Thursday, May 17, 2018

THE CHRISTIAN PATRIOTIC FRONT H. J. Rogers Harvard Law School '66

Harvard Law School '66  

      THE CHRISTIAN PATRIOTIC FRONT is a secular institute organized after    Vatican II under the aegis of the Roman Catholic church but not under its authority.    
  If you want an analogy, think of the Third Order Franciscans, think Opus Dei.  You will still be off the mark but you will be getting closer.  Think of the knights-errant of the early Middle Ages.  Think of John Brown at Harper's Ferry.  Now you are very close.
        Brother Scott Speedy, a native Pennsylvanian, took his first vows while a student at West Virginia University.  [Despite his early profession, Br. Scott was no saint, concentrating on the distribution of wild oats and chugging steins of beer at a sh-t hole called the Underground Railroad.  His cohorts included such future W.Va. luminaries as The Hon. John Perdue, the long term State Treasurer---and the last Democrat left standing in the RED SEA of Republicanism---and The Rev. Dr. Daniel Bryan, one of the most respected elders of the United Methodist church.]
       The unofficial motto of the Front (voiced most frequently by its detractors) is that ''ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES ONE A VERY DULL BOY" and, to be honest, Br. Scott's progress within the Front was rather checkered (although like Perdue and Bryan, he was a worldly success) until what is known to the cognoscenti as THE SECOND BATTLE OF BLAIR MOUNTAIN.  As every Mother's Son in West Virginia knows, Blair Mountain is situate in southern West between Boone and Logan counties, the place where 10,000 marching coal miners fought a pitched battle against 2500 Logan County Deputy Sheriffs (officially, but actually paid employees of the coal operators.)   The battle ended only when the President send in federal troops and for the first time in history America--your country and mine--bombed a civilian population in time of peace.  This is to the Mountain State what THE BATTLE OF HOMESTEAD is to the Quaker State.
        It was in the second battle of Blair Mountain that Br. Speedy "made his bones", as it were.  Here, the capitalistic exploiters had set out to strip mine Blair Mountian and then turn this sacred spot into a garbage dump for the eastern seaboard as these fast-buck-fellows have done all over the Mountain State (including my own beloved Wetzel County which has long accepted garbage from New York City.)  Br. Speedy entered late into the ranks but it was his fervant testimony that turned the tide.  I know, I was there. I drove him to the hearing.  I cheered him on.  The strip mining permit was denied.  PTL !.
        Br. Speedy was taking a well-deserved rest at the Front's training complex at the headwaters of Reader Creek in the outback of Wetzel County when a damsel in distress (if members of the Front have a collective flaw, it is that they are unable to resist a sad story coming from a pretty face) approached him as he was unwinding from a tough day of introspection over a bourbon and branch water.   She was from Homestead  and her dear, dear grandmother was at THE ST. THERESE PLAZA, in Munhall.  And her grandmother was miserable.
        Grandma had been a parishioner at St. Maximilian Kolbe in Homestead.  The ingrates (her children) had packed her off to the PLAZA, sort of a long stone throw away from the place where she had lived for 70 years.  For grandma this was both a train of tears and one of broken promises; the tears because the family had dumped her and because the PRESBYTERIAN SENIOR CARE (which by some theological perversion) manages a home adjacent to another Roman Catholic church, a place that I am told was once a convent.
        "My grandmother was told: 'YOU'LL ENJOY A WELL-DESIGNED HOME WITH AN EQUIPPED KITCHEN, WALL-TO-WALL AND INDIVIDUALLY-CONTROLLED HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING.'  It's a pack of lies, Brother Scott, it's a bunch of half-truths.  The heating and air  conditioning are not individually controlled.  They are at best a hodge-poge forcing my grandmother and her friends to supply their own fans, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners in the summer and humidifiers in the winter."
        But this was only the beginning of the damsel's tale of the woes of her beloved grandmother.  "What's even worse, Brother Speedy is that they run the place like the Capital Unit at S.C.I. Greene is Waynesburg, which as you know is the Commonwealth's 'SUPERMAX' prison, housing in solitary confinement 100 plus of the Quaker State's "worst of the worst".  They promised 'COMMMUNITY', and it existed for a short period, but the new adminstration wants to keep all of these elderly ladies confined to their rooms 24/7.  They positively discourage them from meeting in what used to be the common room.  They removed the benches that were outside so that the women couldn't go outside.  There's a lot more, Brother Speedy, and I want you, I beg you to go take a look for yourself.
       The elders of the CHRISTIAN PATRIOTIC FRONT heard the damsel's plaint about her beloved grandmother and immediately dispatched Brother Speedy to the scene.  He went "down low" and quickly made application to be a tenant in ST. THERESE PLAZA and after his references were checked took his beggar's cup and prayer shawl and moved in.  There he found that things were worse than he had been told.  Clearly, the SENIOR CARE NETWORK (an affiliate of Presbyterian Senior Care) was long on promises and short of performance.
       To his chagrin Brother Speedy learned that THE PRESBYTERIANS RUNNING A RESIDENCE HALL OWNED BY AND FILLED LARGELY WITH ROMAN CATHOLICS (a most ungodly concatenation to be sure) were apparently talking their cues in how to operate the place from a book put out in California entitled "23/7: The Story of Solitary Confinement in Soledad Prison."  The thesis of this book was that the most effective way to handle large numbers of people was to isolate them in individual cells and keep them locked up as much as possible.
        After investigating further, Brother Speedy reported back to Brother Umberto that matters were getting worse.  The common room was effectively closed down, the computers there were frequently broken and not repaired.  In his opinion, the paid staff was becaming more surly and disrespectful to the elderly.  The few men that were there decamped.  "I can't take this ELEPHANT SH-T anymore from these Neo-Nazi idiots that run this place.  They get some sadistic thrill about shoving these old ladies around.  Well, I've had it.  If I'd known that this place would be a mini-Auschwitz,  I would have gone to Florida with my friends.  But I always liked me women, you know Brother Speedy, and the thought of being surrounded by 100 of what were once Pittsburgh's most beautiful and devout women seemed too good a deal to turn down," the man said with a wink.
       "Oh, that's from Fritz Perls, the great psychologist.  Taught at San Diego State for a while, as I recall.  Like Christianity, Caesar's Gaul, and Freud's psyche, he divided things into three parts.  You know--but these people that run this place are obviously unaware--the Father, Son & Hold Ghost.  This Colleen, do you think that if she were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict her?  But Perls said, you got CHICKEN SH-T.  Then you got BULL SH-T.  But here at St. Therese's you got ELEPHANT SH-T.   I'm too old to fight any more, but I ask you, Brother Speedy, to avenge all of these poor women against these NEO-NAZIS WHO WHAT TO SEE THEM LOCKED IN THEIR CELLS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK JUST LIKE THOSE POOR WRETCHES DOWN AT S.C.I. GREENE IN WAYNESBURG !!!"
       And it got worse and then worse.  Brother Speedy quietly organizated FREE RANGE SENIORS under the watchful eyes of the Storm Troopers.  Slowly, surely he was building a tenant's union.  He make inquiries of SEIU, the one union in Pittsburgh that would assist in the formation of a tenants union.  And he kept up his argument with management as they went through the THREE STAGES OF FRITZ PERLS' cosmology.
       AND THE MANAGEMENT FILED TO EVICT BROTHER SPEEDY!!!   And their lawyer SEAN J. CARMODY OF DEUTCHTOWN CENTER (I did not make this address up) threatened to have have him blacklisted "in other HUD housing properties."   And this threat was made within a stone's through of the cemetery that contains THE BODIES OF THE VICTIMS OF THE HOMESTEAD MASSACRE.  The spirit of Andrew Carnegie and his gun thugs is obviously alive and well in Allegheny County.  But BROTHER SPEEDY  WILL  "GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT."   Over half of the tenants have signed petitions opposed to his eviction.  Five of these women have vowed to join him on the streets.  Just think of the courage it's taken for these quiet Catholic ladies to rise up in the face of potential eviction and support the only human being in the building who has helped them over the past few years.
       Free Range Seniors are Happy Senior.
H. J. Rogers

Here's how to get rid of Robert Mueller By Larry Klayman

Here's how to get rid of Robert Mueller
By Larry Klayman
Go to to Sign Petition and Support Our Lawsuit to Remove Mueller.
I like Rudy Giuliani and have met and spoken to him on several occasions. But this week's appearance on "Hannity" did not do any justice – pun intended – to the president of the United States! As the president acknowledged Friday morning in passing as he was on his way to the NRA convention in Dallas, his new lead criminal defense counsel needs to get his facts straight, having created a mess in his bizarre and most likely factually inaccurate explanation of the Stormy Daniels payout by Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Giuliani also made statements this week that "he" would consider having the president be interviewed by Robert Mueller for two hours and that the chances were 50/50 that this could happen. As any experienced criminal defense attorney, and even one wet behind the ears and just out of law school, would tell you, allowing an interview of The Donald would not just be legal malpractice, but one of the most stupid acts in the history of legal representation in this nation. Mueller would juxtapose anything the president said – and all interviews with the government are in effect under oath – with the so-called testimony of others who this corrupt establishment special counsel has obtained through plea bargaining and otherwise, persons who may have turned on Trump. In this way, finding the inconsistencies, Mueller would either charge The Donald with perjury and/or include this in the special counsel's inevitable impeachment report to Congress. Stupid is as stupid does, in the words of the mother of Forrest Gump!

