Showing posts with label gayrights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gayrights. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024


coming out and proud By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - White/Black, Sad/Happy, Peace/War, Love/Hate... For the love of words... the ultimate human weapon against eternal ignorance. "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation." The outcome is nothing short of eternal bliss: Eternal bliss is the state of total peace of mind. This peace is not just for a moment or any given period of time. This state of peaceful mind has to be permanent, only then you can say it is eternal peace. To achieve such state of mind is not easy. With this said... one has truly to understand the composition of words to be descriptive of the intended message. We are upon one of, if not the most important dates in our sovereign identity. In a society of Pride. We must show our true personal pride to our family, community and our country. Some may surrender to eternal ignorance and be proud of false ideology. We may find eternal bliss in our decision, escaping the illogical agenda behind the ignorance. Not the agenda pride we are force to tolerate. The true patriotic pride. But foremost. We must dig deep and find our true essence of who we are as a people. Leaving out social agenda, political direction and or external influences. We as a united nation should not be waving all color flags and or flags of foreign nation to show either our pride or support for external conflict. We as Canadians should only fly one flag proudly and that is the good old red and white maple. A symbol of peace, unity and resillience. A symbol of valor, sacrifice and committment. A symbol of inclusivity through adaptation, assimilation and respect for Canadian way of life, culture, customs and traditions. Not forced acceptance. We as PROUD Canadians patriots are about to take a moment and celebrate our true identity. Something that needs to be our primary focus when we refer to PRIDE and not the alternative sexual lifestyle. Canada Day celebrated on July 1st of each year, holds a special place in the hearts of Canadians across the globe. It is a day of immense significance; it marks the birth of a nation and commemorates the rich history, diverse culture, and shared values of the Canadian people. For this reason on July 1st, 2024. I will be COMING OUT AND PROUDLY of support my country as a good patriot . OUR CANADA. My Canadian history. My Canadian culture, customs traditions and languages. I will be coming out in support of a nation that has given me a life of opportunity. A land that allowed me to enjoy the freedoms that our forefathers so valiantly sacrificed during world conflicts. I will stand proud with all that served and and support their causes and their well being. We are a united nation that should not be compromised by external influences, agenda nor cause. We as Canadians are for Canada first. Happy Canada Day. I hope all come out and show your true patriotic pride.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This week I received a real interesting email. It read: City of Oshawa exploring internet voting. The City of Oshawa is exploring the possibility of offering internet voting for its 2026 Municipal and School Board Elections and wants to know your thoughts. First and foremost. The City does not care about your thoughts as they already made their minds. The token request for your thought is as if to give you the impression that they care. Did they care when you gave them your thoughts on the budget? No. They stuck it to us. Now this. As if it is not bad enough that the City of Oshawa has a municipal election and only one seat changes. Our democracy has come down to name recognition voting by the same 18% voters turn out. A percentage that is slowly diminishing due to natural death. Now, the City wants to go online voting. This further giving the incumbent an edge over any new comers. Last municipal election it was a disaster. Most of the new candidates or all that ran on a shoe string budget or no budget. Faced with ever declining municipal voter turnout in local elections, the City of Oshawa is considering the possibility of offering internet voting for the 2026 municipal and school board elections. Internet voting allows eligible voters to cast their ballot online. It is a proven secure method of voting since ballots can be cast anywhere with internet access using a device of the voter’s choice, including computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. Oshawa’s turnout in the 2022 municipal election dropped to a dismal record low of 18.42 per cent of all eligible voters. It was just the latest in a declining Oshawa municipal election voter trend that saw a turnout of 24.1 per cent in 2018, 26.4 per cent in 2014 and 29.9 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot in 2010. You have to go all the way back to the election of 1994 to find a voter turnout of over a third of all eligible voters, when 33.5 per cent cast a ballot. Contrast that with the glory days of voter participation and the highest ever turnout: 51.7 per cent in 1960. Those days are long gone, however, and most municipalities would be happy today to hit the Ontario municipal average of 36.9 per cent across the 444 municipalities of the province for the 2022 election. Voter turnout for Oshawa municipal elections rarely ever went under 33 per cent until the 1970s but has steadily slid since 1997 from a high of 29.9 per cent in 2010 to a dismal 18.42 per cent in 2022. With this in mind. Now the City of Oshawa wants to go electronic.... A way for creating new avenues to corrupt the democratic process by registering people that are either dead or not living in Oshawa anymore. This compounded with the real threat of external election influences. This is a formula for disaster. The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions, and Intergovernmental Affairs, announced that the measures brought in to protect by-elections from any potential foreign interference will be applied to the Durham electoral district by-election to be held on March 4, 2024. These measures are continuously reviewed in light of the potential for new and evolving threats. The Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) Task Force provided enhanced monitoring and assessing of foreign interference threats during the by-election period. These assessments will be provided to the Deputy Minister Committee on Intelligence Response, which will stand ready to brief and advise ministers with mandates to combat foreign interference and protect Canada's democratic institutions. How do you like them apples. If this is known. That tampering can happen and has happened. What are we to assume that will happen with City Online voting? Other Durham municipalities that have adopted internet and/or telephone voting over the last decade include Ajax, Pickering and Clarington. Ajax was the early adopter in the group, taking on internet and telephone voting — in addition to traditional paper and advance voting — in 2014. And it had a noticeable impact in voter turnout. When Ajax did not have internet voting in 2010, turnout was 25.4 per cent. In the 2014 municipal election, with internet voting added, turnout jumped to 30.4 per cent, and was 32.9 per cent in 2018. However, voter turnout in Ajax slumped back to 22.5 per cent in 2022, suggesting internet voting is not a cure-all. Pickering and Clarington opted for internet voting only in time for the 2022 election. In 2018, Pickering’s turnout was 29.17 per cent in the 2018 municipal election before the advent of internet voting. In 2022, the turnout was actually lower at 27.4 per cent. Meanwhile, in Clarington, in 2018 the turnout before online voting was used, it was 28.57 per cent. After adopting online or internet voting, it was very slightly down at 28.05 per cent. So much for transparency, accountability when all they do is look for ways to stack the deck against any new comer.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Surprising Reality of Ukraine's Middle-Aged Soldiers

