Saturday, March 17, 2018

Mediterranean Diet for a Long Life By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

Mediterranean Diet for a Long Life
          Leonardo da Vinci once remarked, “Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle.” Trifles can make a huge difference in surgery, when building rockets, in nutrition, or in life generally. For instance, a report in the publication LifeExtension shows that a Mediterranean Diet prolongs life. As we all age, this is no trifle.

          For years doctors and nutritionists have known the Mediterranean Diet is a “Five Star” one. But no one knew why this diet had such remarkable benefits. Now, researchers have discovered its success is due to polyphenols (a plant based compound). They lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by an amazing 60 percent! This means fewer heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and less inflammation.
          The author of the report, Michael Downey, says that most people fail to obtain sufficient polyphenols in their diet. Authorities agree that people should eat 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day to reduce CVD risk. Unfortunately, for most people, it’s impossible to consume this amount of fiber, nuts, artichokes, lentils, grapes, pomegranates, olives, fish and wine each day.
          The Mediterranean Diet also affects the risk of dying. In 2016, at the European Society of Cardiology conference, a study showed that the number of those who followed the Mediterranean Diet were 37 percent less likely to die than those who ate a non-Mediterranean diet.
          One researcher made the sage remark that “the Mediterranean Diet provides more protection against heart disease than most of today’s prescription drugs!”  And this isn’t a trifle!
          Since so many North Americans suffer from hypertension, one study is of particular importance. After a year on two types of Mediterranean Diets, subjects   showed that blood pressure had declined. Equally important, researchers discovered that increased amounts of polyphenols and nitric oxide were being excreted by the kidneys.
          Nitric oxide (NO) is nature’s natural arterial relaxant. I’ve previously reported that, as we age, less NO is produced by our bodies, causing constriction of arteries, hypertension and erectile dysfunction. Neo40, a natural remedy, is a pill that produces NO and is available in Health Food Stores (HFS). Due to my age I’ve been using this product daily for several years.
          In view of the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease another finding is significant. Those who were consistent in following the Mediterranean Diet had less age-related brain shrinkage,
          Since it’s a challenge for most people to consume sufficient polyphenols, extracts such as grapeseed, pomegranate, walnut, pecan and artichoke are also available in Health Food Stores.  I love blueberries and was pleased to read that numerous studies show blueberries supply the brain with increased amounts of oxygenated blood. British researchers studied the effect of blueberry concentrate on brain function for 12 weeks on a group of people with an average age of 68.
          What made this experiment unique was that researchers analyzed brain function with a powerful MRI scanner while subjects were being asked questions. This revealed that blueberries produced a significant increase in brain activity.
          Later, the use of blueberry concentrate on a group of children 7 to 10 years of age showed another amazing finding. They were given a battery of tests over a period of several hours. Significant improvements in memory were seen as quickly as 1.25 hours after using blueberry concentrate.  Some authorities have labelled blueberries as the number one antioxidant. This means that blueberries destroy what’s known as free radicals, the waste products of metabolism, which are associated with an aging brain, cancer, and heart disease.                                                                                                                                                                
          So the Mediterranean Diet is a prudent way to fight these major problems as it contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, fish, grapes, nuts, fiber, and tomatoes loaded with lycopenes which may help to prevent prostate cancer. A variety of healthy polyphenol extracts are all available in Health Food Stores.  I’ll add more blueberries to my diet. I’ll also continue taking Neo40 and    several thousand milligrams of vitamin C powder daily, which carries more oxygenated blood to the brain. Why? Because during the past year no reader has been able to inform me of anyone who has developed Alzheimer’s disease while taking 4000 to 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily for several years. This is a very interesting finding.


 By Joe Ingino b.a.

    OK.  Come on be honest... Put your hands up... How many of you are victims of the recent GOOGLE scam that is going around.   I know you may be to embarrassed to admit.  But if you are a victim.  Don’t feel bad you are not alone.  These high tech crooks have taken thousand of people.   There are two GOOGLE scams going on... and by the way.  GOOGLE has nothing to do with it.   These Optimizing companies from the U.S. are using robo-calls to entice fear into small to medium business.  Business owners that have little or no knowledge of the internet, social media or how GOOGLE operates.
These crooks play on the ignorance of their victims and attack their insecurities.  Most of those that have fallen victim have no advertising budget or are on a very limited one.   The victims have no real understanding of advertising and marketing and are reaching for straws, so they think that turning to the internet is the answer.   After all $395 for a whole year sound like a deal.   Like they say.  If it is to good to be true... It probably not true.
The GOOGLE fraudsters use 1.  A call to assure your GOOGLE listing does not get cancelled but for a one time fee they can prevent this from ever happening again.  2. They call you to inform you that you can now have your business name for a fee on the front page of GOOGLE.   Both are lies and a con for the computer/internet ignorant.   Both are scheme to sucker in suckers.  It works.  In the U.S. this practice is against the law.   So, these robo-call telemarketers turn to Canada, Mexico, Europe. 
This scam has been around since 2011 and there is no law in Canada that can protect victims. Since the fraud is taking place from the United States.  This crime becomes and international incident.  No local police will touch it.   No jurisdictional power can be exercised as the states that these fraud originate from operate as an island to the world when it comes to legal challenges.  What does this mean to the victim.  YOU BEEN SCAMMED.
But these are not the only scams going around.   There is the call that informs you that your company now is eligible for a loan up to two hundred thousand dollars, no credit checks, all they need is your company financials for the past two years and your banking information.  This scam originates out of New York.   This scam promises to do a free business analysis to see  how much you qualify for... ‘when they called they had told you automatically qualify’...
In both cases, these scams not only attempt to take your money.  Most importantly they gather your business and at times personal information.  Information that is sold to other telemarketers.   The information sale industry is worth billions.   This is how telemarketers obtain calling lists.
I talk to many people on any given day.  I can tell you first hand that many pretend to know the internet.  Others know somethings about the net.  But far from few actually understand the logistics, the purpose and most importantly how to use the internet as a marketing tool.
The internet was set forth as FREE WARE.  It was to be a place to exchange intellectual though and information.  Search engines and there are many are there to inform and exchange information quickly and easily.  It is in their best interest to keep the information fresh and accurate.
Marketers see the internet as a place to legally rape and pillage as basic human decency was supposed to be the governing entity.
Like everything in humanity.   The internet has become compromised by greed.  By  thieves and crooks.  Something that was set up for the good of humanity has now become nothing more than a public toilet.
From the Amazon’s of the world to the many porn chats and sites.  The system has been broken.  The internet today has become a place  that disturbs commerce, industry and trade.  It compromises relationships and changes human behavior as psychological reprecussion for it’s use are becoming more rampant.
From addiction to its many offering to the exposure of sensitive and immoral material to the population at large.
Not to mention the outmost popular ‘FAKE NEWS’.   The internet with the introduction of social media.  A system again that was set forth to unite people, family.   Today it is being used to attack one another, dethrone and or influence governments.
What is it about humanity that we set forth with good intention great plans and systems but some how they become corrupt and used to harm one another.
Case in point.  Google Plus scam and related consequences to our society.
Sad world we live in when we are our own worst enemy.
Mark Twain had it right.  ‘The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog’

