Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Support Your Local Sports in Oshawa and the Durham Region

Support Your Local Sports in Oshawa and the Durham Region By Dale Jodoin As we look toward the new year, it's easy to see the challenges around us. Many countries are facing tough times with jobs disappearing, people struggling to find homes, and prices of everyday things like food going up. It can seem like a lot to handle, but there's always a silver lining and reasons to be hopeful. Let's talk about what we can look forward to and how we can make next year a time for positive change! Firstly, it's important to remember that no matter how tough things get, there are always good things happening too. Maybe we'll see changes in our government that will lead to better decisions for everyone. In the United States and other places, people are hoping for new leaders who will make a difference. Change can be good, and it's something to look forward to. Even when times are tough, it's important to look around and appreciate what we do have. Maybe you have a warm place to sleep, enough food to eat, or family and friends who love you. These are big blessings, and remembering them can make us feel a lot better. Now, let's talk about what we can do to make things even better next year. Many people are saying it's time for what they call the "year of the pushback." This means that it's time for us to speak up and ask our leaders to make changes that will help everyone. We can ask them to build more schools where people can learn important skills like welding or cooking. We can ask them to make sure our farmers and truck drivers, who work so hard to bring us our food and other things we need, are treated fairly. It's a lot to ask for, but when lots of people work together and speak up, big things can happen! We can also learn more about things like artificial intelligence, which is a fancy way of saying computers that can think and learn. By understanding how these work, we can be smarter about the world and make even better suggestions for how to improve things. Some people worry that with all these changes, things might get really tough, and they talk about scary things like civil wars. But that's not the way to think about it. The real battle is in making sure everyone's voice is heard and voting for leaders who will make a positive difference. Voting is one of the most powerful things we can do, and when it's time to vote, it's like saying what we want the future to look like. As we get ready for the new year, it's like we're all getting on a big, exciting ride together. Sure, it might have some ups and downs, but together, we can make sure it's a fun and hopeful journey. Think of it like a roller coaster — it might be scary at times, but it's also thrilling, and in the end, we're all in it together, holding hands and cheering each other on. So, as we say goodbye to this year and hello to the next, let's make a wish together. Let's wish for a year where everyone works together to make things better, where we all learn new things and help each other out. Let's wish for a year full of laughter, love, and lots of good surprises. And most of all, let's make sure to give our loved ones big hugs and tell them how much they mean to us because they're the biggest reason of all to hope for a great new year. In the end, no matter what happens, remember that we're all part of a big, wonderful world with endless possibilities. There's so much to learn, so many new friends to make, and so many adventures waiting just around the corner. So let's step into the new year with big smiles and open hearts, ready to make it the best one yet. Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, and here's to a fantastic journey ahead!

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