Saturday, July 8, 2023

Durham’s best kept secret ‘oshawa’

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - In Oshawa. You got to wonder who is driving the bus? It appears that we are all over the road. From a 30 million dollar waste of taxpayers money on a park to the south. To the newly purchased fleet of electric cars mind you from what I have heard from the same dealership the Mayor had purchased his electric Volt pre-election. OK. Let’s drop the conspiracy theories and let’s stay focused on the obvious. The obvious is that those that did not vote in the 2022 have no voice. You along with those that voted for no change in our municipal government have to deal with the skyrocketed property tax increases with no remedy in sight. Look at our downtown. Crime, drugs and the homeless. The incompetent city councillor is doing nothing and has done nothing. Other than his boss wasting 2 million dollars on a private security firm to push people from one location to another. The bottom line. The core is emptying out. The crime is ever high and the number of homeless keep showing up at night to find refuge on our streets, alley ways and parks. Drug use is so rampant that anyone visiting Oshawa’s main park. Memorial Park can witness drug transaction and open use. Great Work Derek Giberson... Forget the regional council Rick Kerr. I heard he still having problems finding the downtown. But enough of the obvious. Let’s focus on what matter to you and your family. The City is failing to notify taxpayers on all kind of events and services. The City expects people to visit the City web site for information. Now let’s get serious. I am in the media business and very rarely visit that site. I am a professional internet media person and can tell you that the City web page is laid out in a very confusing manner. To many links. To many options. The average person. Will have serious navigational problems. The City expect you to go to their web page on a daily basis to note on closures, changes and or programs. Crazy. What happened to the old ways of Oshawa. The days when the City would publish a book with all the programs and events. Some I can hear crying. Oh, Joe that is old school. How about the trees. First. The city is making the assumption that everyone can afford or has internet. WRONG. Secondly. It is the responsibility of the City to keep the taxpayers informed. Forcing the taxpayer to go online is not right. The City does advertise with a selected newspaper. At one time. The City would make sure to publish in two or three newspaper. Newspaper that supported the City political agenda. Today. The City only advertises on one. Yes, the one that supports the City political agenda. Oshawa is Durham’s best kept secret. We have great talent, great businesses. We have had many accomplished people come from Oshawa. The problem with Oshawa has always been the same. The elected in Oshawa in most cases come from humble backgrounds. In the case of Derek Giberson the Downtown City councillor. Before he was elected to council. He was a third rate musician... menial jobs at best. When they get in office. It appears that most suffer from a type of The Napoleon complex, known informally as small man syndrome, is a syndrome normally attributed to people of short stature. Not so much of stature but of mental capacity and intellectual aptitude. Oshawa was a great place to live. Oshawa was governed by people with integrity. Staff was friendly and helpful. Today, Oshawa is run by staff. Council, a bunch of rubber stampers that main goal is to keep the status quo. Keep the population in the dark. We need our Oshawa back. What do you think

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