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pregnancy and Your Back By Dr. George Traitses

By Dr. George Traitses
D.C., B.Sc.(Hon.), M.Sc., C.H.N., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 3, C.R.A.
Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
Pregnancy and Your Back
Did you know that at least 50 per cent of pregnant women experience back pain? And 10 per cent of those report discomfort severe enough to disrupt their daily routines. The good news is that there are steps you can take to baby your back during pregnancy.
What causes pregnancy-related back pain in the first place?
The average healthy weight gain is more than 30 pounds. This extra weight places considerable stress on the back, feet, ankles and knees. As your baby grows, the core abdominal muscles become stretched, and cannot stabilize your posture as well as they did before.
In the third trimester, levels of a hormone called “relaxin” increase ten times. This also contributes to back pain. Relaxin loosens your joints to allow the pelvis to accommodate the enlarging uterus. These loose joints force the muscles of the back and pelvis to work overtime to keep you upright and balanced.
Try these tips to help minimize your risk of back pain.
    Exercise can help increase muscle support for your aching back. Always consult a health care practitioner before participating in a new exercise regimen. Low impact cardiovascular activities, such as swimming, walking, or stationary cycling can help relieve pain and maintain fitness.
    Sleep on your left side to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the large blood vessels in the abdomen, and optimize blood flow to both mother and baby.
    Place a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back when sleeping on your side.
    Take frequent, short breaks with your feet elevated.
    Remember, adequate rest restores your energy and gives your back a chance to relax.
    Wear flat, supportive shoes and use a lumbar support pillow in your chair at home or work. If you sit at a computer or desk, take frequent breaks and walk around for a few minutes each hour.
    Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially when lifting heavy objects, including other toddlers and children.
Studies Show
Numerous studies show that back pain can be reduced by manual therapies during pregnancy. In a study of 170 Canadian women those who received chiropractic care reported less pain both during pregnancy and during labour.
A maternity chiropractor can provide safe, effective, and drug-free conservative care to relieve pain, by decreasing pressure on the joints, muscles and nerves of the spine and pelvis.
For more information on health and safety please visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or         Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

Strange Brew from Wayne & Tamara

from Wayne & Tamara
Strange Brew
  I am a 34-year-old straight woman in an open marriage with a 39-year-old straight man. I have taken far more advantage of the openness of our marriage than my husband, at least until recently, and I have had a string of long-term affairs and short-term flings.

During the past eight months I have basically been living with another man in a neighboring town. I am drawn to men who are starkly different than my husband, who is an intellectual, moderate in his vices, with disdain for men who spend every evening in a pub.
I have a drinking problem, but it is not a problem I feel any need to resolve. I am drawn to men who, like me, are also drinkers. I can have a glass of wine in the morning, drink until I pass out in the afternoon, and wake up when my lover comes home. Then go to the pub with him and start drinking again.
My husband can’t tolerate that behavior.
This past Sunday my lover and I went to a country pub. I glanced in the dining room and saw my husband with a beautiful older woman, but not just any woman, it was my mother. From the way they looked at each other and were touching, I could tell they were quite obviously in love.
My mother is 54, breathtakingly beautiful and, unlike me, hasn’t let her body go. My husband, who is handsome and fit, looked happier than I had ever seen him. I went to the toilet and threw up. Then I dragged my lover out of the pub, went straight to the off-licence, bought a liter of vodka, and drank at his house until I passed out.

I feel betrayed by my mother and my husband. There has always been something lurking beneath the surface with them. I guess she made her move and he couldn’t resist, or maybe it was the other way around.

Knowing I can’t go back to my life as it once was makes me miss it so much. My mother is the one having long talks with my husband at night, going to a nice restaurant with him or the theatre, and I am at a grubby pub every night with my alcoholic lover.
I started stalking them, sitting in the car down the street from our house, drinking vodka from the bottle, and watching them come out hand in hand to play tennis in the courts down the street or go out to dinner.

I have sneaked in the house and gone up to what used to be our bedroom and found my mother has moved her clothes into the wardrobe and taken out what I had left. I even saw a tube of lube on the bedside table.
Seeing that made me hate her more than you can believe. My husband would be disgusted with the way I have let myself go, but he’s happily enjoying my mother’s perfect body.

I haven’t confronted either of them yet. I would love to put an end to their happy little relationship. It is sick that my mother stole her daughter’s husband, and I despise her for that. I can forgive my husband, but I could never forgive her and can’t tolerate the fact that they are together.

Eleanor, your long letter deserves a full response, which we will publish next week.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to:

Improve digestion with these simple life hacks. By Marissa

Improve digestion with these simple life hacks.

Experiencing digestive difficulties despite eliminating an abundance of foods, undergoing a cleanse, taking digestive enzymes, or adding a probiotic? Some people may not realize how much stress can actually impact our digestion. Especially for those who have an irritable bowel.

It is firstly important to distinguish stressors. Stress does not only consider mental and emotional stress. Stress can come in the form of physical, environmental (think pollutants and chemicals), emotional, and even dietary stress as food intolerances generate excess inflammation in the body, which puts added stress on our systems. If you are the type of person who has a stressful living environment with our spouse or family members, is always eating on the go, rushing meals at work, or including stress from medications and drugs, you are more likely to experience irritable bowel and digestive issues. Instead of being in the state of "rest and digest" during meal time, your body is in a state of fight or flight. These conditions affect the enteric nervous system, which connects our digestive system to our central nervous system (our spinal cord and brain).
Depending on the severity of this stress, our digestion can actually completely shut down, or produce symptoms of irritable bowel and diarrhea to prepare our body for the perceived battleground at hand.
As a Holistic Nutritionist, and a digestive healing guru, I think it is important to share ideas on how to reduce stress with my clients in order to improve their lives and ultimately their digestion. Some of my favourite ways include:
1) Make sure you set time aside for yourself to eat in a stress-free environment. I know many people, including myself, can be guilty of being so busy that we quickly wolf down a meal or snack on the go. Do not multi-task while eating and thoroughly chew each bite.
2) Practice mindful eating. This includes things like listening to your body and hunger signals when you're full or hungry, consider the quality of your foods and where they're coming from as opposed to "comfort eating", and adopting an eating schedule as opposed to eating at random times and places each day.
3) Include adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Maca into your diet or supplement routine to boost energy naturally and help your body cope with stress without relying on caffeine. This will help to take the load off the nervous system and aid symptoms of irritable bowel.
For more digestive tips and wellness, check out my website!.
 Until next week, Stay well. 