I am glad that President Trump now recognizes that he needs other criminal defense counsel, having dispensed with two of his previous inert clowns, John Dowd and Ty Cobb. And, while it is good for Rudy to speak clearly about the "witch hunt" that is the Mueller investigation, he needs to step back and realize that he is not the be all and end all of the president's fate and should not spew forth anything that may sound good on a propagandist's cable show, like "Hannity." Instead, Giuliani, after being properly briefed on the facts, can hold serious press conferences, because in essence his take on the runaway and patently illegal Russian collusion and obstruction of justice investigation is correct. Rudy just needs to get serious in a respected forum.

Last Thursday, I called Rudy and left a message with his secretary to call me back. At the time, he undoubtedly was "preoccupied" with the fallout of his "Hannity" appearance. What I wanted to advise Giuliani was that the fastest way to end the Mueller "witch hunt" was to have the president support our lawsuit seeking to uncover the illegal and criminal grand jury leaks to the media by the special counsel and his frankly evil leftist staff. These leaks, which have been occurring with daily regularity since the inception of Mueller's investigation, are calculated to harm the presidency and damage the Trump agenda to "Make America Great Again," regardless of any later indictment or impeachment report.
Mueller is a product and tool of the establishments of both political parties, and the Washington, D.C., so-called elite wants to see The Donald dead and buried. The meme below tells the tale of this desire to end the reign of King Trump, as he threatens the never-ending gravy train of the beautiful people of Washington, D.C., and not just the self- anointed nobility status of the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas. If Mueller succeeds – and unless something is done quickly he will – he and his slimy prosecutorial staff will be rewarded in far greater ways than, ironically, porn star Stormy Daniels and her bottom-feeding lawyer, Michael Avenatti – who has come out of guttural obscurity with great glee to try to make a "name for himself."
In addition to supporting my cases (see to pry the communications of Mueller and his prosecutors with the media out of Justice Department files, which once exposed would create a groundswell forcing Jeff Sessions to fire him, taking the heat off of President Trump, is the urgent need to have me appointed special counsel. You can rest assured that I would bring the Muellers, Clintons, Comeys, Rosensteins and corrupt Obama Deep State intelligence chiefs like the lying James Clapper and John Brennan to justice. Go to to sign the petition to have me so appointed.

In addition to this, I also need your support in commissioning citizens grand juries so We the People can take legal matters into our own hands and empanel a grand jury, indict and later through public trials before a petit jury of one's peers, selected randomly from voter rolls, convict the criminals. We would do this before a neutral retired judge and then seek to have the criminals sentenced and then arrested and imprisoned. This plan is not far-fetched. Justice Scalia recognized in a majority Supreme Court opinion in 1992 that grand juries belong to the citizenry not to the three branches of government.

In short, Giuliani and the president should urgently "sit down" and hear me out. Time is short before President Trump, his White House and the republic as a whole goes under for the count, thanks to an evil establishment-supported special counsel who has assumed the roll of an out-of-control Justice Department attorney general. Mueller presently has carte blanche to do as he pleases.
While our current actual attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is a worthless coward, and his corrupt deputy, Rod Rosenstein, even worse, it is time for President Trump to take bold action by appointing me a second special counsel, supporting our lawsuits to expose Mueller for the criminal he is and supporting our citizens grand juries. The president should instruct his new lawyer to put The Donald's interests before Rudy's ego and simply cooperate with Freedom Watch to get the job done!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

IS THERE AN ELECTION!!! WHO IS RUNNING? By Joe Ingino b.a. Editor/Publisher

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   For those that read my column on a regular basis will understand my position when it comes to Canadian politics.   It appears that Canada has lost it’s way when it comes to leadership.  Look at the fiasco here in Oshawa alone.   We have as our MPP, Jennifer French.  An outsider that had toppled PC., MPP Jerry Ouellette.   An amazing feat for French.   Now we are again at the footsteps of another election it appears she has no real challengers.
Like really, Bob Chapman?   How blinded must you be by ignorance to think for a moment that this careered ‘YES MAN’ would lead us any place.   I have a better question.   What has he accomplished and what has he done for the people of Oshawa in his terms as city and regional councillor?
Ok. by now you are thinking. I’m an NDPr.   Wrong.  Personally I think Jennifer French has done even less for the people of Oshawa.   I pose the same question to her?  What benefits and or prosperity has she brought to Oshawa?
Ok.  Now I can see the thought process in your head.  Ah, hum, Mr. Ingino you are a Liberal.
NO.  The Liberal party in Oshawa has had no vision.  JUST OUT OF THE BLUE... WHO IS RUNNING IN OSHAWA FOR THE LIBERALS?   I ask that tungue and cheek of course.   One would think that if you are running in a toilet for top turd that you would stir things up.  Get your name out.  At the least do the media rounds and get your name in the public eye.    I have yet to receive any communique from the Liberals.   Chapman to my knowledge is attempting to ride off the coat tail pipe dreams of Ford.  French is using the old mentality. ‘DON’T ROCK THE BOAT AND IT IS A SURE RE-ELECTION’.   Canadian politics is dead.  Sadly it appears no one cares...  OH CANADA, MY HOME AND NATIVE LAND...   We are doomed.

From Marissa Liana

from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Specialized in Applied Holistic Nutrition from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition.  b.a. (Honours) in Kinesiology from UOIT.

