Tuesday, May 15, 2018

IS THERE AN ELECTION!!! WHO IS RUNNING? By Joe Ingino b.a. Editor/Publisher

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   For those that read my column on a regular basis will understand my position when it comes to Canadian politics.   It appears that Canada has lost it’s way when it comes to leadership.  Look at the fiasco here in Oshawa alone.   We have as our MPP, Jennifer French.  An outsider that had toppled PC., MPP Jerry Ouellette.   An amazing feat for French.   Now we are again at the footsteps of another election it appears she has no real challengers.
Like really, Bob Chapman?   How blinded must you be by ignorance to think for a moment that this careered ‘YES MAN’ would lead us any place.   I have a better question.   What has he accomplished and what has he done for the people of Oshawa in his terms as city and regional councillor?
Ok. by now you are thinking. I’m an NDPr.   Wrong.  Personally I think Jennifer French has done even less for the people of Oshawa.   I pose the same question to her?  What benefits and or prosperity has she brought to Oshawa?
Ok.  Now I can see the thought process in your head.  Ah, hum, Mr. Ingino you are a Liberal.
NO.  The Liberal party in Oshawa has had no vision.  JUST OUT OF THE BLUE... WHO IS RUNNING IN OSHAWA FOR THE LIBERALS?   I ask that tungue and cheek of course.   One would think that if you are running in a toilet for top turd that you would stir things up.  Get your name out.  At the least do the media rounds and get your name in the public eye.    I have yet to receive any communique from the Liberals.   Chapman to my knowledge is attempting to ride off the coat tail pipe dreams of Ford.  French is using the old mentality. ‘DON’T ROCK THE BOAT AND IT IS A SURE RE-ELECTION’.   Canadian politics is dead.  Sadly it appears no one cares...  OH CANADA, MY HOME AND NATIVE LAND...   We are doomed.

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