Insomnia; It’s Shortening Your Life By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Insomnia; It’s Shortening Your Life
          F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author, once remarked, “The worst thing in the world is try to sleep and not to.” I’m sure many readers share Fitzgerald’s problem. But suppose this common trouble kills you? That’s when it’s worthwhile to find out more about insomnia, and why some people suffer from TAT (Tired all the Time).
          Professor Matthew Walker is founder of the University of California Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science. He’s also author of the book, “Why We Sleep.” Walker says, “The silent sleep loss epidemic is one of the greatest public health challenges we face in the 21st century.”
          Right now, if you become drowsy while driving, his figures should awaken you. Walker says that one person dies every hour in the U.S. due to fatigue-related mistakes. For instance, this week over 2 million people in the U.S will fall asleep while driving! This translates into 1.2 million accidents caused by drowsiness every year in the U.S. Could driverless cars cause so many accidents?
          On first thought one would expect professional drivers to have a better track record. But Walker says truck drivers are more hazardous because 80 percent are overweight and 50 percent clinically obese, increasing the risk of sleep apnea.
          The result can be catastrophic. Long distance truck drivers have a 200 to 500 percent greater risk of accident. And when a driver is killed, he or she takes 4.5 other people with them!

          Currently, there are more than 20 sleep studies that have been following patients for several decades. For those who suffer from insomnia one single relationship is notable and disturbing, namely, the “shorter your sleep, the shorter your life!”
          But being short on sleep is the cause of more than traffic accidents and death. Professor Walker also shows evidence it’s related to heart attack, obesity, diabetes, cancer and dementia.
          Walker reports that in the spring when we lose one hour of sleep due to Daylight Savings Time, there’s a 24 percent increase in heart attacks. Then in the fall when we gain one hour, the reverse, a 21 percent decrease in coronary attacks.
          He reports that even our body’s waste-removal system ramps up activity during sleep. This helps to remove plaque from coronary arteries, with less chance of heart attack. Sleep also decreases amyloid-beta waste products in the brain decreasing risk of Alzheimer’s disease.                     Equally alarming is the fact that Walker’s research could not find a single psychiatric condition is which the subject’s sleep was normal!
          But how could insomnia affect whether or not one develops cancer? Walker claims that following one night of just four hours sleep, our natural killer cells that attack cancer cells decrease by 75 percent. Due to this loss of killer cells researchers have linked numerous types of cancer such as bowel, breast and prostate malignancies to insomnia.
          To drive home the importance of sleep, and possible development of cancer, Walker notes that since 2007 The World Health Association has labelled shift work as “a probable human carcinogen.” Moreover, if you are fighting a battle against cancer, sleep deprivation may cause malignancy to grow more quickly and be more aggressive.
          What did not surprise me is that insomnia and drug addiction go hand in hand. Unfortunately, the Walker studies show that children who are chronic poor sleepers are at increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse in their adolescent years. Insomnia has also been associated with bullying.
          So how can you improve your sleep so you’re not tired all the time? Go to bed and get up at the same time even if it’s been a bad night. Keep the room temperature at about 65 degrees (18 celsius) and wear socks if your feet are cold. One hour before bedtime turn off the TV, dim lights and use blackout curtains. Avoid caffeine after one p.m. and don’t go to bed tipsy. Alcohol is sedation, but it is not sleep.
          Still cannot sleep? Then get up and do something quiet and relaxing until you have an urge to sleep.
          But what says Walker if his students snooze during his lectures? He says he’s flattered! He knows sleep helps fact-based learning and memory.
Online Comments

To PC OR NOT PC? By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
As I write my column this week, I sit here watching the PC leadership convention with great interest in who will be taking on Kathleen Wynne and the Provincial Liberals.
The best choice for Durham Region will be Christine Elliott by far. While Christine may not live in Durham anymore, this is her home, her roots and where she has built a legacy.
While I like Doug Ford, I am hoping Doug runs for Mayor of the City of Toronto. Someone needs to get that runaway train under control and with Doug's personality and no fear approach, he is the guy to put the issues forward in a Mayoral election.
Caroline Mulroney, all I can say is now is not the time for on the job training. She must make her mark as an MPP prior to running the party. Justin Trudeau was an MP well before he ran for leader.
Wynne is not popular at all, the Liberal Party with a different leader would be a stronger party, however this is going to be a tough provincial election in June. I can't pick a winner yet given all of the PC civil war and the issues of trust around Vic Fedelli and others.
As a candidate based voter, what will happen in June is too close to call. If you enjoy politics, you are watching one of the best shows ever counting down to June.

Till next week

Educated Savages By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino b.a.
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Educated Savages
    I remember my days back at the University in conversation with some of my fellow peers discussing the future of man kind.   It would be like finding the holy grail of society to accurately define the future of humanity.  After all, most reputable world sociologist have been warning us for years that the fall of civilization will be highly dependent on how we control the masses.
Everything from what is taking place in some countries in the orient, where they have a cap on only one child per family to the more intellectually and morally questionable practices that only those with a particular intellectual aptitude be allowed to have children.
The bottom line is the writings is on the wall.   High population numbers put a strain on all kinds of logistic systems.  From the food supply chain to the water quality.   We must plan before the plan fails us.... as no plan is the key to our quick demise.
Not to mention the outbreak of some sort of viral infection and or act of war.   I remember in our conversation that history in part has taught us great things.   For example.  War, was a great way to conquer and control population.   Some may say that this is still being practice in some countries where governments attack particular race of people in an attempt to genocide a particular.
In America we are faced with the reality that the two spectrums of the economic chair are ever so far spreading.  This meaning that there will be a much larger gap between those that have and those that don’t.
The evidence of this is already here as we keep seeing more and  more violent crimes. Rampant crimes and people with all kinds of mental disorders walking our streets.
It is a matter of time for the civilized world to become a third world banana republic.  A lawless society being oppressed by the countries wealth and military boot.
I can hear the ignorant smirk and make comments as, “it could never happen here”.   I am sure that is what the people of Syria thought before being overthrown by ISIS.  I am sure that the Jews of 1940’s Europe thought when they begin to hear about the many atrocities being committed.
We as a people are in danger of collapse.  Just here in Ontario.  Look at Scarborough for example.  The pools of violent neighborhoods.   The pockets of ongoing crime. Some due to drugs, some due to organized crime.  Others just out of friction from economic pressures, sparks acts of anger and passion.
So if population is our weakness.  What is the answer?  I heard today that Canada is a huge country and that we should keep bringing in immigrants...  Really?  That just shows the ignorance of that individual.  We need to bring in more to fill the country and even further expand our numbers.  What we need to do is plan accordingly based on the number we have.  Control the number of people we bring to this world and assure that based on our supplies we can substantiate a standard of life that is livable.
The key to our survival will depend on our social platforms.  On how they will improve the quality of life with the influx of technology eliminating traditional sources of employment and conveniences.  The world is ours to discover but also a learning curve with sign and symbols found in our history.

Monday, March 12, 2018

FLORIDA By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino
  It is a sad tragedy when any life is lost.  But to have a distressed young person go into a school and open fire in my opinion is a testament to the failure of our school system.
   According to news reports the youth in question had experienced the recent loss of his mother.   He was a social outcast.
Clearly a youth with some serious psychological and or at the least social issues.  
Young mind crying for help.  Yet, the world is grapeling with gun ownership rights.   Like really as if that is of significance.   The real issue is to catalogue that young men mind and use that information to note behavior patterns in others.
I think that schools should pay more attention to students with social and psychological issues.
I remember my days at school.   Many had issues.  Many would get into trouble.  You clearly could point the ones that were problematic.
In this modern time.  Should we not take the obvious signs more serious?   After all lives are on the line.
I am not saying that we should be blaming the school for what took place in Florida.  That would be wrong.
What I am saying is that we should take that incident as a wake up call and realize that we have a problem.
We must deal with our youth and their problems before it becomes everyone's tragedy.
The other thing that baffles me is how anyone can walk into a school with a riffle and no one notice them until they open fire.   Like really no one seen him come into the school?
We need to allow schools to have weapons in case of siege.   We need to give our educators a tool to use in order to prevent the loss of life.   Education is more then teaching.   It is a way  of life that needs to have a healthy conscious.

