Saturday, December 9, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I know that many of you have called frustrated and some even very angry. All I can say is “I am sorry, we are working as fast as we can with all municipalities.” It appears that citizens are becoming very frustrated over the fact that many of the services and programs are not being advertise in the community newspaper. People are left to wonder and are demanding that notices and events be posted in the local newspaper. Some of you have called frustrated when you attempted to call your city halls. From the automated system to the staff that had no real idea of when notices and happenings in the community would be made available. Others, of all ages have expressed anger over the fact that some municipalities are re-directing citizens to their web pages. Web pages that are very complicated to navigate this further increasing the frustration. Municipalities in my opinion do not understand the science behind posting online. If you look at those that have chosen FB for example. Many of the posting have no comments or no viewers. This means that no one is viewing the posts. Others select even more complex platforms. They do this because their IT people do not truly understand their audience. First and foremost. I personally believe that it is irresponsible and arrogant for any municipality to expect citizens to go check their web sites. I say this because in this age of caring and feeling and inclusiveness. Not everyone can afford the internet. Not everyone can afford a computer. Not everyone has a smart phone. Not to mention the countless number of people out there that have limited internet or computer savvy. So what does this mean. Citizens are not getting the information they traditionally would receive from a newspaper. Those that claim that news print is dead. They do not understand the digital revolution. On the one. It is not better exposure. It is controlled exposure as if you do not have internet you can’t get information. Two, the rule of thumb for most web pages. If the viewer needs to click more than three times. The viewer lost interest. As for advertisers. Cheap means you get what you paid for. Some less experience local business owners that claim to be advertising online. Only are truly telling you they are broke and that the cheap online posting is the tip of the iceberg to what they should be attracting. Newsprint, brings the community together. For a dollar a week you have fresh copy that sits in your home. Easy flip pages and quick access to information. For those calling frustrated. Please calm down. We are on it.

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