The Birth Control Pill:
What You Should Know
So you have been told you should go on the birth control pill as a method to control your acne, manage your heavy period, or regulate your cycle. Did you know that this is actually just masking an underlying hormonal imbalance, without addressing the root cause of the imbalance?  The reason why I wanted to write this column is that the birth control pill is a topic I am finding I am discussing with my clients on a regular basis. I feel women should feel empowered and be informed when it comes to their own bodies.
The Facts:
Approximately 100,000,000 women worldwide are on the birth control pill.
Birth control pills first became popular in the early 1960’s and contained much higher doses of hormones than today’s birth control pills. Although the birth control options today contain much 'smaller' doses of synthetic estrogen, many negative side effects still exist. Anything that disrupts the body’s natural hormones and hormone balance can be sure to come with side effects.
How the pill works:
The birth control pill works to inhibit pregnancy in 3 ways:
1) It contains synthetic forms of estrogen and progestin which work to inhibit the body’s natural hormones preventing ovulation and pregnancy.  Ovulation is when the ovarian follicle releases an egg once it has reached maturity, which then travels down the fallopian tube where it may be met by a sperm to become fertilized. Ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before a woman's expected period and lasts only 1-2 days. This leaves a very small window for pregnancy to occur*, as the egg can only survive for about 24 hours before becoming fertilized by sperm.
2) Alters and thins a woman’s lining in her uterus so pregnancy is unlikely.
3) Alters a woman's mucus secretions so pregnancy is unlikely.
"Getting your period" on the pill.
Many women believe that the pill is regulating their period, but this is not the case. The bleeding you get when you're on the pill is not the same as a menstrual period. When you're taking the pill, your period is technically called withdrawal bleeding, referring to the withdrawal of hormones in your pill. The drop in hormones levels causes the lining of your uterus (the endometrium) to shed, creating bleeding and period-like symptoms.
The downsides to taking the pill:
Not only are you not addressing the root cause of any imbalances in the body by going on the pill, you also increase the risk of many serious side effects.
Side effects can include:
    Blood clots. This one hits home for me. 'YASMIN' was the birth control pill I was taking when I saw a news report of healthy, young, adolescent women dying from serious strokes from blood clots that were also taking YASMIN. This was strike 1 for me personally.     Increased blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels.
    Impaired thyroid function. The pill increases 'thyroid binding globulin' which binds to your free thyroid hormones, preventing your body from using them. Since thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating your metabolism, this can lead to weight gain and serious side effects.
    Depression and emotional changes. Since the birth control pill depletes B vitamins, depression and emotional changes relating to the pill are often due to its effects on depleting vitamin B6, an important vitamin which helps regulate mood.    Fertility problems and hormonal imbalance when coming off the pill. I developed severe acne problems after coming off the pill and I never had acne before going on the pill. I also had INTENSE PMS pains like never before.
    Chronic yeast infections. Research shows oral contraceptives negatively impact our gut flora, vaginal bacteria and estrogen metabolism. This leads to the development of yeasts and bad bacteria which can cause yeast infections.     Increased risk of cancer. The birth control pill was deemed a ‘Group One carcinogen’ by the World Health Organization in 2005, which places it in the same class as radium and asbestos.
    Negative impacts on our environment. Amongst the problems it causes women, it is also causing widespread problems in the environment due to the high resistance to chemical breakdown and its tendency to absorb into organic matter. It is released into the environment from urine and feces of women taking the birth control pill, entering our drinking water and has negative implications on our aquatic system. This has been linked to feminization of aquatic organisms, interfering with their endocrine system and affecting reproduction and fish populations.
What can you do/how can you balance your hormones naturally?
So your hormones are a mess, you suffer from acne, heavy periods, endometriosis, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and you don't want to take the pill. How can you balance your hormones naturally without the use of synthetic drugs?
There are 4 main reasons why we experience hormonal imbalances.
    Sluggish, overburdened liver -  Adrenal issues and increased stress - Gut issues/gut flora imbalances
    Blood sugar imbalances
Taking a look at each of these areas with a Nutritionist, Naturopathic Doctor or Hormone specialist is extremely helpful for determining the root cause of your imbalances. I go more in-depth on these factors in my ebook Healthy Skin From Within. at - under SHOP
Alternative birth control methods:
    Practice fertility awareness based on your monthly cycle and body signals. There are amazing apps out there now such as 'LIFE CYCLE' that helps to track your ovulation, fertility and periods.
    IUDs. (Downside - women often report crams are worse, and if you choose a copper IUD this can deplete zinc levels which can actually worsen acne, wound healing and hormone balance).
    Pulling out. (Downside - this method does not protect against STDs).  
Final thoughts:
It is of course in our best interest to treat our bodies how nature intended. Including the use of synthetic drugs, especially synthetic hormones can have many rebounding effects on the body. Knowing the risks and side effects of taking such drugs are important for people to feel empowered and informed, and as a practitioner, it improves our ability to help clients achieve their most optimal health. If you are suffering from intense PMS symptoms, hormonal acne, thinking about going off the birth control pill, or are interested in improving your health and vitality by any means, book a free consult with me today to see if working with me is something that would benefit you.
Lastly, I have created an ebook 'Healthy Skin From Within' launching May 31st which includes a complete guide to hormonal balancing, gut healing with meal plans, recipes. supplements and tons more!
*USE COUPON: healthyskin FOR EARLY BIRD PRICING: save 10% on all pre-orders now!
Until next week, Stay well.  Marissa.

Our Belly proves we’re not Gods this Holiday Season By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Our Belly proves we’re not Gods this Holiday Season       

          This is the season to be jolly, and the last thing I want to do is spoil the holiday festivities. But, unfortunately, the office parties, family dinners, excess wine and fellowship of singing “Auld Lang Syne, all take a toll on one’s stomach. So, can you lessen the damage of hot fire beneath the breastbone? And what are the pitfalls in the treatment of this common discomfort?

          Heartburn is triggered by several factors. The lower esophageal muscle   (LEM) at the end of the food pipe can become weak and inefficient at times.  So if you “eat the whole thing”, excess gas is created in the stomach and the laws of physics say something has to give. This results in the LEM opening, and gas, along with the stomach’s acidic juice, flows into the esophagus causing inflammation.

          The Gifford-Jones Law states “one bad problem leads to another and another.” So if this scenario is repeated over and over, chronic inflammation can end in a condition called Barrett’s Esophagus. This can turn into esophageal cancer in one of every 200 cases. A big price to pay for gluttony.

          So what is the best way to treat common garden variety heartburn at any time of the year? The best way is to get smart. This means giving your stomach a rest. After all, other muscles need a holiday at times and so does the esophageal muscle. So, limit portion size, alcohol, avoid hot spices, raw onions, garlic, excess coffee, and stop smoking. Chemicals in smoke relax the esophageal muscle.

          But if you find it impossible to refuse a second helping, don’t immediately lie down after overindulging. Rather, loosen the tight belt around your stomach which will ease pressure on the muscle. It’s also good to make a New Year’s resolution to shed pounds, as this also creates les strain of the muscle. Tincture of time is the great healer for those who are smart.

          For quicker relief you don’t need an elephant gun to shoot a mouse. So it’s prudent to first use safe, simple drugs such as Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta or Tums. These may help to tame the burning fire by neutralizing the acidity in the esophagus. But if you find no relief, get medical attention.

          Your doctor may suggest the use of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. These drugs shut down the production of stomach acid. They are used to heal stomach and duodenal ulcers resulting from long-term use of painkillers such as Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.    

          Remember, I’ve often stressed that you rarely, if ever, get something for nothing. Studies show that long term use of PPIs can lead to other unintended consequences. For instance, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration warns consumers that taking PPIs with the blood thinner Plavix hinders their ability to prevent clotting.

          Another report in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that men who took PPIs and Plavix following a coronary attack were 64 percent more likely to have a second heart attack. This same journal also reported that PPIs increase the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women.

          Decreasing the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can also impair calcium absorption. Calcium is needed to maintain strong bones. It can also upset the normal balance of intestinal bacteria. In extreme cases, patients can have as many as 40 bowel movements daily and it can be life-threatening.

          Today, the dietary excesses of North Americans have made PPI’s one of the best selling drugs. It’s a sad commentary on our way of life that so many people are living a questionable lifestyle and reaching for drugs rather than mending their ways. Nietzsche, the German philosopher, was right when he wrote. “The belly is the main reason man does not mistake himself for a god.”

          Remember, diagnosing whether it’s heartburn or a coronary attack can be difficult at times. If there’s any doubt, go immediately to the emergency. 
Online Comments

Monday, May 7, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   You have to wonder... How busy is busy?  I operate various businesses that include two newspapers and always have time for all kind of folk.  Some supporters some not to supportive.
  I make time.   I guess I must come out of the political closet. I have supported the Conservative party for years.   From Jim Flaherty to Jerry Ouellette and everyone in between.
It appears that the conservative party has gone so some major transformation.  Candidates are not what they use to be.
Take for example Bob Chapman.   I placed a call into his office three weeks ago.  Then subsequent follow ups... Not even a courtesy call.  This is the first time this has happened to me.  Normally, most reputable politician call within a couple of day.   That is acceptable and reasonable.
But this Chapman character, three weeks later and not even a courtesy call.   Why is this man running?   That should be the big question.
A careered politician a renown ‘YES MAN’.  He has sat on council as a City and Regional councillor and what has he achieved.   What has he done for the people that pay his wages?
Does anyone even know who Bob Chapman is?  I guess some of you do know... as he has been nominated party queen for Oshawa. 
For those that read my column on a regular basis... I have a huge problem with ‘YES MEN’. I have an even bigger problems with politicians that have sat on council for term after term and accomplished nothing.
It appears that the rule of thumb is.  Do little or nothing...and you are guaranteed re-election.
Your daddy has or had a popular name.  Your offspring will get voted in.... Remember the Aker fiasco.    The old man did not run but the daughter did...and most of the dumb ass voters in Oshawa voted Aker and the daughter won.. What a disgrace.
After doing a bit of digging into Chapman and his conservative status.  I found much to my surprise... that many jumped on his band wagon at the beginning in opposition to the liberal party agenda.   Unfortunately, many of those that jumped on are jumping off in disgust.
I talked to one very well Oshawa activist and he said in confidence, “Chapman is all about himself and he will screw over anyone in his path.   Him and the Mayor have screwed many and achieved nothing.  They are nothing but out for themselves.”
Another person that use to be very close to Bob Chapman said, “Bob is a nice guy don’t get me wrong.   But that is about it.   In my opinion he lacks true leadership and direction.  He follows beacons of opportunity.  Case in point.  Him being nominated candidate for the conservatives is proof that he is just out for himself.  Much like the mayor.   Has anyone told Chapman that there is no pension for the position that he is running for?”
My personal experience is one that I always found him very approachable.   A bit arrogant for my taste and your typical “YES SIR” type.  I remember when he first got in politics, how Nancy Diamond would manipulate him.   How he became her personal lap dog.
I question him as a candidate as if he does not return call from his local media.  Will he ever return a call from a constituent?  So he is out campaigning making empty promises only to assure himself a golden government seat.   So that he may sit for another four years and further cushion the pensions he is already getting.
Sad, Bob.  Truly sad.
You have an opportunity to do go.   Why blow it before you get a chance at it.   The conservatives must choose solid leaders not pipe dreamer and cloud fluffer....