By Dale Jodoin In Ukraine, most soldiers fighting on the front lines are middle-aged, with an average age of around 43 years years old. This is surprising because we often think of soldiers as being young and fit. However, in Ukraine, many older men, often aged between 40 and 65, are the ones stepping up to defend their country. There are several reasons why Ukraine's soldiers are older. First, there are simply more men aged 40-59 in Ukraine than there are men aged 18-25. This means there are more middle-aged men available to serve. Additionally, Ukraine's conscription policies have traditionally aimed to protect younger men by setting the lower age limit for conscription at 27. The idea was to safeguard the future of the country by keeping younger generations out of the war. However, due to the ongoing conflict and high casualty rates, there have been talks about lowering this age to 25 to get more recruits. Older soldiers bring both advantages and challenges to the Ukrainian military. On the one hand, they often have more life experience and can be more psychologically stable, which is very important in the high-stress environment of war. They also tend to have valuable technical skills and professional experience that can be very useful. On the other hand, older soldiers might not be as physically resilient or quick to recover from the strains of combat compared to younger soldiers. This can impact their effectiveness in demanding roles that require rapid movement and physical endurance. If a similar situation were to occur in countries like Canada or the United States, the implications would be significant. Middle-aged soldiers might be able to provide steady, experienced presence on the battlefield, but there would also be concerns about their physical capacity to endure prolonged combat operations. One major difference in these countries, however, is the cultural attitude towards military service and resilience. In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend among younger generations in Canada and the United States to seek out "safe spaces" and prioritize mental well-being over traditional notions of toughness and resilience. This trend is often criticized by older generations who view it as a sign of weakening resolve and a lack of preparedness for the harsh realities of life, including military service. The focus on mental health and safe spaces is not inherently negative; it represents a shift towards recognizing and addressing psychological well-being. However, in the context of military readiness, this cultural shift poses unique challenges. The military environment is inherently stressful and demanding, requiring individuals to cope with high-pressure situations and physical strain. In Canada, for instance, the Canadian Armed Forces have faced challenges in recruiting and retaining personnel. The emphasis on creating an inclusive and supportive environment has sometimes clashed with the traditional demands of military service. Efforts to modernize the military culture to be more inclusive and supportive of mental health are ongoing, but they must be balanced with maintaining operational effectiveness. In the United States, similar trends are evident. The U.S. military has also had to adapt to changing societal norms and attitudes towards mental health. The integration of mental health services and support systems within the military is crucial, but it also highlights the tension between supporting soldiers' well-being and preparing them for the rigors of combat. If Canada or the United States were to face a situation similar to Ukraine's, where a significant portion of the military forces is composed of older soldiers, it would necessitate a reevaluation of current policies and cultural attitudes. The experience of Ukraine shows that older soldiers can be effective, but they also face unique challenges that must be addressed. One potential approach is to foster a culture of resilience and readiness among younger generations without dismissing the importance of mental health. This can be achieved through comprehensive training programs that emphasize physical fitness, mental toughness, and adaptability, while also providing robust support systems for mental health. Additionally, policies that encourage voluntary service and provide incentives for younger individuals to join the military can help balance the age distribution of military personnel. This could include educational benefits, career development opportunities, and other incentives that make military service an attractive option for young people. Ukraine's reliance on older soldiers highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of an aging military force. While they bring valuable experience and stability, the physical demands of modern warfare may require a reevaluation of current conscription policies to ensure a more balanced and capable military force. For Canada and the United States, the challenge lies in fostering a culture that values both resilience and mental well-being, ensuring that the military remains prepared for future conflicts while supporting the psychological health of its personnel.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Too Uncommon Theory of Medicine

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Are your health care providers trained in integrative medicine? It’s not an area of medical specialization, like gynaecology or gastroenterology. Think of it as a theory of medicine. Doctors practicing integrative medicine respect the roles of prescription drugs and surgery when the situation calls for these treatments. But they also study and embrace the potential for natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and traditional practices in both health promotion and disease treatment. Hippocrates, born in 460 BC, was the most influential philosopher of integrative medicine. He believed the human body should be treated as a whole, not as the sum of its parts. Benedict Lust, born in 1872 in Baden, Germany, is regarded as the “Father of Naturopathy”, a form of alternative medicine whose legitimate members promote evidence-based natural remedies. Then there is Linus Pauling. Through his research, he advanced the prevention and treatment of disease by studying how the body benefits from optimized amounts of substances which are natural to the body. Pauling was a molecular biologist. His practice of orthomolecular medicine acknowledges the body’s biochemical pathways and genetic variabilities that interact with diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, and brain-related conditions. Dr. Andrew Saul was the founder of the Orthomolecular Medical News Service, and with his death earlier this year, we lost one of the world’s foremost advocates for evidence-based natural therapies. He made it his life’s work to pass on a wealth of knowledge, including the message that natural remedies never killed anyone. Prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs can’t make that claim. Saul practiced what he preached. His home included a garden full of vegetables, and he stressed that for a few dollars it would produce thousands of dollars of fresh produce for his family. Saul’s news service shares research papers from esteemed scientists from around the world. But it’s the simple messages that stick, and his reminders about the importance of vitamins are worthy of note. Take the 80-year-old tennis player who had to stop playing his favourite game due to severe leg cramps. He wasn’t getting oxygenated blood to his leg muscles. After taking natural vitamin E, he was back on the court. Vitamin E increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. This is the other reason E can stop anginal heart pain. Saul chastised dermatologists for telling patients to keep out of the sun and to use sun block. He championed the need for 3,000 to 5,000 units of vitamin D daily to decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and maintain our sense of balance as we age. What irritated Saul the most? It was the failure of doctors to accept that vitamin C carries out so many vital health functions, and that it fights the number one killer, heart disease. He pointed to medical studies showing its effectiveness in fighting viral diseases such as pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, polio and even the lethal bite of a rattlesnake. He repeated over and over that no one had ever died from an overdose of vitamin C. If you take more than you body can use, it is excreted in the urine. Another fact he underscored was that the dose is so important – the greater the degree of infection the greater amounts of C needed to cure it. Saul reported that in patients desperately ill with infection, in the process of dying, one decision could save them – that is, huge doses of vitamin C, such as 300,000 milligrams administered intravenously. His final advice? Hospitals are the locus of death. So stay away, or get out of them quickly. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Large Bowel Cancer in Younger People on the Rise

