Saturday, March 17, 2018


 By Joe Ingino b.a.

    OK.  Come on be honest... Put your hands up... How many of you are victims of the recent GOOGLE scam that is going around.   I know you may be to embarrassed to admit.  But if you are a victim.  Don’t feel bad you are not alone.  These high tech crooks have taken thousand of people.   There are two GOOGLE scams going on... and by the way.  GOOGLE has nothing to do with it.   These Optimizing companies from the U.S. are using robo-calls to entice fear into small to medium business.  Business owners that have little or no knowledge of the internet, social media or how GOOGLE operates.
These crooks play on the ignorance of their victims and attack their insecurities.  Most of those that have fallen victim have no advertising budget or are on a very limited one.   The victims have no real understanding of advertising and marketing and are reaching for straws, so they think that turning to the internet is the answer.   After all $395 for a whole year sound like a deal.   Like they say.  If it is to good to be true... It probably not true.
The GOOGLE fraudsters use 1.  A call to assure your GOOGLE listing does not get cancelled but for a one time fee they can prevent this from ever happening again.  2. They call you to inform you that you can now have your business name for a fee on the front page of GOOGLE.   Both are lies and a con for the computer/internet ignorant.   Both are scheme to sucker in suckers.  It works.  In the U.S. this practice is against the law.   So, these robo-call telemarketers turn to Canada, Mexico, Europe. 
This scam has been around since 2011 and there is no law in Canada that can protect victims. Since the fraud is taking place from the United States.  This crime becomes and international incident.  No local police will touch it.   No jurisdictional power can be exercised as the states that these fraud originate from operate as an island to the world when it comes to legal challenges.  What does this mean to the victim.  YOU BEEN SCAMMED.
But these are not the only scams going around.   There is the call that informs you that your company now is eligible for a loan up to two hundred thousand dollars, no credit checks, all they need is your company financials for the past two years and your banking information.  This scam originates out of New York.   This scam promises to do a free business analysis to see  how much you qualify for... ‘when they called they had told you automatically qualify’...
In both cases, these scams not only attempt to take your money.  Most importantly they gather your business and at times personal information.  Information that is sold to other telemarketers.   The information sale industry is worth billions.   This is how telemarketers obtain calling lists.
I talk to many people on any given day.  I can tell you first hand that many pretend to know the internet.  Others know somethings about the net.  But far from few actually understand the logistics, the purpose and most importantly how to use the internet as a marketing tool.
The internet was set forth as FREE WARE.  It was to be a place to exchange intellectual though and information.  Search engines and there are many are there to inform and exchange information quickly and easily.  It is in their best interest to keep the information fresh and accurate.
Marketers see the internet as a place to legally rape and pillage as basic human decency was supposed to be the governing entity.
Like everything in humanity.   The internet has become compromised by greed.  By  thieves and crooks.  Something that was set up for the good of humanity has now become nothing more than a public toilet.
From the Amazon’s of the world to the many porn chats and sites.  The system has been broken.  The internet today has become a place  that disturbs commerce, industry and trade.  It compromises relationships and changes human behavior as psychological reprecussion for it’s use are becoming more rampant.
From addiction to its many offering to the exposure of sensitive and immoral material to the population at large.
Not to mention the outmost popular ‘FAKE NEWS’.   The internet with the introduction of social media.  A system again that was set forth to unite people, family.   Today it is being used to attack one another, dethrone and or influence governments.
What is it about humanity that we set forth with good intention great plans and systems but some how they become corrupt and used to harm one another.
Case in point.  Google Plus scam and related consequences to our society.
Sad world we live in when we are our own worst enemy.
Mark Twain had it right.  ‘The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog’

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