Understanding The Root Cause of your Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Understanding The Root Cause of your Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Have you been told you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) by your general practitioner? I was there, and it was HELLA frustrating because GPs diagnose you with this only when they actually have no clue what’s going on -(basically once they’ve ruled out

So I wanted to share with you what worked for me, and what common triggers (root causes) of irritable bowel are:
1. you have an underlying food SENSITIVITY. It is important to know there is a difference between a true allergy (IgE immune mediated) vs a sensitivity IgG immune mediated). Both cause inflammation and damage in the body, but a sensitivity IgG response is DELAYED vs. Immediate, such as in a true allergy or an Anaphylaxis response. For me, I removed gluten and it was LIFE CHANGING. See a Naturopathic doctor for a food sensitivity test, not a GP.
2. Imbalance of gut flora. You have an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast (Candida) and lack beneficial bacteria. This is a HUGE culprit. Excess bad bacteria  worsen cramps, pain, diarrhea and bloating. Get yourself on a high quality probiotic, avoid antibiotics, BC pill and eat the rainbow! (No processed Sh*t)

3. STRESS- don’t underestimate the impact of stress in relation to your gut. There are more nerve cells in your gut than almost anywhere else in the body.  The gut is actually now referred to by scientists as “the second brain”. Try to meditate, exercise, or find lifestyle changes you can make to reduce stress in your life 

Until next week, Stay well.  Marissa.
that you don’t have celiac disease). Sad but true. This can be extremely frustrating when you're looking for answers and treatment to this inconvenient and often debilitating problem, which I should be clear, is NOT a ‘normal’ part of life. Understanding the ROOT CAUSE of WHY your bowel is so irritated is the only way to find relief.

Politicians Take Note Readers Damn Opioid Summit By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Politicians Take Note
Readers Damn Opioid Summit
          This week my e-mail nearly developed “Rigor Mortis” from the volume of responses to my column about an opioid summit. I recently told readers the government’s proposed opioid summit was a waste of money. I asked for their opinion. The majority agreed with me. But some labelled me barbaric, cruel and Godless for praising Singapore’s system of justice.
          M.P.  writes, “I also saw the warning signs when entering Singapore airport. A poster showed a drug dealer hanging by a rope!”
          Another reader adds, “I’m glad someone has the balls to discuss the consequences of this drug problem.”
From A.W., “My wife would swear I wrote your column. The only way to deal with drug dealers is death. Put them in jail and these serial killers are back selling death.”
From G.T., “I have morning coffee with 9 others and they all agree western society is too lenient with drug dealers. Bleeding hearts will ruin this great country.”  One also warned me they might also try to end my column, Parents responded that their worst nightmare occurred when a child died from a drug overdose. They suggested evil pushers be injected with the same drug that killed their children.  R.L. writes, “Every dealer executed saves our prison system $80,000. This   would decrease the demand on our police, and emergency health services.” From Brampton, “I’ve visited Singapore many times and it’s one of the few places I would emigrate to, thanks to Lee Kuan Yew and his tough stand on crime.”
 From Victoria, “I look forward to your column every Sunday. You are spot on, say it like it is, which is a breath of fresh air in a crazy world.”  Another added, “Great stuff, you should run for Prime Minister of Canada.” H.T. “I don’t normally reply to articles, but yours hit a nerve. Pampering drug addicts is a waste of health resources.”
From Calgary, “This is the most commonsense article I’ve read as we just slap the wrist of drug dealers. An opioid summit is the classic stalling tactic of governments. This column is a joy to read and should have been on the front page.” K.S. says, “We have to stop saving people who overdose. Let them die.” Another reader, “Why are we handwringing over a few witless souls who have no regard for their continued existence.” Another just said, “Hang the scumbags.”
But five percent of readers took me to task. J.K. says, “Your proposal that dealers should be hanged is cruelty over the top.” Other readers suggested I visit Portugal to learn about rehabilitation programs. Still others said they had always considered me a compassionate physician, but now were appalled by my views.
Several readers addressed the death penalty saying that it was barbaric. But added it’s equally barbaric to sell death, so punishment fits the crime. Others deplored how the court system allowed lawyers to defer justice on drug cases for years.
A Crisis Centre worker writes, “As a Christian I try to model the love God has for mankind. But my God is no pushover. In the Bible punishment for crime is swift and definite. And yes, it includes the death penalty.”
 Addicts did not get much sympathy from readers. Some blamed doctors for the indiscriminate use of opioids. But the majority did not buy this view. Rather, they believed responsibility rested solely on those who decided to become involved in drugs. Moreover, we should not dignify addicts by calling them victims when they’re willing to become participants in their own addictions.
Most readers had a pessimistic view of the future and believe that chicken-hearted politicians would continue to be “irresponsibly permissive” in dealing with drug dealers. Many also decried the use of safe injection sites and naloxone injections of just abetting drug addiction.
The overwhelming message is that people are fed up with politicians and their lack of sense when dealing with the drug epidemic. None of the respondents could see Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew’s hard stand on drugs ever happening in this country. But they suggest any politician with the intestinal fortitude to take this stand would get elected. So, is any politician listening?
Online Comments

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Sign Read ‘FRESH WATER’ By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Sign Read ‘FRESH WATER’
   If you had a severe thirst and walked for miles in search of of a way to quench that gut wrenching thirst  and all of a sudden you came up to a hole in the ground that had a sign right beside it and it read, “FRESH WATER”.
  What would you do?   Would you trust the sign and drink from it?  Dive in or use caution.
This model appears to be the thought process of many in Canada when faced with choosing a political party and or party affiliation.
We are so thirsty for change that we have become blinded by our own desperation.  Standards have been lowered so much that anything and everything is acceptable and anyone questioning is ridiculed and labeled  neurotic or psychotic.    The term phobia has become a shield for the insane to use on the sane in order to rational, irrational thought, process and action.
All parties promise the world.   All parties create the illusion that you as a person matter.  Only to extract your vote and prove that you are the same putz that you were an hour ago.
I remember the days when a Liberal was a Liberal.  A conservative was a Conservative and the only other alternative was the communist party.    Today the so called socialist movement deemed it the National Democratic Party.   A filtered out version that incorporates a bit of the Liberal ideology as well as the Conservatives and spins it off as a blue collar champion.
In reality.  There is no difference.
All parties are a system.  A hiarchy of me first types.  A bunch of “YES MEN’.  Canadian politics lost it’s purpose as an institution that represents any majority.   It has lost integrity and resolve when it comes to preserving Canadian heritage and culture.
As the populi is swayed back and forth with ease.   Political parties keep the masses confused and keep us out of the reality that it is not about doing good but about attaining a job that flushes them up another notch a life time  carrier.
Look at Justin Trudeau.  If his name had been Justin Smith.  Would he have made Prime Minster?  The answer is obvious.
Look at the fiasco the insanity at the Provincial level.   We have Ford.  A man that has come out of the shadows of his late brother.  An elected official that in my opinion was a disgrace to the integrity of any public office.  A drug user and generally anti social individual.
Now, in a desperate attempt at reviving the party.  Someone at the Con’s HQ, decided that there were no real candidates in the stable so why not use the Ford name to repackage the party as a people’s party.    The Cons much like the Liberal did at the last election acknowledge the thirst of the voters and have put up their sign that reads, “FRESH WATER” masqued as FORD using it as  their trump card.  
Many are diving in.  Some are drinking from the new illusion. 
Some have made irrational comparisons to Trump in the U.S.   In which I think it is pure insanity to make such correlation or comparison.   It be like saying a dog and a cat are the same all because they have four legs. I think Ford needs to be tested.  I think his approach toward Canadian politics is fresh and inspiring.  
Canada has dropped it’s standards.  It has compromised the Canadiana integrity.  Canada has crumbled to a point that we are becoming the third nations we spend billions to liberate.
We lack true leadership and direction.    We must break the barrier of politics being an opportunity to attain wealth and power.  It should be about service.  I think politicians should follow Trumps lead.  You want to lead.  The pay is zero. 
Do you still want the job?
By John Mutton      
Well this is the week (May 1)that those interested in running for municipal office can file nomination papers.

