Saturday, December 23, 2023


Games Politicians Play Politics is often regarded as a serious business, where elected officials work diligently to address the needs and concerns of their constituents. However, behind closed doors, there is a different game being played. I would like to shed a little light on how to recognize these behaviors to ensure transparency and accountability in our political system. One unfortunate game politicians play is dismissing delegates by not paying attention to them during meetings. I’ve witnessed many politicians so engrossed in their phones exchanging text messages with friends or fellow council members, that they neglect the pressing concerns and questions raised by the public standing before them. There are also council members who prioritize their own interests, such as sporting events, over the heartfelt pleas for help from certain delegates. Then when a delegate astutely points out the politician's distractions, it is regrettable to observe the politician resorting to falsehoods by claiming to be engaging with other constituents. Some take solace in deceit. Such disingenuous behavior undermines the fundamental principles of transparency and integrity that should guide our political discourse. Drawing further from my personal experiences, I have been witnessing politicians making disheartening derogatory comments about delegates and/or fellow council members. Laughing at them behind closed doors, or sometimes right in front of them where only few can hear, labeling them as crazies, or participating in patronizing behavior by talking down to members of the council and dismissively saying you’re kidding me, when wanting to ask delegates questions. Then there is the rolling of their eyes when asked serious questions, or disallowance to ask any more questions, which demonstrates a lack of respect and professionalism. Such behavior fosters a toxic work environment and undermines the integrity of the political process. I believe that one needs to foster meaningful and respectful conversations. This should be the backbone of effective governance. However, some politicians engage in behind-the-scenes talks where they criticize and belittle other council members or members of the community, simply because they persevere in their quest to make change. Amidst differing views, it is essential that every voice, even those unpopular with elected officials, is elegantly acknowledged and respected. They should not be unjustly denied well-deserved awards due to the vindictive actions of politicians, undermining their perseverance and accomplishments. In the age of digital media, politicians have found new ways to manipulate information. Cropping names and documents or editing photos to make it appear as if certain individuals have not attended events is a deceptive tactic used to shape public perception. This game of altering facts undermines transparency and the public's trust in their elected representatives. Another frustrating game politicians play is the misuse of taxpayers' dollars on unnecessary and wasteful spending. Instead of prioritizing the needs of the community, some politicians prioritize their own interests or pet projects. This misuse of public funds not only drains resources but also neglects those who are most in need, and rather than addressing the matter directly, many politicians and staff excel and have honed in on their skills of redirecting the conversation towards answering a completely different question other than the one that was posed. Other times they may only provide you with partial truths leaving the central concern unanswered. This tactic creates a sense of confusion and frustration, as the focus has now shifted away from the core issue – the misuse of public funds. This doublespeak raises serious doubts about the commitment of politicians and staff to transparency and accountability. It is high time to demand better from our elected officials. Hold them accountable for their actions. Demand open dialogue, and actively participate in the political process. Let’s strive for a more ethical and effective governance system. I always say “Empower The People, Ignite Change” and together, we can create a political culture that values the needs of the people over personal gain or political gamesmanship. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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