Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Cross Eyed Saga


The Cross Eyed Saga
By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  I don’t know about you.  But I am sick and tired of being led by the crossed eyed thinking we are blind to their incompetence when it comes to COVID-19.
  I say this because it has become clear that politicians have no clue on what is at stake and or how to combat an invisible enemy.    An enemy released upon civilization by design to slowly kill each one of us.   This I believe in my opinion was not a mistake.   A mishap.  An accident.  I believe this was an intentional attack on humanity by the Chinese government.   A government that main business is to oppress it’s own people and manipulate free thought through misinformation.
  What better way to do this then to release a silent weapon that attacks the enemy when less expecting it and when not prepared.
   Case in point what happened across the world.   Politicians in general across the world all share one principle.   Greed.   The also share the fact that they are far from experts in any field other then the particular discipline they come from.   Not even the expert can be held to be a reliable source as they themselves are at awe when it comes to dealing with Covid.
Look at what has happened in Canada just recently.  In Ontario the numbers dropped to 800 and our politicians in their desperate attempt to gain votes order everything to re-open.  Only to be faced with a huge spike to up to 3,000/day.   Just this week Ontario government was  considering provincewide stay-at-home order, closing non-essential retail: that non-essential retail stores would be limited to curbside pickup. Big-box stores, meanwhile, would be restricted to essential aisles only.
  Does this sound to  you like a rational solution to the problem.  Obviously not.  All the government is doing is protecting big box stores.
  I say that if we look back at EXXON oil spill.  How the world was quick to act.   Here we have the worst infestation due to the negligence of a country and we do nothing.
  I have a suggestion for our government.   First, Acknowledge that the virus originated from China.   Acknowledge that the Chinese government is responsible and hold them accountable.   But, wait if they do they will impose sanctions on the Walmarts of the world and we would loose jobs and good coming from China...    I say to our government grow some balls.   Cut China off.   Hold them accountable and clean up this Covid mess once in for all.   If we are to follow science then lets do what we know in the combating of virus.   Let’s not politi-manage this cause it is not working and if anything even with the vaccine.  Getting worst.
I say.  Cut all imports from China.   Demand that they pay for their negligence to the tune of $10,000./per person across Canada.   Then, shut down the country for the next 6 months.  No one is allowed to do nothing.   Nothing stays open except grocery stores and pharmacies and essential services.   Everyone in over the age of 16 in  Canada would receive $10,000./month.   This would inject money into the economy.  It would put people mind at ease.   It would finally put an end to COVID.   As it stands people are afraid.  People are about to loose their businesses.  People do not feel safe/secure in their communities.   We need to take control of this at once.  We need to make China accountable.   China has no interest in the world finding a silver bullet when it comes to the vaccine solution... I even go as far as suspecting that the Chinese government is responsible for all the variants that technically may be released through the vaccines they produce.  Coincidence or fact.  The variants were found in Brazil.  A nation that utilized primarily vaccine made in China.   Same with the African strain.   Canada needs to be the leader in calling out the Chinese government and demand accountability.

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