Saturday, July 1, 2023

Drink it but dont swim in it!!!

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - On the eve of one of the most busy long weekends at the peak of the summer. The City of Oshawa releases the following: Lakeview Park Beach: Unsafe for swimming from June 29 to July 6 From Thursday, June 29 to Thursday, July 6, Lakeview Park Beach is considered unsafe for swimming by the Durham Region Health Department as reported in the Durham Region Weekly Beach Report. Throughout the summer, the Durham Region Health Department tests the water at Lakeview Park Beach as part of its weekly beach monitoring program. These water tests check for high levels of harmful bacteria and let beach visitors know which beaches across Durham Region are safe for swimming based on the results. You got to be kidding me... Not only are people not allow to gather in large groups at the park. Not allowed to feed each other. Offer water to anyone in need. Play loud music. Stay no longer than 2hr or you may be fined for loitering... No smoking. No open fires. Now this... It makes me think... How is it that the water is OK to drink but not good enough to go for a swim.... I can just hear it. Oh, come on Joe. The water we drink is treated. The problem with the Lake is the algea, the bacteria and so on with the excuses. Ok. Let’s entertain that run away train thought. Let’s make the assumption that the water we drink is treated. If you look at your water bill what do you see? For example: You pay for water use $100/mth. For sewer $300. Plus the usual extra charges lilke delivery, consumption, administrative and so on... If we are to be made to believe that the water we drink is safe then how is it we pay 3 times more for sewage going out. Is it not a logical assumption that due to the cost of processing sewage that the water going out is as clean as that comes in? I am sure the Region would say that the cleaning process of raw sewage is optimal and that liquids put back in the lake are as safe as the water we drink. Humbug - Are we to assume that the notice is painting another picture. Harmful bacteria, the release read. Hum.... We live between two nuclear powers. Besides an industrial metropolitan center. We sit on one of the most polluted GM lands in all of Canada. Bacteria -- due to summer smog. Due to air quality. Due to natural decomposition of organic matter? Really. Are we that stupid. Here is food for thought. Back in the early 1900’s, mid 1800’s. Did we not have a bacteria issue in our water? Or is this a bi-product of modern day industrialism? Did the local native folk not drink that water and eat the fish from Lake Ontario? Then what happened? I remember the days when the delivery of water was free. I remember the days when sewage disposal was free. Then why are we today paying in some cases the equivalent of a second mortgage and the quality of water has deteriorated to such lows that we can’t even enjoy a swim in the Lake. I guess the saying, “GO JUMP IN THE LAKE” has developed a whole new meaning, in that some legal eagles could go as far as making the case that telling someone to ‘GO JUMP IN THE LAKE” may be interpreted as a death threat due to the poor quality of the water. Society is doomed. Democracy is dead. Canada has become a third world country. We don’t have a real government we have a ficticious democracy led by memeber of an elite dynasty. Elected officials that are not in it for it’s people but instead to play puppet to the days popular lobbyist. Don’t get me wrong. I am not bad mouthing Trudea. As no matter who we put in office the outcome will always be the same. We the people suffer. Politicians pretend to care while they waste our money. Hell, we can’t even have clean running water in some of our communities. We can’t even go for a swim in our own lakes. But wait. We can send 10 billion to fight foreign wars with no benefit to Canadians. Let’s send a messaeg to the elite. If anything. ‘GO JUMP IN THE LAKE”. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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