A few items that I can speak about that may come in handy. If you want to run for office and have little or no experience start at School Board Trustee, it is an excellent proving ground that costs little money to run a campaign.

Moving over to local councillor, I would suggest that any candidate have experience in basic understanding of public policy and economics, but to have also been a volunteer within a service club or another community group.

Regional Council candidates are usually folks that have done a term at council or school board or have very deep community ties with a broad base of knowledge.

For the Mayoral position it is likely too late if you have not been working behind the scenes on your campaign and making the contacts that will help fund a Mayoral campaign which will be 20-100 k in Durham. Considering you have 5.5 months, 2 months of summer and the provincial election, it will be very hard to compete with a sitting Mayor without the aforementioned pre election period work and announcement of intentions.

Public office is not as glamorous as some may think. You have to ask the public to give your job back every 4 years and you have to spend and raise money to get that job. In years gone by we have seen many candidates per ward in different cities, most without any preparation, just a want to serve. My advice to anyone is to community volunteer, because that is where you will develop the skills for public office and build your brand to be more than a name on a ballot.

Till next week...

Dream Misinterpretation

Dream Misinterpretation
   The other night my husband said another woman’s name in his sleep. He said either “roll over here Michelle” or “come over here, Michelle” and gestured toward me. This has me very upset.
I can pretty much account for all his time away from home with his work and everything. He is never late coming home. If he missed work to spend time with another woman, I would know because I am the one who handles the paychecks and bills.
My biggest fear is he is contemplating having an affair. We have a good relationship. We get along well most of the time, and I do feel loved and cherished by him. This is the first thing that has made me feel like my relationship is in question. I don’t know what to do or think.

Cecily, are you thinking of the old Romantic’s song? “I hear the secrets that you keep, when you are talking in your sleep.” Or is it like this? Hamlet steps on stage and bares his soul to the audience. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”
But sleep talking isn’t a soliloquy, it’s a somniloquy. It’s inadmissible in court, found mostly in males, and generally indicates nothing more than sleep deprivation or stress.
If your husband was having an affair, you would find out through a stand-alone event, like lipstick on his collar, or through the accumulation of little things until it finally dawned on you. He’s paying more attention to his grooming, adds an extra dash of cologne in the morning, and my best friend asked, “Who was that woman he was talking to after church?”
You have your husband on a tight leash. You control his money and his time. Do you want to control his dreams as well? Maybe the problem is your insecurities. That’s a better explanation than the babblings in his sleep.
Wayne & Tamara

Cafeteria Food
Last year I started dating Ty. We dated 10 months until I broke up with him and broke his heart. He hounded me constantly to get back together. Five months later I agreed to go out with him and we started dating again six weeks ago.
After we broke up he dated another girl. She’s a flight attendant, gone five days then back for two or three. He has not told her about us. Every time she calls he either tells her he is busy or doesn’t return her call.
You’d think she’d get the hint. I told him, from a woman’s point of view, she would rather be told he is not interested, followed by a goodbye. But he says he doesn’t want to hurt her. He wants her to break up with him. I think he just wants to keep his foot in the door. Or maybe it’s laziness. He has lazy tendencies.
I’m losing trust in him because I see the way he lies to her. He tells me he loves me and we are like peas and carrots, but sometimes I feel like a fool.

Joslyn, you are like peas and carrots. Peas are green. Carrots are orange. Peas are spheres. Carrots are cylinders. Peas roll. Carrots can’t. It’s a combination most people aren’t crazy about, and you shouldn’t be either.
The man of my dreams…I’ve waited all my life to meet a guy like this…lazy and I can’t trust him. C’mon, girl, give him the boot. Don’t worry about him, this time he has someone waiting in the wings.
Wayne & Tamara
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Food Combining Strategies for Optimal Digestion:

Food Combining Strategies for
Optimal Digestion:
Did you know that poor food combinations can actually be the culprit to some of your digestive distress?
It's true, some foods really shouldn't be eaten together, especially when you're suffering from digestive issues.
What are examples of poor food combinations? 1) Mixing fruit with veggies, grains, or animal proteins.
2) Mixing starchy carbohydrates with animal proteins (ie: rice and chicken, hamburger on a bun).
Why does this worsen digestion? Each macronutrient (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) digests at a different speed. Also, each requires the release of different digestive solutions and enzymes to be broken down.

So if you eat foods at the same meal that have opposite digestive requirements, they’re considered bad food combinations. Bad food combinations can result in an intestinal “traffic jam,” which can result in symptoms such as gas, bloating, burping and abdominal cramps.

What should you do instead? Pair animal protein with non-starchy vegetables (ie leafy greens), and pair your starches (ie: oats, rice, bread) with healthy fats (like avocado, nuts/seeds, olive oil) and vegetables. You can also eat quick digesting foods like fruits and starches FIRST. This will help to avoid excess fermentation of food in the gut, causing bloating, gas, heartburn and indigestion.

For more digestive healing I recommend my Bikini Bod Beat the Bloat Ebook on my website at

Marijuana for Gifford-Jones? By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.Marijuana for Gifford-Jones?
          Why would I, at my age, want to start smoking pot, when I’d much prefer a glass of chardonnay? It’s because I’ve suffered annoying neck pain for years due to an old injury which happened in Japan. Besides, my experience with the plant may help others who suffer from chronic pain day after day, and find no relief from other painkillers.
          My interest in marijuana dates back many years. At that time several readers asked for my support to obtain medical marijuana.  Some patients had found that marijuana decreased nausea while undergoing chemotherapy. Others with spinal cord injuries, accompanied by painful muscle spasm, also reported relief. But many could not find a doctor to prescribe marijuana. So I argued in my column, without success, that the government should make medical marijuana available for patients.
          Now, Dr. Margaret Gedde, a Stanford University trained pathologist, relates how she became disenchanted with conventional medicine. She reports that when medical marijuana was legalized in Colorado, a sizeable influx of patients moved to the state, even though many had never previously used it! She added that data suggests the increased use of medical marijuana resulted in fewer people dying from opioid overdoses.
          What shocked Gedde the most was her discovery that this natural remedy helped so many patients. She knew that patients who continue on painkillers too long suffer increasing risk of complications. But, according to Dr. Gedde, patients can stay on marijuana for months or years without adverse effects.
          Why is this the case? In 1992 the Journal of Science reported that in all tissues of the body there are receptors to marijuana. This means that, unlike prescription drugs, our bodies are prepared to make good use of this ancient plant.
          There are two kinds of marijuana. The THC type creates a “high”. The other, CBD, is associated with pain control. Gedde, and other experts, refer to the “sweet spot” when discussing the effects of marijuana. Namely, that in some cases, a combination of the two provides the best relief of pain.
          So it becomes a matter of finding the right dose and combination of strains of marijuana that are most effective for the individual. In other words, the shoe does not fit all feet. Or, as it’s been aptly said, “different strokes for different folks.”
          My research shows that the medical use of marijuana has been underestimated, underused and grossly misunderstood by the majority of North Americans, including doctors who remain resistant to natural remedies. And one has to ask why it has been so vilified.
          Some reports say that smoking pot was looked on as an act of disobedience during the Vietnam War. That it was heavily targeted by the U.S. government to get rid of  hippies who were looking for a “high”. Some even suggest that it provided a reason to put questionable elements of society in jail.
          So, am I going to be smoking pot while writing this column? Hell will freeze over before that happens. Inhaling smoke in any form is an unhealthy habit. In fact, those still smoking tobacco should see a psychiatrist. But I could easily accept marijuana in my smoothies, if it relieves pain.    
          Luckily, there are more ways to get the benefit of medical marijuana than smoking it. For instance, marijuana oil can be rubbed on the skin. And there’s an oral oil preparation as well.
          I have recently completed my personal medical documentation for the application of legal, medical marijuana. As you might suspect, I can hardly wait to see if it has any effect on my neck pain.
          But I admit to being highly skeptical that it will ease pressure on a nerve. After all, I’ve tried acupuncture, manipulation by chiropractors. I’ve had repeated red and infra-red therapy and massage without relief. In fact, I’ve joked that the only cure for me would be the guillotine!
          But I keep an open mind for new ideas. One thing is certain. Regardless of what happens, you will be the first to know the result.
          Next week, what shocked me at my first visit to a medic to obtain medical   marijuana. It proves once again that commonsense is an uncommon commodity, even in 2018.
Online Comments