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford New statistics published by the American Cancer Society should be alarming. The numbers point to an increase in colon malignancy in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Yet, there’s been a decrease in large bowel cancer among those over the age of 65. In people under 50, the rate has been increasing by about two percent a year since the 1990s. This data goes against a basic law. Most malignancies occur in older people, and this has been true of colon cancer. This new data sends up a red flag that should not go unnoticed. Moreover, this is not just a North American trend. Large bowel cancer is on the also rise around the world. The question is, why has this occurred. Colon cancer is now the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for men under the age of 50. And it’s the second leading cause for women under 50 years of age. Large bowel cancer and rectal cancer are often linked together. And there is evidence that this increase may be related to an increase in rectal cancer. But it does not totally explain the increase. Do genes play a role in the earlier onset of malignancy? A family history of the problem is a factor for some people. For others, doctors have suspected that cell mutations may be the driving force. The presence of large precancerous polyps in the colon means a greater risk. But questions remain about why there is a rise in large bowel cancer among younger people. Could it be that changing lifestyles all over the world play a role? Despite talk of healthier diets, people are eating more red meat than ever – up over 10% in the last decade and more of it consumed after processing into convenient foods. People are eating other highly processed foods, downing too much sugar, and binge drinking alcohol. Researchers have shown that some individuals have good bacteria in their intestines, others bad bacteria. There are also questions about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These pain killers may have an adverse effect on the gut. Clusters of malignancies are seen in some areas. In southern Mississippi, people living near chemical plants are exposed to trace elements such as nickel, arsenic, and chromium. Could these potentially toxic materials be associated with the increase in cancer? Researchers are also aware of another pandemic, and not a viral disease lasting just three years. It’s the much worse global crisis of obesity, a long-enduring pandemic. The increase in obesity mirrors the increase in malignancies. But not all patients with colon cancer are overweight. Experts contend there is no single smoking gun responsible for cancer. Multiple risk factors need to be addressed. What can people do to decrease the risk of dying from colon cancer? People need to assist their doctors with early diagnosis. First, never assume rectal bleeding is due to hemorrhoids. Second, colonoscopy is the only way to rule out malignancy. This requires laxatives that clean the bowel of fecal material. Then doctors insert a lighted instrument to examine the large bowel. This can be done under full anesthesia or with medication to relieve the minimal discomfort. Please, do not listen to scaremongers saying colonoscopy is a painful procedure. It’s better labelled a discomfort. Sedation-free procedures are safe, and people can return to normal activities right away. How many people with rectal bleeding have said, “No one is going to a colonoscopy on me,” and now are dead? Dying from a metastatic colon malignancy is many times more painful than the temporary discomfort of a colonoscopy. Don’t make this terrible mistake. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jonesBy W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford New statistics published by the American Cancer Society should be alarming. The numbers point to an increase in colon malignancy in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Yet, there’s been a decrease in large bowel cancer among those over the age of 65. In people under 50, the rate has been increasing by about two percent a year since the 1990s. This data goes against a basic law. Most malignancies occur in older people, and this has been true of colon cancer. This new data sends up a red flag that should not go unnoticed. Moreover, this is not just a North American trend. Large bowel cancer is on the also rise around the world. The question is, why has this occurred. Colon cancer is now the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for men under the age of 50. And it’s the second leading cause for women under 50 years of age. Large bowel cancer and rectal cancer are often linked together. And there is evidence that this increase may be related to an increase in rectal cancer. But it does not totally explain the increase. Do genes play a role in the earlier onset of malignancy? A family history of the problem is a factor for some people. For others, doctors have suspected that cell mutations may be the driving force. The presence of large precancerous polyps in the colon means a greater risk. But questions remain about why there is a rise in large bowel cancer among younger people. Could it be that changing lifestyles all over the world play a role? Despite talk of healthier diets, people are eating more red meat than ever – up over 10% in the last decade and more of it consumed after processing into convenient foods. People are eating other highly processed foods, downing too much sugar, and binge drinking alcohol. Researchers have shown that some individuals have good bacteria in their intestines, others bad bacteria. There are also questions about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These pain killers may have an adverse effect on the gut. Clusters of malignancies are seen in some areas. In southern Mississippi, people living near chemical plants are exposed to trace elements such as nickel, arsenic, and chromium. Could these potentially toxic materials be associated with the increase in cancer? Researchers are also aware of another pandemic, and not a viral disease lasting just three years. It’s the much worse global crisis of obesity, a long-enduring pandemic. The increase in obesity mirrors the increase in malignancies. But not all patients with colon cancer are overweight. Experts contend there is no single smoking gun responsible for cancer. Multiple risk factors need to be addressed. What can people do to decrease the risk of dying from colon cancer? People need to assist their doctors with early diagnosis. First, never assume rectal bleeding is due to hemorrhoids. Second, colonoscopy is the only way to rule out malignancy. This requires laxatives that clean the bowel of fecal material. Then doctors insert a lighted instrument to examine the large bowel. This can be done under full anesthesia or with medication to relieve the minimal discomfort. Please, do not listen to scaremongers saying colonoscopy is a painful procedure. It’s better labelled a discomfort. Sedation-free procedures are safe, and people can return to normal activities right away. How many people with rectal bleeding have said, “No one is going to a colonoscopy on me,” and now are dead? Dying from a metastatic colon malignancy is many times more painful than the temporary discomfort of a colonoscopy. Don’t make this terrible mistake. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Monday, April 22, 2024


STUGOTS $1.80 By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. Before anyone gets offended. Let me explain what Stugots means.... Stugots is Italian mob slang lingo - Italian term that refers to the male genetalia. It is used to describe an idiot or a jerk. Now, I think that later is more descriptive of how our government treat us. The first more like those we elect to office. I read a report on Monday warning me that by the end of the week the gas could go up as much as fourteen cents. Managia, fourteen cents... Che Fai, then they tell us on Wednesday that lucky us we may see gas prices drop as much as four cents. Now am I blind, stupid or plain retarded? They raise 14 on Friday, the following Monday they drop four cents... They still stuck it to us for ten cents... But this is not the worst. This mathematical conundrum is an open license for grocery stores to jump their prices in the name of high fuel costs. I say, Bull dingy. This is an outright rip off. Not only is it bad that people can’t pay for the inflated food prices. Now they will not be able to afford gas to go to work and make the little they make to pay for groceries. Come on people. Where is the Canadian red blood? Is it not time for Canadians to grow some grapes and call the government out. We can send millions if not billions to fight loosing foreign wars. We can’t take care of young families wanting to start a new life but can’t due to the outrageous house prices. Now they can’t even afford to drive to work. They surely will not be able to pay for food. $14.00/lb for beef at some stores. Hamburger almost $10/lb. Are you kidding me. But wait. We the apologetic people of Canada may go hungry and homeless before we figure it out. WE ARE GETTING SCREWED AND FORCED TO LIKE IT. Let’s send a clear messages that those Stugots we elected will not treat us the hard working tax paying Stugots like a bunch of Stugots. Oh Canada... Our home and native Stugots.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Looking for Loopholes

 Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

Looking for Loopholes
Q My boyfriend and I had a great start to our relationship. We were medical students then. We trusted each other and were both clear that cheating is a dealbreaker for us.
     When we moved to different cities to start our specialty training, we saw each other less. Things got busier but we tried working things out, always thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, we felt really happy once we met.
     Two years ago, someone anonymously messaged me on a networking site saying my boyfriend was seeing someone else. There was no evidence, but I immediately called him and he denied it.
     One day, I went into paranoid mode and checked his phone while he was asleep. I saw flirty messages. The next morning I confronted him and asked who she was. He said they were coworkers and friends, and he was just helping her review. That was our first big argument.  Of course, I believed him. We even got engaged last year!
     Fast forward to three months before our wedding. Another person messaged me, this time with proof! Turns out, their relationship became physical both before and after he proposed to me.
     Bit by bit, he told me the truth. He admitted they were friends, part of a group who went out together and reviewed in his apartment, until the two of them were left alone. But he never once mentioned this group of friends to me. He said he was afraid I wouldn’t give my permission to hang out with them.
     He said the girl made a move and kissed him first, and his lust took over. After that, they had sex for a few more meetings until he realized what they were doing was wrong. He claims he ended it with the other woman three months ago and was going to tell me.
     My life crumbled. The person I thought I knew best and trusted most, suddenly became a stranger. We broke up and our wedding was canceled.
     A month and a half after D-day, we still communicate. He’s remorseful and readily answers my calls, even though he knows I just want answers.
     I will be flying to another country for 18 months of further training, while he’ll be staying in our home country for his training. He says he’ll fly to see me once he’s done and court me again. He says I’m the person he wants to live with in this lifetime.
     Can a person really change? Will I be able to get past this feeling of betrayal?

