By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
For those that followed me through the Mayoral candidacy race would note that I been harping this for some time...GM IS LEAVING.... AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH EYES OPEN? Our municipal government has failed us.
In a news report our beloved Mayor was quoted as saying: “ Oshawa Mayor John Henry said he was shocked by news that broke on Sunday that General Motors may be closing its Oshawa plant. “Everyone knew there was an issue with product, but that’ not out of the ordinary they’re always looking for product,” said Henry, but he added that the company has made millions of dollars in investments in its Oshawa plant in the last two years.”
Like really dude... what kind of a community leader are you? GM went from 30,000 workers to 2,500 and he did not find that OUT OF THE ORDINARY. The man is a total incompetent. GM has been tearing down its south plant for the past 2 years and HENRY has sat on his hands and done nothing.
He should have planned ahead for the obvious. Now it happened and Henry says he is shocked.... Shocked would be someone kicking him in the nuts as he lies to the people.
There is nothing shocking about GM announcement.
I say kudos to GM for picking the perfect time for the announcement. The old City of Oshawa council in my opinion failed the people of Oshawa by not preparing for the closure. The new council made up of mostly have beens and wonna be’s.... GM is getting away with murder.
To top off that we have a Mayor that has a mentor, the former Mayor and now Regional Chair. The man responsible for failing the people of Oshawa to prepare for such an economic catastrophe. One has no clue where GM is the other pretend to know. Carter leadership is weak and without backbone to deal with such major economic impact to the region. It appears that Oshawa rewards incompetence. I am not a politician. I am a business person and I operate five years ahead of the game. Under my administration. I would have mobilized City Staff under my direction to aggressively work on getting the City infrastructure up to par to attract major business and industry to Oshawa. I would have been careful of cardboard type development much like the ones spreading like a wild fire north of Durham College.
I would have made sure that GM was on my short leash. Up to date. City council feared the loosing of GM. GM in its corporate arrogance treats City elect including our Mayor as insignificant. Dogs with no bite.
Under my administration. I would have made sure that GM paid for all the environmental problems they have cause. As soon as they announced the closure of the plant. I would have filed a class action suit including the Union for 20 Billion dollars.
I would ask for damages GM has cause over the years to Oshawa environment.
I would ask for damages GM has caused the people of Oshawa for duress of plant closures.
I would ask for damages GM is causing the local economy and it’s affiliated industries.
I would ask for damages to our city image and reputation.
But wait our newly elected council. Will be to involved on issues like... council meeting protocol or who sits where. I say, make them pay. Hit them where it hurts. Why should the people of Oshawa suffer. Do we not suffer enough knowing many of us will be out of work. Who will pay for the environmental mess GM leave us in? I say slap a law suit now. I say freeze all their equipment and operation in retribution of the billions the Feds gave them. I say enough of the walking on egg shells and demand what is ours. Corporation need to learn respect of the communities they silently rape and pillage. In 2022 remember there is an option. Joe Ingino