Thursday, April 26, 2018

My Favourite Healthy Food Swaps

My Favourite Healthy Food Swaps
It has been 7 years now since I have been using nutrition as a method of healing. For those of you who don't know my history, when I was a teenager I developed horrendous digestive issues, from frequent diarrhoea, bloating, gas, intense stomach pain and chronic fatigue. When doctors told me I simply had "IBS", or an "irritable" bowel, I knew this couldn't be the answer. I wanted to know WHY. What was I doing or eating that was irritating my bowel? I began my own research and found a strong link between gluten and digestive issues. Despite my love for traditional whole wheat bread and cereal, I knew this was something I had to try. Literally within 2 weeks after eliminating gluten, I felt like a completely different person. I hadn't known what it felt like to not be gassy or in pain for almost 4 years. This was the only motivation I needed to continue with eliminating gluten from my diet.
Fast forward 2 years when I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology, my love for nutrition continued to grow and I definitely knew I wanted to learn more about the healing properties of food. It is safe to say that my studies at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition were life-changing. I learned everything from Ayurvedic food principles to herbal medicine, to the psychology behind the disease, and various diet types for various populations. A common trend was that so many of us eating the Standard American Diet are overfed and undernourished. Yes, it is totally possible to be obese and malnourished. People are choosing empty calories over nutrient dense ones and put themselves on a blood sugar rollercoaster with frequent cravings, low energy and heightened risks of disease.
One of the best things I think we can do for our health is simply swapping poor food choices for healthier alternatives. Removing foods with empty calories, inflammatory promoting foods, and foods that worsen digestive health, and replacing them for nutrient-dense foods that are easy to digest, are health protective, and balance our blood sugar to promote a healthy body composition and a healthy mind.
I wanted to share some of my favourite healthy food swaps with you guys. My hope is that you can increase the nutrient density of each meal for improved weight management, better digestive health, improved hormonal balance, and overall improved vitality.
This swap is especially great for those suffering from diabetes, obesity and women with PCOS as this swap is super blood sugar balancing. Grain-free paleo wraps are SUPER high in fiber, low in carbs, and high in healthy fats. Fiber helps to bind excess hormones and remove them from the bowels. Healthy fats help to reduce inflammation and promote glowing skin and hormonal balance. Lowered carbohydrates, higher fiber, and higher healthy fats help to balance our blood sugar, keep us feeling full longer and reduce cravings.
This swap is especially great for those who suffer from acne, hormonal imbalances,  irritable bowel and obesity. Milk and dairy products (this includes butter) promote insulin production and induces acne. Acne is triggered by an insulin-disrupting diet, and milk and dairy products contain insulin-like growth factor 1, which then stimulates acne formation. Milk proteins also increase the male sex hormone testosterone which clogs pores and increases oil production in the subcutaneous skin glands. Dairy is also high inflammatory: The sugar and the proteins in dairy are what give it these inflammatory properties in the body. Especially susceptible individuals are those who are lactose intolerant as they do not produce the lactase enzyme, which is required to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk. This worsens the accompanied digestive issues whenever they consume dairy products.
I also swap my regular milk for almond milk and my dairy-based yogurt for coconut, cashew or almond yogurt.
This swap is great for anyone who is as extra as I am (LOL). If you know me, you know how much I love kale chips, so I felt obligated to put this one in here. With all jokes aside, if you are a snacker you really need to try this swap. Kale chips are the perfect amount of crunch and come in both sweet and savoury flavours. Other chip alternatives include sweet potato chips, banana chips, cassava chips and plantain chips. Making them yourself will eliminate a lot of the pro-inflammatory oils (such as sunflower and canola) that a lot of cheap, store-bought brands use.
This swap is important for anyone looking to lose weight, improve energy and balance their blood sugar. A serving size of pasta is typically 1/2 to 1 cup but let's be real when people eat pasta they go beyond this and end up eating 2-3 cups. Who needs 200+g of carbohydrates before they go lay on the couch and watch Netflix? Unless you are a professional athlete or an extremely active individual, you probably do NOT need carbohydrates to this extent in one sitting. The insulin surge caused by eating this amount of carbohydrates in one meal will have you feeling exhausted within minutes, and then craving something sweet shortly after. It is a vicious cycle. Bean pasta, on the other hand, is LOADED with fiber and protein. This will help to keep you feeling full, longer, balance your blood sugar, and improve hormonal balance
This swap is again great for people looking to balance their blood sugar, manage their hormones, improve body composition, fight candida and improve digestive health. The number of healthy fats and fibre in this bread alternative will help to bind excess hormones such as estrogen and remove them in the bowels. Elevated estrogen levels are associated with weight gain (the more estrogen you have, the more fat you produce). Flax also contains natural phytoestrogens which help to block harmful xenoestrogens, associated with estrogen dominant cancers, from binding to our hormone receptor sites. Lastly, this recipe is grain free, gluten free, and dairy free so it is perfect for anyone with food sensitivities that can worsen digestive issues. Get the recipe

Traitor or Patriot? By Joe Ingino

Traitor or Patriot?
   Former  F.B.I. Director, James Comey. 
Traitor or Patriot?
Mr. Comey, was quoted on national television claiming that his  former boss and commander in chief is not morally fit to be President.
What qualifications does he have to make such judgement call?  As FBI Director... his morality is constantly compromised.  From the many illegal tap wires to the many un authorized surveillance not to mention the millions the FBI launders from confiscated drugs and goods used to pay off snitches and informants.
Comey went on that Trump runs his administration much like the mob.  He went as far as making comparisons to ‘LA COSA NOSTRA’, the notorious New York mob family headed by John Gotti.
Here is a guy that was the F.B.I Director... the head of what many deem legalized crime, calling the commander in chief a mob boss.
Talk about irony.   Not to ad insult to stupidity.  James Comey as head of the FBI has compromised his own integrity as a professional law enforcer by making such claims.    Then again.  One has to wonder his own moral constitution.
Here is a guy that is clearly a republican sympathizer.   He is clearly anti Trump.   Now that he has been fired decides to go public and breach the honor of the position he held.  Does he not have duty to nation to respect the chain of command?
Is his outburst for self profit of the sale of his book not anti-patriotic?   Is his behavior not treason against the state, he swore to protect?
Democracy is not about rebellion but instead about respecting the integrity of the process.  This means that if he/she leads, it is up to all of us to uphold the principles of which democracy has prescribed.
To me James Comey should be facing treason charges.   At the least libel and slander against the President of the United States.   Let me explain.  On the high side.  Comey has gone public and openly denouncing  the leader of America.   Something that he as a personal opinion should had been kept to himself.   Out of respect for the nation and the integrity of his profession.  He has or had no business making the statements he made against Trump.
Sure he has the right to express his opinion and thoughts.  After all he is protected by freedoms and right found in the constitution.  The question is...  Does this make it right?  Does this not surpass the responsibility as a patriot to uphold the integrity of the union by keeping personal opinions and dislikes just that ‘personal’.
As for him come out and openly ridicule the President....  that just goes to show you the level of professionalism and the reason why he is out of a job.   Imagine calling down to his office and he has such bias and prejudice towards his boss and or chain of command.
Trump if anything has a good libel and slander case against  him...then again Trump is a public figure and open to personal opinion. Trump was right to get rid of him.  He was not an asset to the FBI.  He was clearly a liability. I watched Comey on one of those talk shows making statements like... “now that I am an author, I have to write to my audience.”  What a load of crap.
The real question is how did this guy become director of the FBI.    Any ideas.   The FBI is a dog eat dog environment.  And entity truly above the law in many aspects.
The funny thing about all this is his comparison of Trump to a mob boss. 
Sad that we live in a society that if you don’t like the hand you been dealt.  You just turn around and do what is best for you first without care for the betterment of society at large.  Sad.

Exciting things happening around Durham By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
  Some pretty exciting things happening around Durham this past week, highlighted by job growth and the economy.
Pickering having already had the announcement of Durham Live and the thousands of jobs and economic multiplier to ensue has announced the new Kubota heavy equipment production facility.