A Heidi, a loophole is defined as an exemption that can be used to avoid the effect of a law. You and your boyfriend are both looking for a loophole.
     In this case, the law you want to avoid is a law of human nature.
     Your boyfriend’s first line of defense was to lie. His second line of defense was to blame you. (You wouldn’t approve of his group.) His third line of defense was to blame the other woman. (She started it.)
     If you stay with him, his final defense will be, “It couldn’t have been all that bad because Heidi stayed.”
     Of course it isn’t all that bad to him. He’s not the one betrayed. Proceeding as before is what a cheater wants because they are not the injured party. But if you had cheated on him, would he be so lenient on you? Of course not.
     His excuses are the archetypal responses of a cheater who is caught. It’s the classic pattern, but because you haven’t been through this before, you don’t recognize the pattern. Still, your gut told you to cancel the wedding.
     When he blamed the other woman, he admitted he can “fall prey” to any other woman. In trying to wriggle off the hook, he set the hook. He admitted, “I cannot control myself and you cannot trust me.”
     You were not paranoid when you checked his phone. You smelled gas and looked for the leak. That’s realism, not paranoia.
     Perhaps you’ve had to explain to a patient that they have a terminal disease. Now you’re on the other side of that. You must face that your relationship with this man is terminal.
    Reactions to cheating—the disgust, the outrage at the unfairness, the suspicion, the traumatic response—are not something a skillful counselor can talk you out of. They are part of your human nature.
     Counseling can be helpful in many areas, but it cannot overcome the basic needs built into us for trust, for justice, and for love.
     In a marriage, there can be no loopholes. Why? Because with people who belong together, none are needed.
 Wayne & Tamara  


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Nothing and Nobody will erase “Christmas” from this holiday

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It’s Christmas time again! This year, with many of the stresses of COVID behind us, we should be able to enjoy a more convivial Christmas time, redolent of the spirit of Christmas. Unfortunately, economic hardships are on the rise, and they point to a challenging new year to come. In addition, the instability of the world today, with dangerous developments percolating, does not bode well for the future, either. However, none of this changes the importance or the meaning of Christmas, or its message of peace, love and goodwill. Christmas is Christmas, and people will find a way to celebrate it no matter what restrictions are imposed upon them. Not even The Canadian Human Rights Commission, which wields broad quasi-judicial powers, will be able to challenge the celebration of Christmas. They argued that an official day off to celebrate Christmas is 'discriminatory'. This quasi woke organization that is fully funded by the federal government, has declared that the celebration of Christmas is evidence of Canada’s “colonialist” religious intolerance. I cannot help wondering who these people are and who appointed them to wipe out our basic heritage on taxpayers’ money. This brazen attack on our history and traditions is an outrageous use of our own hard-earned tax dollars against us. “Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism,” reads a Discussion Paper on Religious Intolerance recently published by the agency. “An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada,” it adds, noting that the Christian holidays of Christmas and Easter get days off, while non-Christians have to “request special accommodations to observe their holy days.” The essence of the paper is that Canada is replete with religious intolerance and always has been. “In order to move forward towards sustainable change, all Canadians must first acknowledge Canada’s history of religious intolerance,” it reads. It seems quite clear that in the agency’s view, we, as Canadians, need to be selective about our history and brainwashed into praising futuristic globalist values. Canada welcomes newcomers and cultures from around the world. Its reputation for stability and tolerance makes it a popular destination for those considering a fresh start in a new country. It would be nice to maintain this status in the years to come without denying our history and destroying our own heritage. Even with the growing number of immigrants in Canada, Canadians tend to observe holidays and traditions based on those of the founders of our country, who were mostly French and British settlers. These traditions are often rooted in Christian beliefs and Christmas day is arguably the most observed holiday of the year. Christmas began as, and for millions around the globe still is, a religious holiday in the Christian faith that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For those who are not of the Christian faith, it is a time to enjoy a spirit of giving and good cheer as the community celebrates. Regardless of religious beliefs, over half of Canadians celebrate Christmas as a completely secular holiday; an occasion to spend time with friends and family. Whether religious observance is part of the day or not, there are many long-standing Christmas traditions that everyone can enjoy. That brings me once again to the need to remind people that it is Christmas time, not “Merry and Bright” season and not “Generic Happy Holiday Time.” It is Christmas, and the greeting during this season, if you want to acknowledge reality, should be “Merry Christmas”. The war on Christmas, which reached its zenith a few years ago, but continues to rage amongst those who have a self-hating compulsion against their own society and culture, has failed to erase Christmas and the beautiful greeting of “Merry Christmas.” It will continue to fail because Canadians know who they are, and understand that the Christmas season and “Merry Christmas” are part of being Canadian. A generic seasonal celebration will not now, or ever, replace that. In conclusion, current social trends, aimed at erasing historical realities and traditions, savour strongly of globalist socialist strategies and pseudo-Marxist philosophies. The bitterness some show toward the Christmas season is skewed and out of touch with the feelings of the majority of Canadians who love Christmas. Therefore, I wish you all, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May this be a happy, healthy and meaningful holiday season for everyone!

Saturday, November 18, 2023


As most of you. At the end of the day I like to sit back and unwind. Unfortunately, sitting in front of a television for a few minutes at the end of the day, just makes me wonder what has gone wrong with society. From the many wars to social unrest, not to mention the many political battles unfolding across the globe. It appears humanity is on a downward spin into self destruction. Now don’t get me wrong. There are many efforts by many people in making life great. Over all and far away from our shores. It appears we live in a fragile utopian glass world sheltered from the many global realities. Working in the community as your local ward 1 representative I come across all kinds of issues. All kind of people. People with real needs and issues. As a municipal representative I am always impartial and try to listen carefully and respectfully dispense resolve in the best manner possible, with the resources made available to me by the municipality. It appears even though you may have great intentions. Harmony, is something that is far from achievable, even though the facts are right before you and common sense should prevail. The concept of right and wrong becomes compromised by personal agenda and or tainted political opinion/thought/interests. In my term in office. I realized very quickly that it is not about me but about what is best for the constituents that elected me in. It is about bettering our community. Even though, I tend to favor the rational, logical reasonable approach towards problem solving. I am quickly learning that many of my colleagues dance to the beat of a different drum. As a politician it is easy to fall victim of lobbyist, special interest groups, developers and or political pressure from above. Others fall victim to popular thought, social norms and pressures. They fall in a spiral of attempting to pleasing everyone and serving no one. In part this is why council at times appear to be divided. Other times vindictive and united in persecution. By now everyone has heard about my sanctions for exercising my freedom of speech. Three months worth of pay cut. Is this municipal leadership. I think not... I feel persecuted and attacked by my own council. My own people. My own council. How can this be in these times. Times when we are supposed to be united and harmonized during tough economic times. I guess my economic situation does not matter. I shake my head at all that cry that we strive for ‘world peace’. World ‘PEACE’. Or is it a misprint... ‘PIECE’. This type of mentality is not only a Pickering problem. Look around and just about every municipality is suffering from the same pandemic of me, me, me. Funded by developers and special interest groups. Influenced by agenda and special interests. Hey, we are starting to sound global. Much like the wars across the planet influenced by agenda and special interest. Primarily wealth, oil cartels and not to mention the drug cartels. World Peace is much like the word LOVE. There is a lot of interpretation involved. I signed up for this job to make our community a better place. Not to be punished, ousted and persecuted by those I am to work with. We live in sad times where we must abide to the drum of agenda. To be forced to comply. Socially, politically or other and accept the fact that we are nothing short of “MODERN DAY SLAVES”. Yes, modern day slaves. A people that is forced to work for no money or little money. A people that have no real choice due to economic restrains. A people of all races that are pigeon hole to live through their daily routines without questioning authority or else. Or else, face the law, the policy, the regulation, the norms, the fellow confused agenda driven citizen. Nothing to do with historical ethnic slavery. But modern day, all races included. By definition: a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person. Nothing to do with race. It is a system much like most corporations today. Most government. For anyone becoming offended by the word ‘slave’. First. educate yourself on the meaning. Second, look around if you are not being used to substantiate someone else's agenda. I am afraid to turn on the TV, as only the God’s know what else all this technology will bring. They talk about artificial intelligence. Another system based on stored data and the ability to recall it faster than any human brain. Could this be the new social control? Could this be the new oppressive regime that will govern all humanity. After all, think about it. Those elected are given the right by the democratic ideology to have access to information that most citizens would not even know where to look. Much like artificial intelligence. We are given predestine information and from that we are told to make choices on the selected information. Boy is this not starting to sound like the same type of oppressive regime as described above. This time prescribed by a machine. A machine that we deem intelligent to rendering to the fact that we the surrendering to the fact that we the common person are simpleton? "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Canada and the Arctic