Monday, March 5, 2018

5 Ways to Avoid Backache While With Your Newborn By Dr. George Traitses

5 Ways to Avoid Backache While With Your Newborn

You were up all night. The baby is crying. The telephone is ringing and the kettle is boiling. For most parents, this is a daily scenario. Parents are also continually faced with strenuous physical demands such as lifting, feeding, comforting and chasing after children.
Consider the fact that parents may be lifting a 7-10 pound baby 50 times a day. By 12 months, your baby weighs approximately 17 pounds, and at 2 years, that child has become a 25-30 pound toddler. The repetitive lifting of your child may put you at risk for back problems.
What’s a parent to do? Well, here are some simple tips that can help parents avoid some common aches and pains.
    Stand with your feet at least a shoulder width apart.
    Keep your back in neutral position and bend your knees.
    Bring your baby as close to your chest as possible, and then lift using both arms.
    When carrying your little one, pivot with your feet instead of twisting your back.
    This will ensure that you’re turning with your hips, which will reduce your risk of back pain.
    Lower your child into the crib or onto the floor by bending at the knees, with a neutral back.
    Hold your child in an upright position, directly against your chest.
    Carrying a child on one hip creates postural imbalances that can lead to low back pain over time.
    Always sit in a chair with back support and avoid leaning forward to reach your newborn’s mouth.
    Instead, use pillows or blankets to support and position your baby closer to you.
    Exercise can help increase muscle support for your aching back.
    While your baby is enjoying tummy time, join them on the floor and do some exercises to help
   strengthen your core.
There is no time for back pain in parenthood. Talk to your chiropractor about specific exercises to stretch and strengthen your muscles so that you can stay on your toes and a step ahead of your toddler.For more information on health and safety please visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or Web site at or call 1877-327-2273
Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

Broken Dreams from Wayne & Tamara

from Wayne & Tamara  Broken Dreams
   I'm 36 and have never been married. I graduated from a private university and have always been able to support myself. My boyfriend has been living with me almost three years. We have a great sex life and I know he loves me, but he says he wants to try new things.

We are best friends, soulmates, and I’ve never received more love and attention from anyone before him. He is very sexually curious and asked me to try swinging with him, but I told him I wasn't into it.

Last week he let me know he met a married couple online and met them at a hotel (twice) and had sex with them. He thought it would be okay with me and wanted me to join them the next time they met. I told him I wasn't okay with that.
I had him write them and tell them it’s over, and he promised me he wouldn't do it again. But now I feel I can't trust him and feel he will do it behind my back anyway. I don't want to try the "swing" thing with him.
Do I kick him out and say goodbye forever? It's not what I really want to do. I knew when we started dating he was a handful to deal with, although I didn't realize to what extent. By the way, he rationalizes it as “just sex.”

Katherine, if he rationalizes it as “just sex,” he is saying it doesn’t mean anything to him, which means it doesn’t mean anything with you.
But that’s a lie. Sex means everything to him. It means so much to him that he goes to meet strangers in hotel rooms. It means so much to him he tells you that you must be involved in this with him. It means so much to him he told you he had sex behind your back multiple times. That’s how much sex means to him.

You said he is a handful, which means you had an inkling this man was a problem when you allowed him to move in. That has led to “I can’t trust him.” He’s having sex with strangers, people who will have sex with anyone, and putting you at risk.

This is the perfect example how being with the wrong one can be worse than having no one.
It’s not that he made a request you disagree with. He made a request which erodes your love and your worth. Shakespeare wrote, “Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak, whispers the o'erfraught heart and bids it break.” That’s the unsaid thing in your letter and the hard thing to face.
But even worse than his request, is this. He may have promised the other two, “Let me play today, and I will bring my girlfriend next time.” He may have used your picture on his phone as his entry ticket with them. What he experiences in a few moments of pleasure means more to him than a lifetime with you.

Did he tell you he cheated because he felt guilty or remorseful? No. He told you because, quite likely, he has an obligation to bring you. So you need to get tested and retested for STDs. He may have been having sex with strangers all along.
Give sorrow words. Let the grief that does not speak whisper in your ear. See if it is telling you to call a locksmith, change the locks, and block his phone number.
Wayne & Tamara

Healthy on a budget: Avoid these “Dirty Dozen” to improve your digestion.

from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Specialized in Applied Holistic Nutrition from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.  b.a. (Honours) in Kinesiology from UOIT.
Healthy on a budget:
Avoid these “Dirty Dozen”
to improve your digestion.

If you’re looking to preserve the health of your immune system and digestion, you will want to purchase organic produce, particularly for “the dirty dozen”. Evidence shows that exposure to environmental chemicals such as those on non-organic produce has been linked to various health disorders, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and dysregulation of the immune and reproductive systems. In terms of our gut, these environmental chemicals damage our gut’s, further leading to digestive deterioration.
When our gut bacteria/microbiome are compromised, we are left with horrible digestive symptoms such as cramps, diarrhea, gas, bloating and constipation.

Conventional produce is sprayed with pesticides and herbicides that damage our internal microbiome. The “dirty dozen” refers to the most heavily sprayed/contaminated produce that you should always purchase organic. These include: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Peaches , Apples , Pears, Cherries,Grapes, Celery, Tomatoes, Sweet bell peppers, Potatoes and hot peppers

While purchasing organic can become costly, there are certain foods which are on Environmental Working Group’s “Clean Fifteen” list, and can be safely purchased congenitally to save you some money! These foods have been found to have the least amount of contaminants and include:
Avocado, Sweet corn, pineapple, Cabbage, Onions, Frozen sweet peas, Papaya, Asparagus , Mangoes, Egg plant, Honey dew melon, Kiwi, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Cauliflower

I would also recommend washing your vegetables and fruit with vinegar and water+sea salt to remove any contaminants.