In Ajax, Regional Councillor Shaun Collier has announced his intentions to run for Mayor and I could personally think of a better choice. He has the finance background, the business acumen and the toughness to be Mayor. I believe he is also the man to broker a deal to save Ajax Downs with the new provincial government as well.

In Clarington we learned that the new super outlet mall was cancelled from lack of infrastructure investment around the 401 interchange. While the Western part of Durham seems to find solutions, "no" seems to be the dominant word in Clarington.
It was great to see the GO extension and the sign unveiling, however I would rather see the unveiling of the budget that will deliver GO to Clarington, that will be done by the new Premier. Sign posting in election year is just fodder.
One thing that I know, with the commuters and new residents being promised a GO Train, we need assurance that this can be delivered no matter who the provincial government. One of the biggest issues in Durham is the gridlock on the 401.
Till next week

John MuttonPresident and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Friday, April 20, 2018


  You have to wonder on the logic used by world powers.  A nation commits a crime.  This allows other nations to reciprocate in the name of sending a message?
  Is this logical thinking to you?  In criminal law.  Someone breaks the law and there is retribution not reciprication.... or wait.  Are they not one of the same, just labeled differently?
Interesting questions. 
In my world if we send in troops and over take a government.  We did not liberate.  We conquered... and as such.  Why is it we in the West keep wasting billions to liberate with no reciprocation.
It would make sense that if we go to war we should be compensated.   We should be able to plant our national flag on their soil and reap the benefits of their natural resources to say the least.
With the recent global developments.  Syria is punishes militarily.... to what real gain?   So we bombed a few buildings...  What is the value of hitting a building that is worth 100,000 with a 20 million dollar missile. 
Does it make sense to you?
On the other side of the coin if we do nothing.   This leaves Syria to continue developing weapons that incorporate chemical agents.   I know it is a humanitary issue...  but why should we care in the west that Syria is using these weapons on it’s own people?   I guess the fear that those weapons can find their way to our shores.
This is not logical but strategically rational.  
Politically it is a way to flex world muscle and assure that some sort of global humanity is maintained.
The real question is.  Why are we so barbaric and who gave the west the God given right to police the world?
Question, and more questions...

Downtown of Oshawa By John Mutton

 I am really enjoying my firms new office in the Downtown of Oshawa. I am so impressed with the trendy coffee shops in the city likely driven by the UOIT presence.

I was also looking at the great presence of the creative class in the City and for example you can see this at the Cork and Been at almost any day on the west side of Simcoe st, just south of King St.

The City will never reach its potential without the removal of the methadone clinic however. If successful in October, I plan to use all tools that we have in the Municipal Act to relocate the methadone clinic, mark my words on this.

Once the drug anchor is removed out of the downtown, an increase in police walking a beat and an increase in bike patrols will in fact take our city core back. The old rule of thumb is that good can always drive out bad.

Durham Regional Police must also be targeting the prostitution and human trafficking, I absolutely witnessed a huge influx of prostitution last week in the City. This does not sit well with the public or me. The eradication of crime must be THE priority in Oshawa downtown.

Crime across Durham is an issue period. Councillor Shaun Collier, the next Mayor of Ajax has spoke to me about the need for a Police Station in Ajax and I am fully supporting him on this initiative. Land acquisition, Engineering and construction will happen under his watch and mine.

Crime must be met with the Broken Windows philosophy that Rudy Giuliano advocated. Only then will we be legitimately proactive on crime.Till next week
John MuttonPresident and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure
Downtown of Oshawa

Living In The Past from Wayne & Tamara

Living In The Past
So I’m getting a haircut on Saturday morning. My barber is in his mid-70s. He starts talking about how horrible it is that they are making a movie about the Charles Manson murders. It’s due for release next year on the 50th anniversary of the killings.
My barber was a young newlywed at the time, in California, and working for hair stylist Jay Sebring. He showed me a picture on the wall of the two of them. He joked that Jay gave the worst haircut he had ever seen, but in 1969 he was getting $55 a haircut. He described Sebring as a great friend and boss.I just listened. On the day of the murders, my barber was being trained how to close the shop. He was probably one of the last people, besides the other victims, to see his friend alive. He told me he was a young hothead and wanted to go out and kill whoever killed his boss.
My barber sort of blames fellow victim, Sharon Tate, for Sebring's death. If he hadn’t been romantically involved with her, he wouldn’t have become one of the seven people murdered.
My point is not to gossip about the dead. My point is that my barber blames his friend's death on Tate and said the guy could have lived a long life if he could have gotten "that woman" out of his life.
Is that typical mourning almost 50 years later? Seven people died in two nights, but he blames one of the victims for one of the other deaths.

Robert, the murders are a traumatic memory for your barber, and traumatic memories differ from ordinary memories. Ordinary memories fade quickly, but traumatic memories remain intense even after many years.
That’s one explanation. Then there’s the celebrity aspect. Contacts with celebrities are so out of the ordinary for most of us we don’t forget them. Meeting Russell Crowe makes a bigger impact than what we had for lunch a week ago Tuesday.
We remember things bigger than ourselves: an army on the march, a Bruce Springsteen concert, a great football game. They are a big deal. The Manson murders may not have been The Crime of the Century, but they were one of them. The helter-skelter craziness of the Manson clan is infamous.
Perhaps your barber constructed a fantasy future and saw himself managing a Jay Sebring salon in Hollywood or London, though Jay may never have had that level of success. Perhaps he wants to ignore his friend’s role in his own death by resorting to a time-honored male strategy: blame the woman.r it could simply be he grieves over a friend’s death. But repeating the story and keeping the photo wear deeper and deeper grooves into his memory and nervous system. At this point the memory would be almost impossible to escape.
The story and the photograph are like your barber’s trademark. They make him memorable compared to all the other barbers in the world. They are like the white suits and white fedora worn by writer Tom Wolfe, or the odd speech pattern of actor Christopher Walken.
People raised in abuse cannot get past what happened. They think: what was, is. Some people throw themselves into a tizzy over what if. What if I had gotten on that plane that crashed? But life is not about what if or what was. Life is about what is. We can’t live in an imagined future or the remembered past. We should only live from what is, today.
Wayne & Tamara
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Should you eat gluten?

Should you eat gluten?
There is a lot of buzz around gluten intolerance and celiac disease these days, so I figured it would be informative and fun to dive a little deeper into the real issues surrounding gluten.
As well, as a nutritional practitioner, it is important to always be aware and able to recognize a client’s symptoms and understand how they may relate to different food allergies or sensitivities.
This blog will cover the definition of gluten, the difference between gluten sensitivity and a gluten allergy, explanations why these problems may be on the rise, and healthy alternatives to this grain!

What is Gluten?

Gluten is the lectin protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, spelt and rye, which is incredibly hard for the body to digest.
The digestibility of gluten may be a bigger problem for some individuals than others, and blood type plays a large role in determining our body’s ability to digest gluten.
In sensitive individuals, especially blood type O individuals, gluten has an agglutinating effect, literally meaning “glue-like” effect on the cells of the body, specifically the villi in the small intestine. This causes substantial pain, inflammation and irritation of the lining of the digestive tract.
Many individuals will respond differently to gluten, and this often determines the severity of the sensitivity or intolerance.
The symptoms/effects of eating gluten can include gas, bloating, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, irritability, and increased cravings for more sugar and carbs.

What is the difference between a person with gluten sensitivity compared to a gluten intolerance (or Celiac Disease)

What is gluten intolerance (allergy)?

Gluten intolerance signifies an actual immune-mediated response, triggered when dietary gluten enters the body of susceptible individuals.  A food allergy is an immediate reaction to food that is triggered by IgA antibodies. In the case of gluten as the allergen, this is termed celiac disease.
The auto-immune reaction triggers the process of agglutination, where antibodies in the blood view gluten as a foreign invader. This essentially glues the gluten together to be removed by the body but causes inflammation and destruction of local cells, especially the villi in the small intestine which are responsible for nutrient absorption.
Gluten also stimulates ZONULIN, a protein that increases gut permeability which opens up the tight junctions that normally protect the small intestine of bacteria and undigested food. This also causes a heightened immune response to the gluten.
If left untreated, celiac disease significantly increases the risk for certain cancers, osteoporosis, malnutrition and neurological conditions such as depression

What is gluten sensitivity?

