Saturday, December 2, 2023

Council's Approval for 1635 Dundas Operation Agreement

Mayor Elizabeth Roy Thank you to the Whitby residents who took the time to share questions and concerns. Your feedback helped shape this agreement and ensure crucial provisions were included. And thank you to the Region of Durham for negotiating in good faith with the Town of Whitby. I firmly believe that a community’s strength is measured in how it cares for its most vulnerable members – and that everyone deserves a roof over their head and a safe place to lay their head at night. Homelessness is a growing crisis in Whitby. With winter fast approaching, there are members of our community living in encampments in our town’s ravines and green spaces, as well as couch surfing or living in a vehicle. In recent weeks, we have seen headlines about deaths in homeless encampments in Kingston, Cornwall, and Mississauga. The approved agreement puts the Region in a position to operate a shelter that meets the needs of those experiencing homelessness while prioritizing safety and security for the neighbourhoods surrounding 1635 Dundas. It also addresses many of the concerns raised by the community. For example, the agreement states that the total number of shelter spaces of any kind will be capped at 45 – regardless of future phases at 1635 Dundas -- and that this location will not house a safe consumption site unless one is requested by the Town of Whitby. Municipalities cannot address the rising tide of homelessness alone. It is imperative that the provincial and federal governments step up to provide funding for homelessness supports and affordable housing initiatives, as well as measures to address the cost-of-living crisis. I applaud and thank all members of Whitby Council for participating fully in the discussions around 1635 Dundas and advocating for their constituents. That said, I do not agree that an interim control bylaw (ICBL) for 1635 Dundas would have resulted in any gains for the community. If an ICBL had been approved, the Town of Whitby would have lost hard-won provisions in the agreement with the Region, and the opening of a much-needed shelter would have been delayed. The Town of Whitby will be watching closely as 1635 Dundas begins operation and will continue to advocate for measures that prioritize the safety and well-being of shelter residents and surrounding neighbourhoods..

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