If you love these digestive tips and are looking for a complete digestive healing guide, you will love my Bikini Bod Beat the Bloat Ebook, A complete digestive healing meal plan and supplement guide to ease your digestive distress.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Why Don’t They Read History to Save Lives? By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
 Why Don’t They Read History to Save Lives?
          It’s been said that “If you don’t learn from history, you’re destined to relive it”. So today I have to repeat what I’ve said before. It’s apparent that the medical profession, TV anchors, and Medical Officers of Health (MOH), have never read history. So young children, and others, are dying of influenza.
          Today, rather than believing what I write, go to the internet and read about the history of Dr Klenner. During the great polio epidemic of 1948, Dr. Frederick Klenner, a family doctor in North Carolina, was placed in charge of a ward of 60 patients stricken with this paralyzing disease.
          Dr. Klenner decided to give massive doses of vitamin C to all 60 patients. None of them developed paralysis! A year later, in my final year at The Harvard Medical School, I developed the same disease. I was surrounded by distinguished professors, yet ironically all they were able to offer was to watch my paralysis worsen day by day.
          Eventually, Klenner reported his momentous findings to a meeting of The American Medical Association. It boggles the mind that his incredible finding fell on deaf ears.
          Klenner later discovered that he could also cure meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, chicken pox and measles with intravenous vitamin C. Even those who had been bitten by a venomous snake! Yet no one listened.
          What is appalling is today’s medical establishment, TV anchors, MOH and even my editors, all live in the most connected society the world has ever seen. Yet this monumental discovery still collects dust. So it’s necessary to repeat the incredible story.
          Allan Smith, a New Zealand farmer, had gone fishing with friends, but after returning home, became severely ill and was admitted to hospital. The diagnosis was Swine Flu Virus. Smith received every antibiotic in the book, but became unconscious and placed on life-support. Doctors believed he had no hope of recovery, and decided life-support should be discontinued.
          But one Smith family member was aware of Dr. Linus Pauling’s research on vitamin C. Only after his threat of legal action did doctors reluctantly agree to prescribe large doses of intravenous vitamin C. To their surprise, Smith’s lungs cleared in a few days. He became conscious, and finally left the hospital alive and well.
          This case made newspaper headlines, but the medical profession, MOH, and TV anchors still have not absorbed this history. So children and elderly people with deficient immune systems are dying needlessly.
          A few nights ago, a Medical Officer of Health was interviewed by an anchor of CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). The usual discussion followed about the need for flu shots and the result of possible death for saying no. But there was no mention by the MOH, or CBC anchor, that death from influenza, usually due to pneumonia, has been prevented by high doses of intravenous vitamin C.
          It’s a terrible tragedy when a child dies of influenza complications. But science proves that many of these deaths could be prevented. Health authorities maintain that flu shots prevent serious illness and save lives. But the reality is that the vaccine may not be targeted to the right virus. So people are still at risk.
          So I must repeat part of a column I’ve written before. That your life may be dependent on a healthy immune system to survive influenza. This means always having a high reservoir of vitamin C in your blood at all times. The only way to achieve this is by routinely taking a minimum of 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day. (Various brands of high dose powdered C are available in Health Food Stores). Then, increase the dose to bowel tolerance if flu symptoms strike.
          Finally, I hope that today’s news of children’s tragic deaths will make people read about Dr. Klenner and Allan Smith on the internet, and become informed patients. Particularly when it’s obvious many medical personnel looking after your health have not read history, and are therefore ill-informed of scientific advances that save lives.
          I believe that a court of law would find it a criminal act that people are dying of influenza simply because historical medical fact has been available for years and ignored. What do you think?
Online Comments

CASINOS By John Mutton

For those municipalities in Durham and Durham Region itself we are very fortunate to have non tax income from the two casinos and payments in lieu of taxes from the two nuclear power plants.

The dollars are shared with the Region and the local municipality, however the host municipality always has more benefit. Take the Ajax vs Pickering casino war, if Ajax closes down and Pickering assumes the new casino, revenue is lost in Ajax and taxes will rise. Analogously, in Pickering revenues will increase and tax increases can be controlled. It's not hard to figure out why we have a war between the two cities.

Maintaining our greatest employers in Durham needs to be a larger focus to ensure we have the revenues to offset the residential tax base. One of our largest sectors that is often under appreciated is the agricultural sector. I do appreciate the forums put on by those historically promoting the sector, but siloed mentality at the Region is having a negative impact on this sector. For example, the new regional intersections across Taunton Road are not constructed where farmers can drive their large equipment through them. Where was the consultation with the agricultural committee by Durham Region Works? Simply promoting the Ag sector without consulting them on key infrastructural issues like accessing their fields is a recipe for disaster.

Durham needs to do better for our amazing agricultural community. Every department must be consulting with them from this point forward. I guarantee you I will be!

Till next week
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure


   Pardon my french but really does anyone give a SHIT.  I say this so openly because we have become a society where anything justifiable goes.  After all if you don’t get offended by a woman on CNN wanting to ban the word ‘MAN’ from woman, to Bruce Jenner and his Yes penis No penis debate.  Me using the word shit..something we all do on a daily basis surely can’t offend.  Could I have used a different word.  Surely.  But It appears that we have become so confused that we can’t make heads from tail so hell this one is a shot from the hip and hopefully a shocking wake up for many.
Look at what is happening here in our beloved Oshawa.   The INTERNATIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION released a very profound and alarming warming to the City official.  It appears as it has become traditional at the City... to ignore those that are not outside the City’s inner guard.
The IFF claims that the City is putting the downtown public at risk. That the City is putting fire fighter attending calls at risk of injury.   The  breaker for the IFF was the recent fire that took life on Centre St.  How many more people must die before the city takes note and actually does something about it?
The City of Oshawa has a long standing reputation for being discriminatory, bias and prejudice when it comes to it’s bidding for contract process.   When it comes to land related agreements.
When it comes to it’s advertising budgets.  If the City or someone at the City does not benefit directly.  You are considered and outsider and excluded or ignored.
The IFF according to their top man denounces the action of Oshawa Fire Chief, the hand picked City Manager and other senior staff as responsible for the lack of cooperation towards meeting the guidelines stipulated in the FPA 1710.  An International ruler of sort that clearly mandates what each municipality must supply in order to keep it’s population safe.  It also is an important indicator for the safety of fire fighters.
Then the question is why... is the City so opposed to something that will benefit everyone?  It will lower liability and put many at ease knowing that in the event of a fire.  The best possible response and the safest for those attending.
What really gets me thinking is why do we keep voting the same people in?   DO WE NOT CARE?   HAVE WE GIVEN UP ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT?   Have we become so numb to the realities of our needs that we don’t question acts of ignorance by those elected.
How can we tolerate such injustice.   How can we grow as a society when we have such bias and corruption in our City Hall.    I say corruption possibly to loosely... as I mean... The good old boys club has to be eliminated in order for the system of democracy to grow.  Much like what Trump is doing in the U.S. dismantle the establishment.   The good old days are gone.  Now we govern by common sense and for the betterment of our people.  The City passed a 3% tax increase.  Not one word of concern.  We assume is business as usual.  Really?  Wow.
In my books it is not OK.  In my books we must put the best interest of the people first.  Safety, Housing, Economic development and general peace of mind should be the root of governance.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Affordable Housing Affordable Housing

By John Mutton      
  Affordable Housing could be the biggest issue in Canada and very much so in the Greater Toronto Area with market values having doubled and tripled with wages barely seeing a rate of inflation increase.

Home ownership used to be an achievable dream, now it is basically impossible to save a 20 percent down payment and ongoing mortgage costs.

I myself am developing a plan for Durham Region and it's 8 area municipalities for Affordable Housing, development charge exempt areas. The idea is that where we already heavy services as in water and sewer and new growth capacity, we look at reducing the development charges on each home, which could result in $40000 in savings as a start toward affordable housing.

