Friday, December 29, 2023

A letter from the heart

By Dale Jodoin Dear Friends, When the holiday lights go out and the last piece of pie is gone, many men feel a big weight on their shoulders. It's not easy. Everyone looks to you to keep things going, to pay the bills, and to make sure everyone is happy. But it's hard, really hard, especially after all the fun of Christmas. Sometimes, people don't understand what you're going through. They might say you're being too tough or not listening. But you're just trying to do what's best for your family. You want to teach your kids to find good people and to be strong, just like you're trying to be. The world doesn't make it easy. Everything costs a lot, like gas for the car and electricity for the house. You have to figure out how to pay for everything without making your family feel like they're losing out. It's like walking a tightrope every day. I'm not a money expert, but I know what it's like. I've been there, feeling the pressure and trying to keep everything balanced. It's about finding little ways to make things better without feeling bad about it. Here's a little secret: doing something you love, like a sport or a hobby, can help a lot. It's like taking a deep breath when you're feeling too much stress. It could be anything – boxing, watching a funny show, or playing a video game. It's not running away from problems; it's just giving your mind a little break. But you know what's really important? Having friends who understand you. It's tough for men to talk about these things sometimes. But finding a buddy to chat with, to share what's going on, can make a big difference. It's not about being weak; it's about being strong together. Long ago, men used to hang out more, maybe at a bar or a bowling alley. Nowadays, it might seem like those places are gone, but the need for friendship isn't. You can start something new with friends, like a group that meets up now and then to talk, have fun, or just be there for each other. Being a man today can be confusing. You're supposed to be strong but also open and understanding. It's okay to be both. It's okay to enjoy time with your friends and to be the person your family relies on. It doesn't make you less; it makes you more complete. In tough times, it's easy to think you have to give up everything you enjoy to make ends meet. But it's not about giving everything up. It's about finding balance, making smart choices, and remembering to take care of yourself too. You can't help anyone if you're not feeling okay. So, what's the plan? Find those little things that make you happy and do them. Talk to your friends, spend time with your family, and when things get too much, remember it's okay to take a step back and breathe. Life is like a big puzzle, and sometimes you have to move the pieces around to make them fit better. Remember, it's a tough road, but you're not walking it alone. There are many of us out here, feeling the same things, facing the same challenges. We can support each other, share our stories, and find strength in knowing we're all in this together. You're doing a great job. Just by being there, trying your best, and facing each day, you're showing what it really means to be strong. So keep going, keep trying, and keep being the amazing person you are. Take care, and here's to better days ahead!

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