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The Arctic is an important part of our country and deserves a lot more attention than it is getting. It is a vast land, our land, which is being completely ignored by our esteemed politicians. As Canadians we routinely and unquestioningly sing its praises in our national anthem, O Canada, referring to "the True North Strong and Free". However, a more realistic description would be "the True North Weak and Neglected". Forty percent of Canada's land mass is considered Arctic and Northern. There are 162,000 kilometres of Arctic coastline, accounting for 75% of Canada's national coastlines, making Canada's coastline the world's longest. The territory is vast, but the population is small at 200,000 inhabitants, half of whom are indigenous. Our Arctic immediate neighbours are Russia, the United States, and Denmark, putting the Arctic at the centre of increasing geopolitical rivalries since 1945. In my tenure as an MP on the Defence Committee, I tried several times, to draw attention to this important region. I voiced the need to develop our Arctic in a way that would allow us to rightfully claim sovereignty over the contested North West passage and develop the vast resources that exist there. It is in the interest of our nation to have a well and uniformly developed country with many essential resources for our own use. A meaningful debate on Canada's role in the Arctic is long overdue, and hopefully we will finally get around to holding one soon. Such a debate is of particular importance, given the central place that the circumpolar region occupies in the tapestry of Canada's national interests. Beside the obvious strategic military importance of our Arctic, on which I will not elaborate, there is also potential wealth off our Arctic coastline. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) gives coastal states full sovereignty rights over a 12 nautical mile territorial sea, and a 200 nautical mile continental shelf exclusive economic zone. That allows countries the rights to exploit resources like deep-sea mining or oil and gas exploration in the seabed and subsoil (the economic zone confers rights below the surface of the sea; the surface waters are international waters). Half of the Arctic Ocean's 14 million square kilometres is already claimed by the five coastal states. Canada's economic zone of approximately 2.9 million square kilometres is the seventh largest in the world. Beyond this bounty for coastal states, the Law of the Sea provides a process for assessing further claims if science can delineate that the continental shelf extends beyond 200 nautical miles. States submit claims to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, which examines the submitted data drawn from mapping underwater geological features like ridges (Canada began collecting data in 2003 and submitted a claim in 2019, with an addendum in 2022). The Commission judges the accuracy of the claim and makes recommendations. If states have overlapping claims, they must negotiate the boundaries. In 2021, Russia made a maximum claim that its continental shelf stretched right up to the exclusive economic zones of both Canada and Denmark/Greenland, potentially giving it 75% of the seabed in the central parts of the Arctic Ocean. Canada then revised its 2019 submission in 2022, now arguing that its continental shelf extended to 2.4 million square kilometres, an area about the size of the Prairie provinces. It will be years before the UN Commission makes recommendations on Canada's claim but when it does, Canada must negotiate with Russia. The stakes are potentially very high indeed. The case that a greater concentration on the Arctic would fulfill several of Canada's national interests is compelling but articulating a strategy and actually making it happen are very different things. In recent years, the Government of Canada's rhetoric about our economic development in the Arctic and foreign policy goals and accomplishments has been effusive and confused. This has resulted in underinvesting in its diplomatic capacity, spending huge quantities of taxpayers' money overseas without accountability and totally neglecting national interests. In 2008, for example, Stephen Harper announced that Canada's aging heavy icebreaker, CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent, would be replaced by a new vessel, the CCGS John G. Diefenbaker: Fifteen years later in 2023, steel for the Diefenbaker has yet to be laid, though the government is now promising to do so. In 2007, Stephen Harper announced that Canada would construct a naval refuelling facility at Nanisvik, Baffin Island to service new Arctic patrol vessels with a planned opening in 2013. Initial plans were for year-round personnel and a jet airstrip to support the naval facility, but these were soon scaled back due to costs. Instead of pursuing our interests in the Arctic the Liberal government is spending huge amounts of money on foreign aid for their own political purposes. As a result, delays with the icebreaker program have suffered delays year after year. It is now expected that the facility will not be operational until 2024-25, 18 years after it was first announced. Well done! During the same period, Rob Huebert a prominent Arctic defence analyst, and I, have noted, that Russia has modernized and reopened 13 Cold War military bases in the Arctic as well as dozens of smaller posts and has also enhanced economic activities in the area. Since 2011 for example, an interdepartmental Marine Security Operating Group has repeatedly identified gaps, looming equipment obsolescence and weaknesses in satellite surveillance in the Arctic, but limited actions have been taken. The report concludes, "we found significant risks that there will be gaps in Canada's surveillance, patrol, and presence in the Arctic in the coming decade as aging equipment reaches the end of its useful service life before replacement systems become available." The need for a serious economic development plan in the Arctic should be a priority for any future Government of Canada for the benefit of our stringent national interest. We as Canadians deserve better! In conclusion, both achieving our interests and enhancing our values, the Arctic should be a preeminent priority of Canadian policymaking. Developing the Arctic is in Canada's national interest, perhaps even its paramount national interest. Time to focus on the future of our own Canada the good! mate e for cities to hit their decarbonization targets by 2040, but they have to act now, and the shift will require a co-ordinated effort between government, industry and residents. The question is, where is the money coming from? Mark Hutchinson, vice-president oange experts this is possible. But wait a moment, WHO will foot the bill? Like I said, get ready to pay more taxes soon….

Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Doctor Game Make a Stink for Better Public Washrooms

By Common Sense Health – W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford When asked how to become a famous comedian, Steve Martin replied, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” It’s true, bad performers can usually be ignored. But there’s no ignoring bad public washrooms. Public washrooms have a reputation for abysmal filth, as evidenced by dirty toilets, overflowing trash, empty or broken soap dispensers, sloppy countertops, and door handles not to be touched. An American survey found that 21 percent of respondents used a public washroom at least six times a week, sometimes over 15 times! The reason was not always obvious. Youth tend to visit washrooms to use their phones, change their clothes, or “get away”. In fact, 21 percent of youth acknowledge the use of public washrooms to take a mental health break, to avoid someone, and on occasion to cry. Older people, in addition to using the facilities, also visit public washrooms to check their appearance. Whatever the reason to visit, how important is it to take precautions? The good news is that some of the germs found in public washrooms are no different than the germs found in many other places, including the bathroom at home. Take Staphylococcus aureus for example. It will be found in dirty public washrooms. But it is also commonly carried around by 20-30 percent of people on their skin or in the respiratory system. It is an opportunistic pathogen, meaning it starts to cause trouble not when commonly encountered in the washroom but when the immune system is weakened or when the natural balance of bacteria in the gut is altered. Authorities disagree on how long certain other nasty germs survive or how readily they cause infection. But many bathroom studies have shown remarkable staying power – up to 8 days for E. coli. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu can survive on some surfaces for 48 hours. Washing hands after using public facilities is a no brainer. Yet a study published in Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control found that handwashing and hand-drying equipment in public washrooms are facilitating infections due to contaminated sink handles and paper towel dispensers. Plus people don’t wash their hands with soapy water for 20 seconds or more. Even with the best of efforts, some researchers have noted that “adequate hand hygiene may not always be achievable when using public washrooms.” That’s because the door handle used to leave the washroom is covered in germs. Opting out of using a public bathroom and resorting to “holding behaviour” is not advisable. “Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance,” goes the sage advice of King George V. Royalty have their own reasons. But among common folk, holding urine in the bladder can invite bacteria in the urine to multiply and cause the development of urinary track infections. When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. But there’s worse news to report. A study published in 2020 in Physics of Fluids described a phenomenon known as "toilet turbulence." It’s an alarming and repulsive discovery to learn that flushing a toilet can send small droplets of water and aerosols containing fecal germs three feet into the air above the seat! One public health message advises users to turn away from the toilet when flushing. Good lord! There’s a reason for a toilet seat lid. Put it down before you flush. Making a stink about public washrooms that are poorly designed and infrequently cleaned is probably the best course of action. Afterall, what restaurant or community venue wants to be associated with disgusting washrooms? Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

