Saturday, July 29, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - They say that monopolies are against the law. They say that in an open market, customers/clients are to be given a fair shake when it comes to price and service. Normally I do not have the time to sit and look over my bills. I like most of you trust that we are charged accordingly and pay without to much thought. Well, much to my surprise after looking at my recent natural gas bill. I noticed that my usage was $22.88. Wow, I thought that is beyond fair. Then in the line below I noticed a $8.45 for a Delivery to You charge. Ha... delivery to me charge? I thought the lines had been set and the gas just flowed. I did not know that they had someone delivering to me every month. Just below the Delivery to You charge - There was another $3.12 cents for Transportation to Enbridge... Like really! I got to pay for Enbridge Transportation? I thought gas was dispensed via pipelines... Pipelines that once they are placed that maintenance is the only extra charge. So why am I being charged for Delivery to You. Then Transportation to Enbridge? But wait there is more. Under that charge there is another Federal Carbon Charge of $9.04. CARBON CHARGE on a gas bill!!! Below that charge there is another Gas Supply Charge of $9.01. I thought I was paying for that under Delivery to You charge? Now to ad insult to injury... at the bottom of the bill there is a Cost of Adjustment of $1.92 Cost of adjustment. What adjustment? Total bill $54.42. Really? And let’s not forget the governments cut of $7.07 HST. Bringing it to a total of $61.49. WOW. I wonder what would happen if I turned around to my customers and charge them for an ad for example $100. Then Charge them for the paper. Then for the ink. Then charge them for printing it. A maintenance fee. A delivery fee. A processing fee. How long do you think I would remain in business? Not to long. Then if this stands true. Why are companies like the Gas, Hydro, Bell, Roger’s of the world allowed to get away with charging what they want and we the consumer have no real remedy. Why is it that they have the right to charge what they want? Is this fair? The answer is obvious. Then again. For anyone in business. Define fairness. Definition of fairness by dictionary terms: fair·ness noun impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination. Well, technically. they do treat everyone impartially as they do not care what customers think or the hardships of paying their inflated charges. ‘Just treatment’ - well they are technically an equal rip offers to all clients so it may be seen as “JUST”. Far from right or fair. Behavior without favoritism or discrimination - Well of course not. How dare they practice discriminatory practices as they equally discriminate against everyone by inflating costs and adding all these frivolous charges in order to justify the final charge. I am a proud Canadian. I can tell you that we as Canadians have become to complaisant. We very seldom complain and very seldom question. I am guilty as charged as I have allowed the system to numb me and force me comply or else. The else is not physical but mentally as if you don't pay we cut you off. We have become nothing but a number in a global bingo game. Live your life. Don’t question and your number will be called upon soon enough. Is this fair? I guess if life is not. How can we expect these multi million dollar entities to treat us any other way.

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