By Joe Ingino
The old line, ‘BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE’ has been fashionable for the longest time when referencing the essence of democracy.
Unfortunately democracy much like most of the political ideologies out there have been exposed for what they really are.
Tools of controlling the masses through ideology that gives the general population a false sense of ownership and belonging in a society.
In reality they are prisoners of their own circumstances force to comply through law and norms.
We the people are sheep that need to be lead through confusion and false pretenses. We follow he/she whom bellows what we want to hear and devote our lives to causes that by their own riteousness are set forth to oppress us without our acknowledgement and or will. We are mislead to assumptions and presumptions that has us live in shelter of our own ignorance. We surrender our ability to fend for ourselves in the name of national security. We fall victims of a social system that is set forth for us to fail and anyone succeeding is extracted into those of governance.
Our society is made up of three types. The informed, the misinformed and the outright ignorant. Or as we best know them the rich, the middle class and the poor. No matter the political ideology all three exist.
One has to wonder how this phenomena is so true.
Just this past week I think the beginning to the end of American democracy has shown itself to millions of people.
During the state of the Union in the United States.... and event as important and significant to democracy as the Pope Easter message for the Christians. Leader of the opposing government showed what democracy today is all about. Vice President Pence noted it best.
Pence: Pelosi ripping up Trump's State of the Union speech 'was a new low' Administration.
Not only for the administration but for democracy. Her actions were inappropriate to say the least. As one of the top officials of government she should have used better judgement. Unfortunately her feeling and emotions over took her better judgement and she acted out. As some sort of child lashing out against authority. Her actions put under the microscope the American democratic system. A system that is supposed to be by the people for the people. In reality you can’t run for office unless you are a millionaire. You can’t take any office unless you are well connected. What does this tell you about democracy? That is a system based on cronyism wealth and power. It is a system that is as impartial as partisan. There is not real nonpartisan governance. It is hypocritical to think that. Pelosi actions clear showed that. During the speech instead of showing decorum and dignity for the office she hold and just sit there through the speech. No she looked at times as the conductor of a symphony as she set the tone for her cronies. Is that democracy?
I always believed that no matter if you win or loose you stood proudly behind your president. I thought that was the code of conduct and what it meant to be a good citizen.
Pelosi can have her opinion and her dislikes towards the president. She can even go as far as on her time take an active role in denouncing the president. But to do it during a formal gathering where the world is watching. This in my opinion is anti-American. It was a vindictive, self riteous act that served no purpose other than show how putrid democracy has become.
And now to the Democrats attempt to come up with a golden ticket to the presidency. From the Russians to the Hungarian's nothing sticks. Enough is enough. Use that negative energy to serve the people you represent.
It is not about the average person. This election is not about you or me. It is about them attempting to push and agenda to better themselves. To gain power to push their agenda and in the process gain wealth. This is not democracy. We need a new choice. A new system to govern our countries.
In Canada democracy has become a popularity contest. We in Canada don’t vote on merit. We vote on name recognition. I bet if old ‘TIM HORTON’ if he is still alive would run. He win hands down.
For this reason I support the People Party of Canada. A party to hopefully soon be registered. The PPC is about you and me. It is about bringing together the best from the right and the left and melt it down so that you the tax paying people of Canada get one hundred percent benefit.
Under this new party, we will introduce the concept of ‘PEOPLEISM’. A political ideology that incorporates the fundamental democratic principles of election and choice. The difference is that this new party will re-focus our priorities back to the Canadian population. Now don't’ get me wrong. It will have nothing to do with nationalism. This new party is about protecting your rights, it is about expanding your benefits and promoting the Canadian way of life. The new system will be heavily dependent on public opinion and public participation. Our great country was not made of one effort but countless efforts. Our country is great due to the sacrifice and hard work.