Saturday, July 15, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - The shocking truth of electric cars... Or at least my version. Remember the days of eight track tapes. When it first came out. The greatest thing since sliced bread. Remember when the power on hand attempted us to buy diesel fueled cars. They promised longer mileage and cheaper at the pump. All great ideas that quickly fell to the side. Today with all this save the environment crap. We the people are not only being forced to pay phantom carbon taxes but are forced to comply with all kinds of ridiculous sanction and or regulations. On the surface. Electric cars would seem to be the great Messiah in public transportation. The problem is like all that is rushed. It shows major drawbacks. The electric car run off a battery. All batteries operate on the principle that it has a shelf life. After all it works on the basis of constant expansion and contraction. Heat and drainage. The combustion engine works on similar fashion. The big difference is that the logistics of the combustion engine... has many parts that can be replaced. In the electric car. The battery goes down, depletes, dies. You are looking at replacing 50% of your car. On the average electric cars sell for 50,000. This means consumers will be facing at the least $15,000 battery replacement. Remember these new age batteries do not operate the way of the old. These batteries are normally one solid component and replacement is an undertaking. But let’s leave the battery aside for a moment. Normally, you can pull up to any gas station and within minutes you are good to go. With an electric car. It can take up to an hour to fully charge. Is this convenience? I believe that the science has not fully caught up with the electric car. Let’s look at the electric grid of some states. Many are running on full capacity. So much so that on peak usages. The utility companies ask consumer to scale back on usage. Then, what are we to do with all that purchased electric cars. Now remember. This is today. What will happen in 20 years. After the forced everyone to purchase an electric car? Personally. I believe that all electric cars should come with a lifetime battery warranty. If at any time the battery goes. You are covered. Hey... for any insurance buffs out there.... maybe I just gave you an idea for a new product to offer new electric driver purchasers. Second, I believe that more science needs to go into finding some sort of apparatus that goes over the electric charge intake... that produces through a dynamo type of device never ending energy fed directly to the batteries. This way. You would have an electric car that never runs out of power. Now that is an idea. That would make electric cars self sufficient when it came to producing energy for it’s contraptions. The other option is to develop some sort of paint that harness sun light so that as you drive your battery gets the proper energy boost to keep it always topped up. Now lets go Star Trek on this for a moment. If we could develop a device that could generate electricity and feed into the vehicles battery. We may in the future not need a battery but just a receptacle or storage unit in every vehicle that would feed the cars need. Imagine the savings on the battery per car. Now the biggest cost of the new electric cars is the battery. The world hold a bright future. The world has shown great potential in technology and it’s implication when it comes to transportation. Could we also be at the end of the automobile and finally be reaching the paramount age of 1010101 or one’s and zero’s in computing? Could it be that we one day all be digits to be coded and decoded in teleporting type of contraption? I am sure in the day. If you had told them pilgrims about cell phones, electric cars. They would have responded in a similar fashion as to my proposal of becoming truly digitalized. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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