Monday, May 7, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   You have to wonder... How busy is busy?  I operate various businesses that include two newspapers and always have time for all kind of folk.  Some supporters some not to supportive.
  I make time.   I guess I must come out of the political closet. I have supported the Conservative party for years.   From Jim Flaherty to Jerry Ouellette and everyone in between.
It appears that the conservative party has gone so some major transformation.  Candidates are not what they use to be.
Take for example Bob Chapman.   I placed a call into his office three weeks ago.  Then subsequent follow ups... Not even a courtesy call.  This is the first time this has happened to me.  Normally, most reputable politician call within a couple of day.   That is acceptable and reasonable.
But this Chapman character, three weeks later and not even a courtesy call.   Why is this man running?   That should be the big question.
A careered politician a renown ‘YES MAN’.  He has sat on council as a City and Regional councillor and what has he achieved.   What has he done for the people that pay his wages?
Does anyone even know who Bob Chapman is?  I guess some of you do know... as he has been nominated party queen for Oshawa. 
For those that read my column on a regular basis... I have a huge problem with ‘YES MEN’. I have an even bigger problems with politicians that have sat on council for term after term and accomplished nothing.
It appears that the rule of thumb is.  Do little or nothing...and you are guaranteed re-election.
Your daddy has or had a popular name.  Your offspring will get voted in.... Remember the Aker fiasco.    The old man did not run but the daughter did...and most of the dumb ass voters in Oshawa voted Aker and the daughter won.. What a disgrace.
After doing a bit of digging into Chapman and his conservative status.  I found much to my surprise... that many jumped on his band wagon at the beginning in opposition to the liberal party agenda.   Unfortunately, many of those that jumped on are jumping off in disgust.
I talked to one very well Oshawa activist and he said in confidence, “Chapman is all about himself and he will screw over anyone in his path.   Him and the Mayor have screwed many and achieved nothing.  They are nothing but out for themselves.”
Another person that use to be very close to Bob Chapman said, “Bob is a nice guy don’t get me wrong.   But that is about it.   In my opinion he lacks true leadership and direction.  He follows beacons of opportunity.  Case in point.  Him being nominated candidate for the conservatives is proof that he is just out for himself.  Much like the mayor.   Has anyone told Chapman that there is no pension for the position that he is running for?”
My personal experience is one that I always found him very approachable.   A bit arrogant for my taste and your typical “YES SIR” type.  I remember when he first got in politics, how Nancy Diamond would manipulate him.   How he became her personal lap dog.
I question him as a candidate as if he does not return call from his local media.  Will he ever return a call from a constituent?  So he is out campaigning making empty promises only to assure himself a golden government seat.   So that he may sit for another four years and further cushion the pensions he is already getting.
Sad, Bob.  Truly sad.
You have an opportunity to do go.   Why blow it before you get a chance at it.   The conservatives must choose solid leaders not pipe dreamer and cloud fluffer....

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