Friday, December 29, 2023

The Games Politicians Play 2

I would like to begin this column by thanking this great newspaper. The only still-in-print newspaper serving all of Durham Region and our great City of Pickering, and to all of the people of Pickering who read this column. Thank you for the support and trust you placed in me when you elected me as your City Councillor. I like to think that I represent those who not only voted for me, but those who voted for other candidates as well. Wishing you all a joyous New Year filled with love, laughter, happiness, and endless possibilities! God Bless In the pursuit of personal gain, politicians often resort to what one would call character assassination. Tarnishing the reputation of rivals, by any means necessary when their colleague or opponent starts to emerge as the more favorable choice. Delving into the deep obis of past social media posts, friends, work places, searching for any potential leverage that can be twisted and exploited in an attempt to discredit their nemesis. Career politicians have mastered this fine art of using strategic maneuvers to carefully craft narratives to obscure reality by bending truths, and distorting the facts, until it suits their agenda of discrediting their opponent to secure victory. I know politicians whose day-to-day happiness is solely dependent on exploiting and manipulating others. Boasting about how they could put a knife in your back, slowly twist it, and you would never know until they were ready to pull it out. Feeding off self arrogance, and their own excessive sense of importance, while exploiting and manipulating others. Taking notes, snapping screenshots, hiding behind fake social media accounts, and waiting for that perfect opportunity to destroy the lives of another human being, even a best friend. All in the pursuit of power. Welcome to the complex world of political tactics In this high-stakes game, politicians possess an uncanny knack for bending the truth to fit their desired narrative. Through carefully constructed speeches and calculated messaging, they aim to sway public opinion, distorting reality with carefully chosen words. Crucial details are conveniently omitted, and achievements are exaggerated, all in the name of winning the hearts and minds of the electorate, in hopes of securing their seat in the next election. Manipulation goes beyond truth-bending; it extends into the realm of distorting facts. Politicians also have mastered the art of selectively presenting information to bolster their arguments. They meticulously shape the narrative, by presenting a skewed version of reality that aligns with their goals. Statistics are cherry-picked, surveys frame questions in a way that predetermines the desired outcome while creating the illusion that it is our shared true opinion. Manipulation of this kind was designed to make it seem like you had the opportunity to express your opinion when in reality your answers were influenced by the wording and structure of the survey itself. They talk about transparency and accountability, being the cornerstones of a healthy democracy, except politicians strategically choose which aspects of a story to disclose, while deliberately withholding the whole truth. By carefully selecting information, they control the narrative and manipulate public opinion. The result? A society left grappling with half-truths and distorted realities, hindering our ability to make informed decisions. We have always been taught that politics is a dirty game, however until I became a politician, I didn’t realize the extent of how this dirty game is comprised of mostly smoke and mirrors, and that we are all mere pawns on a political chessboard. The lack of truth and integrity is a casualty of this cutthroat game, making it difficult for opposing views to gain traction and effect change. Alliances are forged utilizing their collective influence to intimidate and silence those who dare to oppose their agenda, and like the narcissist, they believe the world only revolves around them. . "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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