Friday, May 4, 2018

The Sign Read ‘FRESH WATER’ By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Sign Read ‘FRESH WATER’
   If you had a severe thirst and walked for miles in search of of a way to quench that gut wrenching thirst  and all of a sudden you came up to a hole in the ground that had a sign right beside it and it read, “FRESH WATER”.
  What would you do?   Would you trust the sign and drink from it?  Dive in or use caution.
This model appears to be the thought process of many in Canada when faced with choosing a political party and or party affiliation.
We are so thirsty for change that we have become blinded by our own desperation.  Standards have been lowered so much that anything and everything is acceptable and anyone questioning is ridiculed and labeled  neurotic or psychotic.    The term phobia has become a shield for the insane to use on the sane in order to rational, irrational thought, process and action.
All parties promise the world.   All parties create the illusion that you as a person matter.  Only to extract your vote and prove that you are the same putz that you were an hour ago.
I remember the days when a Liberal was a Liberal.  A conservative was a Conservative and the only other alternative was the communist party.    Today the so called socialist movement deemed it the National Democratic Party.   A filtered out version that incorporates a bit of the Liberal ideology as well as the Conservatives and spins it off as a blue collar champion.
In reality.  There is no difference.
All parties are a system.  A hiarchy of me first types.  A bunch of “YES MEN’.  Canadian politics lost it’s purpose as an institution that represents any majority.   It has lost integrity and resolve when it comes to preserving Canadian heritage and culture.
As the populi is swayed back and forth with ease.   Political parties keep the masses confused and keep us out of the reality that it is not about doing good but about attaining a job that flushes them up another notch a life time  carrier.
Look at Justin Trudeau.  If his name had been Justin Smith.  Would he have made Prime Minster?  The answer is obvious.
Look at the fiasco the insanity at the Provincial level.   We have Ford.  A man that has come out of the shadows of his late brother.  An elected official that in my opinion was a disgrace to the integrity of any public office.  A drug user and generally anti social individual.
Now, in a desperate attempt at reviving the party.  Someone at the Con’s HQ, decided that there were no real candidates in the stable so why not use the Ford name to repackage the party as a people’s party.    The Cons much like the Liberal did at the last election acknowledge the thirst of the voters and have put up their sign that reads, “FRESH WATER” masqued as FORD using it as  their trump card.  
Many are diving in.  Some are drinking from the new illusion. 
Some have made irrational comparisons to Trump in the U.S.   In which I think it is pure insanity to make such correlation or comparison.   It be like saying a dog and a cat are the same all because they have four legs. I think Ford needs to be tested.  I think his approach toward Canadian politics is fresh and inspiring.  
Canada has dropped it’s standards.  It has compromised the Canadiana integrity.  Canada has crumbled to a point that we are becoming the third nations we spend billions to liberate.
We lack true leadership and direction.    We must break the barrier of politics being an opportunity to attain wealth and power.  It should be about service.  I think politicians should follow Trumps lead.  You want to lead.  The pay is zero. 
Do you still want the job?

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