Monday, March 12, 2018

FLORIDA By Joe Ingino

By Joe Ingino
  It is a sad tragedy when any life is lost.  But to have a distressed young person go into a school and open fire in my opinion is a testament to the failure of our school system.
   According to news reports the youth in question had experienced the recent loss of his mother.   He was a social outcast.
Clearly a youth with some serious psychological and or at the least social issues.  
Young mind crying for help.  Yet, the world is grapeling with gun ownership rights.   Like really as if that is of significance.   The real issue is to catalogue that young men mind and use that information to note behavior patterns in others.
I think that schools should pay more attention to students with social and psychological issues.
I remember my days at school.   Many had issues.  Many would get into trouble.  You clearly could point the ones that were problematic.
In this modern time.  Should we not take the obvious signs more serious?   After all lives are on the line.
I am not saying that we should be blaming the school for what took place in Florida.  That would be wrong.
What I am saying is that we should take that incident as a wake up call and realize that we have a problem.
We must deal with our youth and their problems before it becomes everyone's tragedy.
The other thing that baffles me is how anyone can walk into a school with a riffle and no one notice them until they open fire.   Like really no one seen him come into the school?
We need to allow schools to have weapons in case of siege.   We need to give our educators a tool to use in order to prevent the loss of life.   Education is more then teaching.   It is a way  of life that needs to have a healthy conscious.

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