits closed. Really ‘Splash pads’... Then he goes to Cycling paths, where most of the homeless take refuge in make shift card boxes. Or in tents. People are afraid to ride their bikes in fear of being mugged. Could it be that Carter is talking about another municipality. Someone wake him up and tell him he is the Mayor of Oshawa for a little more time. Walking trails, come on... if you don’t dare ride a bike. Your going to walk it. Well, I guess the boys from Peterborough and Toronto probably would walk our trails as from police records prostitution is widely available. Carter continues in his release: Plan20Thirty Action Plan for Downtown Oshawa - Oshawa City Council has approved Plan20Thirty, a new downtown revitalization action plan. Plan20Thirty builds upon Oshawa’s previous downtown plan, Plan 20Twenty, and its successes to date, while addressing new challenges and opportunities. Plan20Thirty’s vision statement is: a lively and modern urban centre where all thrive. In other words 2030 plans more of what 2020 delivered. More homelessness, more crime, more drugs, more prostitution and higher taxes while the quality of life keeps slipping. Great forecast by Carter and his council. In other words nothing will change. Carter continues in his release: New Downtown Visual Brand Identity – DTO To better communicate the qualities that attract residents, businesses, students and visitors to our urban core, the City of Oshawa has developed a new visual brand identity for Downtown Oshawa: WHO SEES IT. HOW DO THEY MARKET IT? DTO. DTO represents the strength of the people who have built and continue to evolve Oshawa’s downtown core. The DTO shapes, inspired by the area's bold and iconic architecture, provide a flexible and adaptable canvas to showcase the creativity, innovation and humanity of our downtown. Talk about political BLAH BLAH BLAH. Can anyone translate to what that means? ‘Humanity of our downtown’....Carter wake up. People are sleeping in doorways. People are shooting drugs on our sidewalks. People die every night of overdose. He dare talks about humanity. Where is Carter’s conscious. Where are his moral value and commitment to the betterment of all citizens. The brand emphasizes photography of the people of downtown Oshawa – entrepreneurs, business leaders, residents, students, artists, and community-builders. Carter clearly has no clue where downtown Oshawa is on the map. It is like being in a sinking ship and the captain claiming we are not sinking. Look at the other end it is well out of the water and claiming we are on course. Is Carter for real? The brand is the product of a rigorous discovery phase and was developed with input from the voices and perspectives of those within and around downtown Oshawa. Like Downtown Oshawa, this brand is alive – always evolving and growing. We’re excited to share this brand with you; keep your eyes peeled in the coming months. Did he consult the this local paper that sits downtown Oshawa? The same paper that actually has been running a successful ‘SHOP LOCAL INGINO SHOP DOWNTOWN INITIATIVE’ since 2018. Did he consult all the downtown merchants. As a matter of fact did he consult any? When was the last time Carter has been seen visited any local merchant. Yet, he fills his mouth with a made up brand that is promoted no place with no one’s input. How is it he has yet to visit his local newspaper. He ends his pathetic attempt to make himself as if he has done something by bragging on how he wants to take credit for the downtown sidewalk cleaning program. A program that should have been implemented as a common sense project. He goes as far as attempt to take credit for ‘Convocation ceremonies’, a scheme design for him to use our tax dollars to campaign for the 2022 municipal election. More of the same. Is that what we want for Oshawa. By Carter’s own words. They did nothing in 2020. Now they are promising more nothing until 2030. Is this leadership? But wait. Be assure our taxes will keep going up to pay for their lack of vision or direction.WE NEED CHANGE IN 2022. I need your vote in order to bring Oshawa back to you. To stop the BLAH, BLAH politics.

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