Tuesday, March 13, 2018

To PC OR NOT PC? By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
As I write my column this week, I sit here watching the PC leadership convention with great interest in who will be taking on Kathleen Wynne and the Provincial Liberals.
The best choice for Durham Region will be Christine Elliott by far. While Christine may not live in Durham anymore, this is her home, her roots and where she has built a legacy.
While I like Doug Ford, I am hoping Doug runs for Mayor of the City of Toronto. Someone needs to get that runaway train under control and with Doug's personality and no fear approach, he is the guy to put the issues forward in a Mayoral election.
Caroline Mulroney, all I can say is now is not the time for on the job training. She must make her mark as an MPP prior to running the party. Justin Trudeau was an MP well before he ran for leader.
Wynne is not popular at all, the Liberal Party with a different leader would be a stronger party, however this is going to be a tough provincial election in June. I can't pick a winner yet given all of the PC civil war and the issues of trust around Vic Fedelli and others.
As a candidate based voter, what will happen in June is too close to call. If you enjoy politics, you are watching one of the best shows ever counting down to June.

Till next week

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