While existing home owners are benefiting from the equity in their homes and real estate agents are making unheard of commissions (the same 200-300 percent) we need to look at all variables that go into the price of a house.
Incentives to lower commissions through tax rebate incentives for real estate agents is a key area where the federal government can assist.

The solution is there, the coordination of incentives is what is most important. Development charge exemptions from the Region, Municipality and School Board, tax incentives to lower commissions and the provincial Ministry of Housing looking at smaller unit's within the building code are all what needs to be done. I look at areas in California, Las Vegas and in Europe where the plan is working, let's use their good examples and create a new level of housing in Durham, where owning a home is achievable for almost anyone.

Till next week
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Greetings from Granville Anderson—MPP Durham

  Greetings from Granville
‘Major investments at UOIT’
By Granville Anderson—MPP Durham     

     Last week I was at UOIT with the Minister of Economic Development and Growth, Steven Del Duca, to make an exciting announcement: the province is investing $4 million to enhance the university's Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE).

ACE is unlike any other testing facility in the country. There, researchers can create any weather environment, from freezing cold temperatures with 300km/hour winds to torrential downpours in extreme heat. It's been used for a number of unique projects, such as training elite skiers, testing motor vehicles, and filming television shows-soon, ACE will be able to do even more.

With this new partnership between the province and UOIT, a Moving Ground Plane (MGP), which stimulates a road moving under a vehicle, will be added to the centre. In combination with ACE's real-world weather conditions, this addition will significantly improve the student experience by providing even more incomparable experiences. Further, it will provide a location for automotive companies to build and test their new energy-efficient products.

When I learned about this innovative technology, I knew that I had to get involved. That is why, alongside my colleagues MPP Joe Dickson and Minister Tracy MacCharles, I have been working hard at Queen's Park to push for this investment. ACE is extremely beneficial to our students and our community, and I'm very happy that the province is supporting this gold standard research and development opportunity.

I know that our recent announcement will help to bring attention to UOIT, and to Durham as a whole. I look forward to the great opportunities that will result.


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   Much like Trump.  Our Prime Minister takes his share of ridicule and insult.  I guess that comes with the job.   As an educated voter we must look beyond the discontent of the people and judge him on his achievement and on merit.
I am sure the position of Prime Minister has it’s unknowns and for someone of the stature of Justin Trudeau one has to wonder how many time he has to push that ceiling of intellectual aptitude.  On the surface he is a text book Liberal.  Going around championing the people and their rights and freedoms.  I praise him for that.   He has taken the role of championing causes.  Causes that at times may end up not in favor of all Canadian but a selected group.
After all if Justin last name had been SMITH.  Would the people of Canada had voted him in on his intellect and or credentials?   Personally I think Justin is a breath of fresh air to Canadian politics as he is clearly a candidate from outside the political norm.   I just wished he would embrace this opportunity to truly use his power to benefit all Canadians.  His father was a Canadian political icon.  I think that Justin will be in office for a long time coming and he should rethink his social priorities as average Canadian need  him to champion them before any other.
They say that with power comes responsibility.  With power comes commitment and understanding that there can’t be no hidden agenda other then that of serving the people you represent. In Canadian politics we have seen time and time again that it is not the case.  It appears that in Canada power corrupts.  That leadership is a group effort.  A communal committed of sort that looks for their self preservation first and the interest of the people at large second.
Look at the recent trip our PM took to India.   Like really, a  trade trip?   You got to be kidding me?  What could we possibly trade with India?  As it stand many of our Canadian based corporations are taking our jobs to India, due to the lower wages and less regulations pertaining to labor laws.
It has been posted that India to Canada trade will be in the realm of 250million.  Canada to India $750million.   Is this good trade for Canada?
The PM has been quoted this past week as wanting to give back to Canada’s native community.   He feels that it is Canadians fault that their living conditions are what they are.   Now don’t get me wrong.  I know that there are problems within the native community.  You do not have to be a sociologist to figure that out.    But you need to have some sort of comprehension that passing the buck is not the answer.
Giving up wealth or money to the native community is not the answer.   The native community  pointing fingers and blaming is far from the answer also.
I believe that we as Canadian people can’t feel guilt for what history has dealt the world.  We should not be made as anything is owed to anyone.  I think what we need to do when looking at the native situation is invest more resources so that those in remote and no to remotest part of Canada have access to the basic necessities.  Hell, we fly supplies to foreign lands to assist  people we have no association with in times of civil war.  So why not put aside resources to assure that all Canadians have access.  As for the land rights and sovereignty.... the right to self govern.   It is Canada. One country under one flag.   Our strength is our unity.  Much like Quebec.  Native Canadians have no justification as Canadians to want to divide a country.  If so then is that not anti patriotic and deemed an enemy of the state?
We need to make Canada what it was and what it is.  Our PM has to be recognized for wanting to be the people’s champion.  In the same breath.  You have to appreciate the PM limited understanding and his bleeding liberal heart.
To surrender out of passion to a particular cause is not rational as passion is an emotion that sways rationality. In my opinion Canada is broken.  We as a population are emotionally bankrupt.  We have lowered our standards so low that we accept anything and anyone's cry.    For example.  The fact that our PM is considering changing parts of our Canadian government to be more inclusive of our native Canadians will only open the doors for other slowly growing groups in Canada to want the same privileges and rights.   If we set the precedent and allow a people to have special priviledges over others.  Are we not being counterproductive to the betterment of all.  Is that not prejudice in it’s own right?
History is just that.  A book of lessons that we should all learn from.  It is not as book of possible wrong to be made right.  It is a book to learn from.
Imagine for a moment....  We are 35 million strong.  Imagine if the government issued a 1 million dollar cheque to every Canadian every five years.   You may say... are you crazy Joe?
Well, maybe but that is for a different column.  Think of the boost it will give the Canadian economy.   Think of the boost it will give to the quality of life for all.    Think of the millions we waste on foreign aid.  Think of the millions we waste on all kinds of project that benefit others in the world.  WOULD IT NOT MAKE SENSE TO INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE?
Why can’t this happen?   Well, it is because thinking outside the box is something that needs some understanding of the fundamentals of the human mind.   Power and Politics are blinding factors that intoxicate our minds with causes and not solutions to real problems.  As it stands in Canadian politics it is a constant race to assure votes and to keep those that scream the loudest happy.  Is this our Canada.  Should our PM be chasing causes and in the process slowly eroding what made this country great?  It is not about Liberals, Conservatives or NDP as they all have the same symptoms of incompetency.  I say this because they are all in self preservation mode.  They are all wrapped on political satire and are far from interested in caring about the little guy.  The modern day slave that works 14hr days or the guy that has two or three jobs and has problems paying his/her bills.   The guy that is in a rut job and has no way out or possibly light at the end of  his tunnel... or even the pigeon holders... those that sit on a hefty wage but are limited by the anchor of commitment to a job that may not be there for eternity.
In my Canada no one goes without.  In my Canada, we take care of all our people.  In my Canada we stand united.  In my Canada everyone count.  Canada is broken. Let’s fix it.


Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Specialized in Applied Holistic Nutrition from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.  b.a. (Honours) in Kinesiology from UOIT.

Do you experience symptoms such as bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, mental fog, low energy, cravings for bread, alcohol and sugar, fungal issues, or yeast infections? If you answered yes to many of the above, you may really want to consider following an anti-Candida diet.

What is Candida? Candida is a type of yeast that naturally resides inside of us, but can become overgrown due to many factors such as a diet low in fiber

What can you do if you think you may have Candida? Working with a nutritional professional such as myself to develop an anti-candida diet is a great first step. I take many of my clients through gut-healing protocols which remove certain foods in the diet while focusing on the proper foods and supplements to consume. Typical foods to avoid are high sugar foods, starchy carbohydrates and fungal-type foods such as peanuts and vinegar. Supplementing with a probiotic such as Genuine Health Advanced Gut Health Probiotic and eating natural food sources of probiotics such as Tonica Kombucha will help to reestablish a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. I have written an ebook titled. Bikini Bod Beat the Bloat which includes a two-week digestive healing meal plan and supplement guide to help you get started. Visit for more information.
Until next week,
Stay well.
and high in sugars, refined carbohydrates and processed foods, overprescribed or recent use of antibiotics, hormonal birth control pill, and lack of natural sources of probiotics in the diet (kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir). With these conditions, Candida can proliferate uncontrollably causing horrible digestive symptoms and additional symptoms listed above.

Last Call from Wayne & Tamara

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara
Last Call
   I have been married to my husband for over 30 years.
  He has never been a man to touch, caress or kiss outside lovemaking. His interest in maintaining a sexual relationship with me waned shortly after we stopped having children. Pornography meets his needs in that area.
Nothing is allowed to come between him and his drinking. This, he tells me, is his right after a hard week’s work, and besides, everyone drinks don’t they? Of course he tells me he rarely gets drunk no matter how much he drinks.

Slurring your words, being unsteady on your feet, and being belligerent seemingly don’t count as being drunk. It hurt me deeply that, in the context of binge-drinking, he tried to bed my niece.
After a huge drinking session with his sister, they stayed overnight in a local park. I am told he wanted to have sex with her there. He denied both incidents saying, the women involved were both drunk too. But he admits he himself was too drunk to know what actually played out.

He and his sister have now formed a suicide pact. That much he does own.
I supported my husband through depression and cancer. After 30 years and five lots of marriage counselling, I want to call it quits. But he is refusing to budge and will not leave my bed. He says he can turn it all around.

I would appreciate your advice. But I think you will tell me I have enabled all this by staying so long.

Bonnie, the pact your husband and his sister made is often called emotional blackmail. More accurately, though, it is hostage-taking. Instead of grabbing someone off the street, they took themselves hostage and sent you a ransom note.

What a simple-minded plot. Your husband thinks it will keep you from leaving while not requiring him to change. But your solution is easy. Don’t pay the ransom. Enough is enough.
There is one part of enabling you need to own. Your husband should have had his comeuppance years ago. Letting people get away with inappropriate behavior doesn’t help them, it hurts them. Your husband won’t think, “I can’t believe I got away with this for 30 years.” He will think, “I want to get away with this for the rest of my life.”

He’s been able to act without consequence, except for some counseling which he ignored. Alcoholism runs in his family. You can’t believe wild claims of “I can turn this around” from someone who is a blackout drunk.

If the only consequence for speeding was a fine and higher insurance premium, some wealthy people might speed all the time. It’s taking away their driver’s license that stops them. Similarly, your husband’s marriage license has never been in jeopardy before. Expect him to be angry.
So you must do two things. First, determine how to part from him in a safe way. That in itself can make you feel your life is out of control.

Second, you must set up new mileposts. That means formulating new plans and engaging in new activities. At a minimum that means getting advice from a lawyer, a social service agency or women’s center, and perhaps law enforcement.

Your husband’s way of coping with just about anything is, I’d rather be drunk. Your way of coping must be different. Decide on concrete steps to take. Determine how to part from him with the assets and emotional support you will need to stay on your new path.
Without a detailed plan you will founder.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to:

Breast Feeding By Dr. George Traitses

By Dr. George Traitses
D.C., B.Sc.(Hon.), M.Sc., C.H.N., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 3, C.R.A.
Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
Why Breast-Feeding Is So Good for Your Baby (and You)
Breast-feeding has made the national headlines of late, but not necessarily for the right reason; after all, the most important issue isn't under what circumstances women should breast-feed (the when and where), but why.

The answer, of course, is that ample evidence suggests breast-feeding is enormously beneficial to both mother and child. Here are a few examples courtesy of Womens Health. gov, a U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office on Women's Health project.
1. Unparalleled nutrition: Although formulas mimic breast milk more closely than ever, there's still a big difference when it comes to nutrition. The first breast milk produced during pregnancy and just following birth contains colostrum, which is rich in nutrients and antibodies. Colostrum then changes into mature milk, a thinner milk that still contains a vital blend of protein, fat, sugar and water.
2. Disease protection: Breast milk has been shown to protect against disease, with breast-fed babies developing asthma, respiratory infections, type 2 diabetes, obesity and even sudden infant death syndrome compared to formula-fed babies. Breast-feeding also appears to reduce health risks in mothers as well, including type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and postpartum depression.
 3. Emotional bonding: The act of breast-feeding requires a closeness between mother and child unmatched by formula feeding. The physical contact is important for the baby, making them feel safe, warm and secure; it can have the same effect on the mother while also allowing her to relax, something she may not choose to do while baby is formula-feeding.

4. Safety: Ever wonder what you'd do if disaster struck and your ability to feed your baby were compromised? If you breast-feed, you can relax; after all, a safe, balanced food supply is readily available. Contaminated water supply? No problem. No hot water to sterilize baby bottles? No problem. No baby bottles at all? No problem.
Talk to your doctor of chiropractic for more information about how to ensure your health and the health of your child, and visit to learn more about the many benefits of breast-feeding.
For more information on health and safety please visit and the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or
 Web site at or call 1877-327-2273
Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

Surviving a Toxic World By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Surviving a Toxic World
          How many of us would like to live like a hermit? I doubt that many would decide to give up the comfort and pleasures of civilization. But we pay an increasing price for comfort. Today, it’s impossible to escape fumes from cars, radiation from computers, earth’s depleted ozone layer, foods that have been over-processed, pesticides sprayed onto crops, to mention a few. It’s no wonder that so many North Americans suffer from toxic inflammatory diseases. But there’s a natural way to boost the immune system to decrease the risk.
Dr. John Wilkinson, Senior Herbal Medicine Lecturer at Middlesex University, London, England, says the answer is plant sterols which, like vitamin C, cannot be made by the human body. Studies show that plant sterols reduce inflammation, which decreases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), often requiring by- pass surgery. This explains why plant sterols have been called nature’s “immunologic scalpel”.
But plant sterols are not only for the number one killer, cardiovascular disease. Every year North Americans, on average, suffer six common colds due to weakened immune systems. Such infections become more dangerous as we age. For instance, during early life, influenza is rarely fatal. But later, when it strikes an exhausted immune system, it results in the deaths of thousands of seniors every year.
          Today’s stressful life is also not kind to our immune system. Chronic stress triggers the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and auto-immune disorders such as psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, along with aching muscles, fibromyalgia and constant fatigue.
          It’s estimated that in North America there are 30 million allergy sufferers. Some people have acute anaphylactic attacks that are life-threatening. But the majority are affected by pollen, animal dander, dust mites in bedding, and molds that collect in showers, window moldings, and damp basements. All can cause inflammatory reaction in the body’s airways.
          Another threat today is exposure to radiation. In addition to X-ray and CT scans, we’re constantly exposed to home-radiation from cell phones, microwave ovens, transmission towers, along with radiation from long hours of looking at television. And unlike an infection that goes away, radiation never does, accumulating more year by year.