It Is the Candidate Who Tells the Best Story Who Gets Hired

By Nick Kossovan A six-word story attributed to Ernest Hemingway: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Almost every hire I have ever made was a result of my being able to relate to the candidate's story. Solutions, right answers, and great ideas are as exciting as watching paint dry. On the other hand, who does not love risk-takers, plain talkers, and underdogs? For the most part, job search success depends on which candidate tells the most compelling story, a story that will compel the hiring manager to hire them. Emotions are often the difference between a candidate being hired or rejected. Logic is not the only factor in hiring decisions; emotions (feelings) play a significant role. Our emotions determine how we perceive someone when first meeting them, and those perceptions lead us to regard them positively or negatively. The quickest way to land on the hiring manager's "positive" side: Tell a compelling and relevant story in your resume, cover letters, and interviews. The power of storytelling lies in its ability to influence and persuade. Opinions are often more polarizing than persuasive, and statistics, even when used as evidence, are difficult to retain. However, you can tug at heartstrings if you blend the two into an engaging narrative. All you need to do is organize your achievements into a story that elicits positive emotions. - Start with your audience in mind. Most job seekers believe providing a long, chronological list of projects, responsibilities, and job activities is a good job search strategy. The belief is that if you stuff as much experience as you can into a 2-page resume, a 4-paragraph cover letter or a 45-minute interview, something will click with the reader/interviewer, and they will "understand" your value and fit their business Actually, the opposite is likely to happen. Will the person receiving your information remember everything? Nope! It is more strategic to prioritize your career information according to the employer's needs, to show them only what is relevant to the position and their company; hence you do not come across as being another cookie-cutter applicant, which employers typically see. (Not being cookie-cutter = Being different = Standing out) Always have your audience at the forefront of your mind. What is their role? What is their level? How are their business and industry doing? What current challenges do they face that are critical to their success? Hiring managers look for more than just a list of skills and experiences. Along with hard skills (e.g., formal education, technical, foreign languages), employers, more than ever, look for candidates with soft skills (READ: people skills), such as authenticity, strong communication, mindfulness, and inclusivity. - Have a theme. Once you know your audience, stop, and consider the one thing you want your audience to remember about you. In storytelling, this is called the 'big idea,' and it is the lynchpin of every effective story and, therefore, should be woven into all your written and verbal communications during your job hunt. Are you looking to join a marketing organization? Then the overarching theme of your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letters and when interviewing might be: I'm a person who is driven by innovation and growth. Every example you give regarding your marketing expertise should demonstrate how your creativity contributes to brands reaching a wider audience. (e.g., Created a holistic paid acquisition strategy, leading to a 63% ROI for every dollar spent.) Tie all your experiences in your resume, cover letters, and interviews directly into your theme. In addition to guiding your narrative, your theme influences a hiring manager's memory as to what it is you do and how well you do it. - Context! Context! Context! Throughout your job search, you will have many opportunities to share your career success stories. Like all great stories, you need clear context to make your experiences meaningful. Storytelling experts call context the "why" that drives a narrative's plot. Context gives your audience a reason to listen to your story to the end and arrive happily at your resolution. There are three things that establish context: setting, characters, and conflict. 1. Setting: The place where your story unfolds. 2. Characters: The people involved in and impacted by the triggering event in your story. 3. Conflict: An event that causes you and the other characters in your story to take action. As you tell your story, make sure the context sinks in so your interviewer can see how you work with others, how you approach challenges and how you solve problems. - End your story with a clear resolution. Your goal, as you wind your story down, is to give your listener a compelling reason to care about the outcome, results that would be relevant to the job you are applying for. Now is the time to be the hero and tell your interviewer how you resolved the conflict of your story. This is where you explain how you achieve the metrics listed on your resume and LinkedIn profile in greater detail. The conclusion of your story should encourage your interviewer to hire you. Telling your career success stories effectively will greatly enhance your job search. __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Chinese Are Not Our Enemy - We Are

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is wrong with modern society. We want to appear as we are so advanced. Yet, by our own design we are becoming a civilization of ignoramus. One would think that with the overwhelming amount of information circulation online that we all be geniuses by now. In reality this proves a the theory that we all profess to know everything and in fact know nothing. That we the masses are nothing but sheep to a habitual go around that is controlled by misinformation, too much information and or information overload. The media plays us like a social fiddle. Just this week it hit the news.... The headline read, “Was there foreign interference in the 2021 election? What a new report says”. Followed by, “Overall, the system in place to alert Canadians of foreign interference threats to the 2021 election worked well but there are areas for improvements.” In other words they know something is up, but the power in the clouds can’t prove a thing. It appears that we go from one war right in to another. Covid kept us in fear for almost 3 years. Then came the Russians. Now the Chinese. I am sure that the Chinese are laughing about us. Saying things like, “Ha, they worry about balloons. Those are just distractions.” Think about it for a moment. Without knowing it we have slowly been invaded for the past 40 years. From our industry, to our commerce not to mention our manufacturing to our financial economies. China, owns a large part of Canada. Both in hard assets and finance. Then why worry about balloons, electronic tampering when they are basically already running the show. To boot we have a Federal government that admires the communist regime. Why should the Chinese waste a bullet. They have won the war without a single fight. Now deaths are a different thing as their negligence in the release of the COVID virus took out people all across the world. If it had been an oil spill would we the world not wanted retribution, some sort of compensation. Why should we not demand retribution for the COVID spread? Well, the Chinese are obviously smarter than we are and know how to push our social buttons. How are we Canadians with more social hang ups then the Chinese have grains of rice compete with a regime that is calculative, organized and focused on winning at all cost. We the Canadian people that would gave up our lives during world wars to protect the integrity of Canada are already dead. They hit us with vaccines that till today are truly unproven and unknown. They hit us with the control of our internet and our media. They control our financial institutions and buy lands at large. We the people are our own worst enemy. We have to awaken to the reality that China is our master and there is nothing we can do. Or can we. I would say. We need to devaluate their currency. Stop depending on their goods. And make Canada first and once in for all bring back what worked in Canada. What am I saying. This is Canada. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Next Elections will likely occur under a new Election Boundary Map

