Saturday, January 11, 2025

-18 my heart aches

By Joe Ingino B.A. Psychology Editor/Publisher Central Newspapers ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States The other night. As I tossed and rolled in my bed. I could not stop complaining over how lumping my sheets had become under me. Then once I settled that discomfort. I could not sleep cause I was so hot. In my ungreatfull discontent. I happen to look up to the ceiling. We have one of those clock thermostats that reflect on to the ceiling. My eyes locked in the outdoor temperature. It read -18. As soon as I seen that, I felt a cold chill run down my back. As if I had seen a ghost or something supernatural had just occurred. Then my mind began to race. The thought of how lucky I was and that I had no right to complain, smirk or even have a negative thought of my current situation. Many right at that particular time in our community slept on a sidewalk. Or in a store front. In a tent a long the creek in our parks. I could not sleep thinking of their real misery and discomfort in an attempt to not freeze to death. I felt so ashamed so heart broken as to think that I was to hot. That my sheets hand bunched under me and I could not enjoy a night sleep. My heart ached as I could feel the pain of those having to sleep out in that kind of weather. Then again. I am sure as they lay there shivering they may have similar thoughts.... of how lucky they are alive and not dead. That they live in a survival mode that up to a few years none of could even imagine. Sure we always had homeless... but not in the number we have today. Then what has changed. Our great nation has been compromised. The rich don’t care about the poor. The middle class are fighting against challenging economies to become the rich and in the process becoming the poor. The poor don’t want to be poor. The middle class want to be rich but are in most cases a pay check from joining the poor. As I drove to work the next day. I noticed a man begging for money. I stopped my car and took this man for breakfast. I asked him. What happened? Why are you on the street. He looked at me and said, “I never ever thought I would end up on the street. I worked at GM. I had a good job. Good pay. A home and a cottage. I had a family. Then it hit. I lost my job. My child became ill. My wife passed away. The saving went fast. The house sold quick. I sit here a broken man. No family, no job and my pension does not give me enough to survive. People look at me as a failure. I have not given up on life. I have given up on me. I feel that I lived my life wrong. When I could, I did not safeguard against life. Life, is a constant challenge and where ever I lay my head. I thank God for another day. Another opportunity to show me the way to what I use to have. On the street is cold. No one cares. I don’t blame them. But I tell you one thing. I may be broke and broken, but I still help my fellow man. Something I did not do before. I may die on these streets. All I know is that I will never take life for granted or think it will never happen to me. It did. Don’t let it happens to you.”

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