            Fortunately, our own immunity system works 24/7 against toxins that enter the body and trigger allergic reactions. Without this natural defense our bodies would decompose in a few days due to microbes, parasites and toxins.

So can we increase the amount of plant sterols to boost our natural immunity against so many diverse diseases? It’s easier said than done. For instance, 3 ounces of unprocessed plant food contain 4,200 milligrams (mg.) of sterols. But after processing it into flour, 90 percent of the sterol is lost! This is the high price we pay for civilization!
          But we can all get more plant sterols by eating more grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and seeds. Research has also shown that regular exercise can bolster the immune system by stimulating the body’s natural killer cells.

A natural remedy is also available in Health Food Stores, called ImmunoCare. This product helps to restore balance to the immune system. One capsule contains 400 mg. of plant sterols along with a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants help to detoxify free radicals, the waste products of an aging metabolism. And to assure that the capsule is not destroyed by the stomach’s acid, it’s coated to allow absorption in the small bowel.
The dosage of ImmunoCare is one capsule daily taken with water or fruit juice 30 minutes before a meal. Women who are pregnant, nursing or diabetic should consult their doctor before taking this supplement.
An added benefit is that ImmunoCare, when taken before a meal, blocks the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, resulting in decreased bad cholesterol and increased good cholesterol.
          To learn more about the incredible benefits of plant sterols, look for the book “Immunity, Thrive in a Toxic World”. It is available in some health food stores. 
Online Comments

Saturday, February 17, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.
   Please someone pinch me and awaken me from this horrible Canadian politics nightmare.   We have lowered our standards so much that we might as well vote for either COKE or PEPSI to lead us.   At the least these corporations have global leadership in their ranks and are profit driven.
I say this because, in Canada it appears that we are bankrupt when it comes to true red blooded leaders.   No matter where you look.  Greed and the usual me first mentality prevails.   The good old boys club is even corrupt to the point that it is not a good old boys club.    The code of honor and decency has been compromised.   In today’s good old boys club it is all about kissing ass in hope to  be pushed up the feeding chain. This is predominant in all political parties.   It is not about doing what is best for the country.  It is not about doing what is best for the people of the Country.   It is all about looking good in the eyes of a phantom perception of democracy, freedom and rights.
We lack anyone taking back what is great about this nation.   That being our people.  The hard working folk that all they want is to make a living and raise a family.   These folks are used as peons in a game of political/social chess.   Their values and priorities are constantly on a rollercoaster of popular opinion. For all that people like to say about TRUMP.  He has put his foot down and he has clearly shown he has the character to turn a nation around.   Don’t give me the bleeding heart crap.  Name one politician that was perfect?  Name one politician that did not have a controversy.
Then stop the bitching and lets learn from our friends to the south.   During the last election, the liberals had no one that stood a chance.  Who ever the liberal strategist is.. my hat off to you... as you truly revived in a sublime way old Pierre’s salute to the nation by coming up with the formula to pull the carpet from underneath all voters by bringing into the spot light the Trudeau name again.   The name raised from the death of the Liberal party to once again reign supreme with an individual that if his last name had been Smith.  Would not qualify to greet you at the local Walmart.
Look at what is taking place among the Conservatives.   Another dieying horse with no real agenda nor leader.   Come on quick who can name the leader of the Conservative party without having to think about it?   Ok so you got that one on two thoughts a burp, and a fart and a personalize rude message to the Gods.  Tell me what is the Conservative party agenda?  Forget about the burp and the fart... for this one you require a playboy and have eaten alot of Taco Bell.  In my opinion they do not have a platform.  I say this because.  You talk to any of the so called delegates and they all point a different direction.  Is this unity and leadership.  Please. Now not to forget the NDP.   They are stirring the pot of delusion and attempting to create a concoction from the Liberals ‘WE WELCOME ANYONE TO CANADA’ platform and a m ix of the conservatives, ‘WE THINK WE CAN, WE THINK WE CAN’. mentality...
So what is their end product.  A visible minority that by his presentation and his demeanor clearly has the  best interest of his racial profile people.   One thing about Obama.  He was American first.  Afro American second.     With the NDP’s Singh.  He is Indian first and Canadian second.
Don’t get me wrong this is not being prejudice.   This is calling a spade a spade.  Why is it that if you walk into their environment you should not offend and show respect.  Yet, the man that is supposed to represent all Canadians lacks the decency to show respect for those that do not support foreign culture being forced to be accepted.  Mutliculturalism is one thing.  But force acceptance of a foreign culture is prejudice in itself.   So no matter if you vote COKE or PEPSI. Once that seal is broken.   It is all cola to me.  Let’s turn politics corporate
By John Mutton      
  As we see the #metoo campaign hitting elected officials across Canada and the USA in droves I decided to talk to some folks and delve into possible prevention vs only having reactive measures to deal with accusations both real and fictitious such as the Patrick Brown accusations that he has cleared his name on.

So l looked at some Code of Ethic policies for the municipal elected officials and while some are very strong with items pertaining to "gifts" and "conflicts of pecuniary interest", they were all virtually silent on Human Rights and issues of racial, gender or sexual harassment. While our Ontario Human Rights Act does cover this off, I believe we can go further.

What I am going to propose is a complete overhaul of the Code of Ethics polices and engage a process that not only outlines that racial, gender specific or sexual harassment is not tolerated by anyone including elected officials, but to put in a formal process that will immediately outline the steps if a complaint is launched. This way we have clarity around the victims rights and the path and process that will be automatically followed for anyone accused of a violation.

My goal is to establish a working group of industry experts to draft the gold standard, best practice policy that all other regions and municipalities will follow. One thing we have seen is that without a standardized process, the victims remain afraid to come forward for fear of reprisal.

Not many know this and I won't go into it in this column, but I speak on this issue from deep knowledge. Yes I was a #metoo that used the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal to deal with a sexual harassment by a former employer on me. Yes, bodybuilder and competitive fighter me was serially harassed and I would not wish this on anyone. I for one thank the Ontario Human Rights tribunal for helping me cope being a victim. In fact, to this day, I believe I am one of the only men that has brought their complaint to the tribunal and been made an award against a female employer at the time.

The time for a clear policy and complaint mechanisms is now, our staff and residents deserve it.
Till next week