Saturday, March 3, 2018


   Pardon my french but really does anyone give a SHIT.  I say this so openly because we have become a society where anything justifiable goes.  After all if you don’t get offended by a woman on CNN wanting to ban the word ‘MAN’ from woman, to Bruce Jenner and his Yes penis No penis debate.  Me using the word shit..something we all do on a daily basis surely can’t offend.  Could I have used a different word.  Surely.  But It appears that we have become so confused that we can’t make heads from tail so hell this one is a shot from the hip and hopefully a shocking wake up for many.
Look at what is happening here in our beloved Oshawa.   The INTERNATIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION released a very profound and alarming warming to the City official.  It appears as it has become traditional at the City... to ignore those that are not outside the City’s inner guard.
The IFF claims that the City is putting the downtown public at risk. That the City is putting fire fighter attending calls at risk of injury.   The  breaker for the IFF was the recent fire that took life on Centre St.  How many more people must die before the city takes note and actually does something about it?
The City of Oshawa has a long standing reputation for being discriminatory, bias and prejudice when it comes to it’s bidding for contract process.   When it comes to land related agreements.
When it comes to it’s advertising budgets.  If the City or someone at the City does not benefit directly.  You are considered and outsider and excluded or ignored.
The IFF according to their top man denounces the action of Oshawa Fire Chief, the hand picked City Manager and other senior staff as responsible for the lack of cooperation towards meeting the guidelines stipulated in the FPA 1710.  An International ruler of sort that clearly mandates what each municipality must supply in order to keep it’s population safe.  It also is an important indicator for the safety of fire fighters.
Then the question is why... is the City so opposed to something that will benefit everyone?  It will lower liability and put many at ease knowing that in the event of a fire.  The best possible response and the safest for those attending.
What really gets me thinking is why do we keep voting the same people in?   DO WE NOT CARE?   HAVE WE GIVEN UP ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT?   Have we become so numb to the realities of our needs that we don’t question acts of ignorance by those elected.
How can we tolerate such injustice.   How can we grow as a society when we have such bias and corruption in our City Hall.    I say corruption possibly to loosely... as I mean... The good old boys club has to be eliminated in order for the system of democracy to grow.  Much like what Trump is doing in the U.S. dismantle the establishment.   The good old days are gone.  Now we govern by common sense and for the betterment of our people.  The City passed a 3% tax increase.  Not one word of concern.  We assume is business as usual.  Really?  Wow.
In my books it is not OK.  In my books we must put the best interest of the people first.  Safety, Housing, Economic development and general peace of mind should be the root of governance.

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