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It is well known that every 10 years the federal election map of Canada is updated to reflect growth and shift in the population. The number of seats in the House of Commons is also modified accordingly. As the country moves from 338 electoral districts to 343, new seats are created. Overall, of the existing 338 ridings, 271 will see their boundaries changed. Three of the next electoral map's five new seats are going to be in Alberta. British Columbia is getting one more seat; a seat carved out of southern B.C.'s interior. Ontario gets one more seat but Toronto itself loses a seat, dropping from 25 to 24. It is worth noting that the system of independent provincial commissions re-drawing riding maps has been in place in Canada since 1964. After each decennial census, Elections Canada makes a recommendation on the adjustment of the number of seats to be added to the House of Commons, a recommendation which must be approved by the House of Commons. After that, though, it is up to three-person commissions in each province to re-draw existing maps to account for those new seats or redistribute existing seats based on population shifts. The head of each provincial commission is a judge appointed by the chief justice of each provincial court. The other two members of each provincial commission are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons and tend to be academics or retired civil servants. So far, at least, the Canadian system of re-drawing electoral districts has avoided the gerrymandering controversies of the United States where state legislatures get to re-draw electoral maps and often do so to obtain a partisan advantage for the party in control of that legislature. The "final reports" of each provincial commission are put forward after public consultations and after an initial report is tabled with a first draft of new riding boundaries. At this stage, the discussion on the boundary changes in many ridings continues in the various provinces and territories, carried on by the respective election commissions with input from the public, parliamentarians and other communities of interest. 'Communities of interest' refers to concerns that are relevant to the people of the particular region. It could be urban versus rural, it could be linguistic minorities, or even racialized minorities. The commissions are supposed to take those factors into account in trying to keep communities together, or at least avoiding the division of their voting power in a way that's harmful to those groups." Trying to keep communities of interest together when re-drawing riding boundaries is a concept that may appear sound, but can be quite tricky to implement. The commissions have to consider all factors and to make many tough choices. It is clear that we will see some changes in the future and the political parties are fully engaged in examining and defending their future election chances. It is a fact that realignment of the electoral boundaries creates new issues for both sitting MPs and future candidates. A new reality is being established. The commissions are expected to make their final decisions in April. By law, the new boundaries would then be in effect for any general election that occurs seven months after the finalization of boundaries. As things slowly develop across the country, it is interesting to see how the Province of Ontario deals with electoral boundary realignment. Not only because we live in Ontario, but because the sheer number of MPs elected in this province, represent a sizable portion of the House of Commons. The Ontario commission had a tendency to make changes in the electoral boundaries based on many factors, but essentially taking into consideration an argument based on urban-rural splits and communities of interest. Proposed changes in the Durham region are especially interesting, and the riding of Pickering Uxbridge, where I was a candidate in the past, stands out in particular. The Ontario commission took the Toronto-area riding of Pickering-Uxbridge and divided it up along urban-rural lines. The southern half of Pickering-Uxbridge, currently held by Liberal Jennifer O'Connell, becomes the riding of Pickering-Brooklin, picking up some polls from the northern part of the riding of Whitby. While those northern Whitby polls tended to vote Conservative, Pickering-Brooklin, because it is now more urban, should be more favourable to O'Connell's chances of re-election. The rest of the former riding of Pickering-Uxbridge, the northern, rural half, moves to a new riding to be called York-Durham that contains a much higher proportion of rural areas than urban or suburban areas and, as a result, would likely lean Conservative based on previous voting patterns. In conclusion, I ask you to follow these changes in the electoral boundaries, especially here in the Durham region. As the situation stands today, the next election will operate based on these new electoral boundaries. Be aware and be informed!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

For Your Cover Letter to Do Its Job Don't Commit These Faux Pas

For Your Cover Letter to Do Its Job Don't Commit These Faux Pas By Nick Kossovan Not including a cover letter is lazy-employers don't hire lazy. (I certainly don't.) Regardless of how you apply for a job, whether through a referral or online, you must show how your skills, experiences, and personality set you apart from other applicants. It's for this reason, you should always include a cover letter. Including a well-written cover letter tailored to the job, and addressed to the hiring manager, offers several competitive advantages: - It shows your enthusiasm and that you researched the job requirements and the company. (You're not lazy.) - You're addressing the hiring manager directly and therefore bringing your relevant skills and experiences directly to their attention. - You're selling how you can add value to the company. - Your personality is conveyed to the hiring manager. - Your cover letter shows off your writing skills. (Employers value above-average writing skills.) Your cover letter has one job; to get the reader to read your resume. (It's your resume's job to get you an interview.) Imagine how much more likely you'd get an interview invite if you applied for jobs with a great cover letter and a resume that WOWs. Therefore, you don't want to make the following mistakes that'll hinder your cover letter from doing its job. 1. Attaching your cover letter to your email. To ensure your cover letter is read, don't send it as an attachment. Instead, write it within the email body. When the recipient opens your email, your cover letter will be immediately visible, increasing the likelihood that they'll read it. 2. Providing irrelevant information. Cover letters should be concise. Only offer details directly relevant to the job or that illustrates you have the skills and experience the employer is looking for. When I'm looking for a sales-oriented call center agent, I'm not looking for someone who's been providing "world-class" customer service or who's, in their opinion, "detail-oriented." These things don't matter in terms of reaching sales goals. A person who knows how to ask a prospect discovery questions to uncover their wants and needs and then offer them the appropriate product or service is whom I'm looking for. I'll lose interest if someone goes on and on about their customer service skills. I want them to tell me about the biggest sale they ever made, along with their passion and methodology (e.g., discovery questions they usually ask) for making sales. Hiring managers aren't responsible for connecting the dots regarding why you're a great fit for the position or how your skills are transferrable. Connect the dots in your cover letter. "Having sold life insurance for the past 15 years, I'm comfortable selling an intangible product, and therefore, I don't anticipate not being successful selling registered RESPs." (Registered Education Savings Plan) Think about what the reader of your cover letter would like to see and what'll convince them you're worth interviewing. Sentences like, "I see you need someone who's available to work nights and weekends. I enjoy working these hours and I'm available to do so," or, "Along with my resume, I've attached several samples of my writing." goes a long way. 3. Not including requested information. The most common application mistake I see is not following instructions. Based on my experience I'd estimate 7 out of 10 applicants fail to address every stipulation listed in a job posting, which indicates an inability, or unwillingness, to follow instructions. Name an employer who'd hire someone who can't follow instructions. Be sure to read the job posting in its entirety! It's common for employers to ask candidates to submit examples of their work or portfolio, link to their LinkedIn profile, their availability, a video, or their salary requirements. In your cover letter, include anything you've been asked to include or mention that it's attached (e.g., portfolio, writing sample, video, certificates). Failure to follow instructions is a sure way to get rejected. 4. Closing with a cliche statement. "Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I look forward to hearing from you," shows a lack of creativity and hustle. (Name an employer who dislikes employees who hustle.) Conclude your cover letter with something like, "I look forward to discussing what I can bring to the Social Media Manager role at Pendant Publishing. I'll call you Thursday morning to schedule a time/date for us to meet." This shows initiative, that you want the job and aren't afraid to go after what you want. (Be sure to make the call.) I once received a cover letter that closed with, "Call today, don't delay." The closing was aggressive, which I tend to gravitate towards. It grabbed my attention. Additionally, her cover letter outlined everything she could bring to the table as an employee. Her boldness impressed me, so I called her. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Media Should Stay Out Of War