A gluten sensitive person will still have an increased immune response to gluten but is not as elevated as it would be in a person with an auto-immune mediated reaction to gluten. In other words, food sensitivities are delayed reactions to specific foods that are triggered by IgG antibodies (compared to a true allergy which is mediated by IgA antibodies). Ensuring you receive the right test is crucial to determining whether you have a true allergy to gluten, or if your immune system is overly sensitive to gluten.

 Why have gluten sensitivities and intolerances increased so much over the last several years?

There are a few different reasons why gluten sensitivities and intolerances are on the rise.

GMOs: Firstly, since the 1950’s, all wheat, even organic wheat (According to the book Wheat-Belly), has been genetically modified. Instead of containing its 14 original chromosomes, it now has a whopping 42! This makes the GMO grain hard for the body to digest.
In other words, the gluten content of the stains of genetically modified wheat contains five times more gluten than their non-hybridized ancestors.

UNSPROUTED GRAINS: Secondly, un-sprouted grains such as wheat have anti-nutrients present in them, inhibiting their digestibility, and also the body’s ability to absorb calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

WESTERNIZED DIETS: Thirdly, the frequency of celiac disease is increasing in many developing countries as their diets are becoming more westernized and consuming more GMO wheat products

What are the Alternatives to Gluten Containing Foods and are they any Healthier?

The food industry has made millions of dollars capitalizing on the advertisement of “Gluten-free foods”, but this does not necessarily mean they are healthy. Many of these alternatives contain ingredients such as potato starch, cornstarch and rice starch, which have high glycemic indexes and can even lead to weight gain.

Better alternatives would, therefore, be, quinoa, an amazing grain and complete source of protein, as well as coconut flour, high in fiber and incredibly low on the glycemic index scale.
So what’s the take-home message?

You must now be asking yourself, so what do I do?! Do I eat gluten, or do not eat gluten?

If it were up to me, the answer would always be no! Simply because nearly ALL wheat crops are GMO and extremely hard for the body to digest.
However, if you ARE going to eat gluten, safety tips include:

    Sprout your grains or buy sprouted grains to make them more easily digestible
    Limit their overall consumption

    Take an L-Glutamine and zinc supplement to rebuild the cells on the small intestine so they replicate and decrease the likelihood of excessive permeability due to digestive damage

    Taking a probiotic can also be extremely beneficial as they help to control inflammation in the body, which is definitely happening in someone with a gluten allergy or sensitivity. A probiotic can also strengthen the lining and function of the colon which helps protect the mucosal barrier from the invasion of harmful invaders/organisms from getting into the bloodstream.
Until next week, Stay well.  Marissa.

Exercise Can Kill You

Exercise Can Kill You
   The Earl of Darby once remarked that “Those who don’t take time for wellness, will eventually have to make time for sickness.” Like many doctors, I too have advised patients and readers to exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Now, Dr. Maureen Brogan, Associate Professor of Medicine at New York Medical College, reports that intense, repetitive, motion exercise can cause rhabdomyolysis. And in rare cases it can kill.
Brogan explains that when muscle is damaged, it dumps myoglobin, an iron and oxygen-binding muscle protein, into blood circulation.  Excessive amounts of myoglobin can obstruct the kidney’s filtration system and cause serious damage.
 I have mentioned in previous columns that, in rare cases, prolonged use of high doses of cholesterol-lowering drugs can cause rhabdomyolysis. I have also stressed that excessive exercise has been associated with fibrosis of cardiac muscle. But I was never aware it could cause rhabdomyolysis. According to Dr. Brogan, over-exercising triggers the problem. This can occur when you push yourself too far in cycling, running, or lifting weights.
For instance, Brogan cites the case of professional snowboarder, Amy Purdy, who in 2016 was hospitalized after participating in a CrossFit class for the first time. So why was hospitalization needed when she was well-conditioned?
The problem was she had not done pullups for several months. So the high intensity pullups during class caused her medical Waterloo.
She remarked, “It wasn’t until 72 hours later that my arms would not straighten out all the way. I also had swelling of my elbows on both arms. Tests showed I had rhabdomyolysis. It shows if you push your body to failure, and keep going, you’re at risk. Listen to your body as it knows best.”
Other possible symptoms of rhabdomyolysis are nausea, vomiting, fever, intense shivering, confusion and fainting. And urine can be scant and dark.
When I read this report I thought about friends who routinely run several miles every week. And others who participate in long distance cycling races. Some who exercise regularly are quite surprised when told of this diagnosis. So I wondered if any might be suffering from mild forms of rhabdomyolysis without realizing it. 
We also know this condition can result from accidents that injure muscles, prolonged immobilization, drug side effects and genetic disorders.
Brogan claims that high intensity cycling has produced dozens of cases of   rhabdomyolysis, particularly among “newbies”, just beginning the sport, and pushing their bodies beyond capacity. One New York City hospital reports 29 cases of rhabdomyolysis during a four year period.  She adds that no one is immune to rhabdomyolysis, as there is a fine line between exercising to capacity and overexerting yourself.
So what’s the message? Like many medical problems, prevention is better than cure, particularly when there’s a small chance of dying. Cycling seems to be   one of the major hazards. Brogan says that when she started to research this matter, 42 of the 46 cases of rhabdomyolysis involved patients attending cycling classes for the first time.
These patients are at big risk as they are often not conditioned and using untested muscles at an intense rate. But if you’re a runner and decide it’s time to switch to cycling, remember, you will be using a different set of muscles for the first time, which could result in rhabdomyolysis unless you gradually increase the intensity overtime.
Insufficient physical training, along with severe dehydration and/or extreme body temperatures, also increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis regardless of the type of exercise.
Always start slow. Take frequent breaks, keep well hydrated, and listen hard to what your body is telling you, as no one is immune to rhabdomyolysis. Brogan reports that 7 to 8 out of 100,000 military recruits are affected every year. Even professional athletes suffer its consequences. The mortality rate is five percent, but can be higher if kidney function fails.
Of course it’s not the intention of this column to worry people about exercising, have them become couch potatoes, nor to make time for illness. Rather, the best advice is to keep moving, but stress that moderation in most aspects of life usually wins the day.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


  How many of you know the name of your local councillor?  How many of you know the name of your regional councillor?  Hell, how many of you know the name of our beloved Mayor. 
What has the municipality done for you?  Besides, taking your property taxes and waste them on consultants and wastefully spending it...
I say this because the City of Oshawa spends millions on consultants, advisors and studies that in most cases are common sense.  
This brings to question why do we need municipal government?
As it stand we are without choice bound to the region.   The City has given up it’s Police force, ambulance, fire, water services.    Would it no make more sense to surrender to the region and let them govern us?
Would we not financially as a city benefit.   Personally, I say ‘NO’.   Personally, I say we take back our police services, ambulance and water.   Oshawa has always been the jewel of Durham.   But due to bad leadership, arrogance and ignorance.   The Oshawa elect have slipped.  Thinking we are saving millions by having the region do our dirty work... such as running water purification and sewer.  Or managing the police services, ambulance and fire.  Not to mention our hospitals.
I say it is a sham and an out of control system.   The police operate as a separate political entity as does the hospital, fire and ambulance.    We as a City need to take control back of these critical systems and stream line them.
No more waste, no more pockets of self interest and agenda driven organizations.   We must control and manage to better the people of Oshawa.  To bring back that luster that the jewel of the region once had.
Sadly, the voter pool is not what it use to be.   It is not made up of people that care about their community.   Today’s voters pools is made of ‘ME FIRST’ types that only care about getting through the day.  This is evident in the result election after election.
It appears if you sit on City council and you do nothing.  That is an assurity that you will be re-elected.
How can this be?  How can people not care?   I am baffled at the new prejudice and bias in society.   Envy and ignorance prevail over common sense and the integrity of doing what is best for the population at large.
You look down South and see a leader like Trump.   A self made man that in the most miraculous fashion has managed to conquer the beast.   He has turned the American landscape upside down and has assured himself a place in world history like no other American president.
The question still remains... Do we need municipal government?
In my personal opinion.  Yes, we do if we are to move forward as a society.
No, if we are to maintain the status quo.   I say this because the status quo, has proven to bring us to a halt.  
There is no regards for spending and there is no place for the general public as all we are water droplets in a sea that these local politicians must stay afloat on.
Tax increases, no jobs and self preservation are the norm.   We are at the eve of another municipal election.  Can you afford to make the same mistake?  Will you make the same mistakes?
Probably so.  Otherwise how do you explain councillor sitting in office for 20 years and the deteriorating state of the City.
Now I ask again.  Do we need a municipal government?