Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Educated Savages By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino b.a.
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Educated Savages
    I remember my days back at the University in conversation with some of my fellow peers discussing the future of man kind.   It would be like finding the holy grail of society to accurately define the future of humanity.  After all, most reputable world sociologist have been warning us for years that the fall of civilization will be highly dependent on how we control the masses.
Everything from what is taking place in some countries in the orient, where they have a cap on only one child per family to the more intellectually and morally questionable practices that only those with a particular intellectual aptitude be allowed to have children.
The bottom line is the writings is on the wall.   High population numbers put a strain on all kinds of logistic systems.  From the food supply chain to the water quality.   We must plan before the plan fails us.... as no plan is the key to our quick demise.
Not to mention the outbreak of some sort of viral infection and or act of war.   I remember in our conversation that history in part has taught us great things.   For example.  War, was a great way to conquer and control population.   Some may say that this is still being practice in some countries where governments attack particular race of people in an attempt to genocide a particular.
In America we are faced with the reality that the two spectrums of the economic chair are ever so far spreading.  This meaning that there will be a much larger gap between those that have and those that don’t.
The evidence of this is already here as we keep seeing more and  more violent crimes. Rampant crimes and people with all kinds of mental disorders walking our streets.
It is a matter of time for the civilized world to become a third world banana republic.  A lawless society being oppressed by the countries wealth and military boot.
I can hear the ignorant smirk and make comments as, “it could never happen here”.   I am sure that is what the people of Syria thought before being overthrown by ISIS.  I am sure that the Jews of 1940’s Europe thought when they begin to hear about the many atrocities being committed.
We as a people are in danger of collapse.  Just here in Ontario.  Look at Scarborough for example.  The pools of violent neighborhoods.   The pockets of ongoing crime. Some due to drugs, some due to organized crime.  Others just out of friction from economic pressures, sparks acts of anger and passion.
So if population is our weakness.  What is the answer?  I heard today that Canada is a huge country and that we should keep bringing in immigrants...  Really?  That just shows the ignorance of that individual.  We need to bring in more to fill the country and even further expand our numbers.  What we need to do is plan accordingly based on the number we have.  Control the number of people we bring to this world and assure that based on our supplies we can substantiate a standard of life that is livable.
The key to our survival will depend on our social platforms.  On how they will improve the quality of life with the influx of technology eliminating traditional sources of employment and conveniences.  The world is ours to discover but also a learning curve with sign and symbols found in our history.

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