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” As a member of the media I strongly believe that the role of the media is to report on the facts and not to influence outcomes by swaying public opinion to a political agenda. I remember a time in history when the media out of respect for the dead and those suffering would limit what they would report when it came to human suffering. Today’s media seems to go out of their way to wait for something horrific to happen to someone so that they may splash their photos all over. This is not right. War is not a place anyone wants to be in. As media it is our duty to keep people informed of what is happening... Not to mind control our audiences through pictures and words. Sure people are going to die in a war. Sure, there are going to be crimes committed. Sure there is going to be bombings, refugees and chaos. It is a given. I feel for the people of the Ukraine. As I feel for those left behind in Afghanistan. What has come of them. You never hear about living conditions there. It appears that our attention has gone from COVID - Afghanistan to the Ukraine and the threat of a world war. Why is it that we are always combating something or someone? How can global peace be achieved when in our eyes, minds and heart all we hear is chaos. I feel that the war in the Ukraine is not (the west) war. I further think that by the west sending billions to fight Russia only makes it worst. Suckering us into a conflict that could end up in a world war. Don’t think for a moment that the Chinese will not become involved and take the side of the Russians. I truly hope that I am wrong. As it stands the U.S. is seen as weak and without might. The perfect time to finally achieve world dominance by communist regime. Even within our own democratic borders we have swayed more to the left then ever before. The media is not doing any service by taking sides. Report the facts. Report the real news not opinioned parts of it in order to justify and entice further action towards extinction. Think about it.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This week I came across a story I just had to share. It read: Haiti gang demands US$17M for kidnapped Canadian, American missionaries: reports A wave of kidnapping prompted a protest strike that shuttered businesses, schools and public transportation in a new blow to Haiti’s anemic economy. How dare they attack innocent people in their country doing good for the people of Haiti. They want 17 million. Here is what I would give them in exchange. I would pull all foreign aid and workers from that country. See how quickly those kidnappers be found by the local militia. No instead we are there to do good and we get played. This has to stop. I really don’t care the reason. The thinking or the excuse. How dare any Haiti national stand for this. What kind of people are these that they can’t run their own country and are at the hands of generosity from other nations and they allow this to happen. Disgraceful. Despicable and we the rest of the world should not tolerate it. An island that has 90% of the population infected with Aids. 95% of the population living in poverty. 60% living in filth with no running water and or electricity. A population that has rationed power systems. Why should the rest of the world help them. It is obvious that the people of Haiti do not appreciate it and or recognize the gesture of foreign aid. Cut them out. Do not send a penny to them and let see how long they will survive on their own? We the west have to stop thinking that the world likes us... that they are like us... that they hold the same moral code we do. The don’t. Look at the fiasco with the Haitian's crossing the Mexico/U.S. borders. We must say enough is enough. We have people on our own streets that need help. Walk downtown Oshawa and see. If the people of Haiti do not appreciate all the aid they have in a collapsing economy. I say cut them off. I bet Haiti president does not live in a shack? I bet the top government official are all frequent flyer to Florida and New York. FREE OUR PEOPLE YOU UNDESERVING PIGS.

Saturday, September 4, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” The other day I cam across this very interesting news item: U.S. helps bring refugees to Canada, but 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan. Canada evacuated roughly 3,700 people from Afghanistan during its efforts and expanded its humanitarian program to welcome 20,000 refugees. How do you like them apples. The Americans pull out and we get dumped on. To boot 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan. Who is going to get them? Canada equivalent of the Seal team? Canada Walrus force 12? OK stop laughing.... I am so disgusted by what Biden has done that I can’t even put in words. If it was that important for the U.S to be out by a particular date. Would it not have made sense to get their people out while the U.S. had the troops in control and power? No instead they pull back and Taliban go to town killing anyone that even looks at them wrong. But wait we don’t see that being reported in the news. What Biden should have done is said. We the world are not going to take it and send back in the troops. Use the same rule of thumb the Taliban used to take over a country in 10 days. You have a gun. The American’s shoot first ask questions later. This pull out was so messed up that no one in the military had the thought of destroying the 80 billion worth of equipment before leaving? Personally I think someone within the military ranks made 40 billion easy. How can you justify leaving so much equipment behind? We do not need excuses we need resolve. What will become of the 1,250 Canadians left behind? What will happen to all the American supporters left behind? The answer is obvious. They will all be killed. Some may make it out. I like for Trudeau to explain this out in public. What our magnificent leader/negotiator is going to sit down with the Taliban and have a talk. Hell Trudeau surely can’t threaten... as the Taliban just come off a win against the world military super power. If Trudeau is not nice.. the taliban may threaten him with invading Canada by sending over more refugees (wink, wink). All Trudeau can do is click his heels and wish it was not Kanasas. How is it that the American government can’t be held responsible? The worst is if the Americans actually decide to go back in. They will not find a soul that would help, as the people of Afghanistan have lost all confidence. In Canada what are we doing bringing in 5,000 refugees? Our own people are wondering our streets homeless and without food and we bring in 5,000 that in most cases do not even speak the language? How are we to know that these so called refugees are not Taliban. As it stands we should think that they are all Taliban as how else do you explain for the country to fall so quick. Come on Trudeau. You have it in the bag. This only impacts your chances of winning the federal election, unless Trudeau is giving the refugees voting rights right off the mark. I walk downtown Oshawa and the poverty is overwhelming. No matter the time of the day and there are 100’s of people wondering our city without a home or food. I think that this election is nothing short of a sham. Trudeau continues to miss the mark when it comes to Canada first on anything. If O’toole was to win. We would be set back as O'toole would grand stand on the waste of the previous government only to find a way to tax the average citizen to pay for it. Nothing would be accomplished and the changes in policy would mean little or nothing to the average Canadian. Now if the NDP for some miraculous reason won. God help us. The policy changes would be so radical that it would have us begging for Trudeau to come back. So who is left. The PPC. They have as much of a chance of getting in as the Bloc. 1,250 Canadians need us. Not 5,000 refugees. Why then did we get the refugees? Why are we allowing the Taliban to sliently invade our society, culture, country disguised as refugees?

Hey where are we going with this! Trudeau I loved you but no more

By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat or go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. I once held a relatively high position within the Liberal government riding of Oshawa. I left because I became disgusted on the way the party was running things. Today, Trudeau is destroying Canada. From his 90 million dollar scandal I ask where the money the way he treats seniors, the military and the poor. On the one hand he says he cares and on the other he does the opposite. My pension got cut cause I made more than 59,000. That is money I made and paid into and because I am blessed with being able to make more I get penalized. That is not fair. Imagine all the seniors out there...that need more than 59k a year to live. That is not fair. Yet he gives free housing, welfare and pay per child benefits to anyone crying refugee. NO MY FRIENDS. THAT IS NOT MY CANADA. Trudeau and h is cronies have the balls to call me and ask for donation. Normally I would be happy to contribute my share as I have in the past. This time around. You take from my table I forget who you are. To ad insult to injury just recently Trudeau gave seniors $500. What did he expect, for seniors to turn around and hand him back the cheque in appreciation. No, buddy screw you. Our country is ruined and there is no real change in the horizon. We need a new party. A new type of leadership that values it’s citizens. Oh my Canada it’s finished.

The Great Pretender

from Wayne & Tamara The Great Pretender Q I identify as a self-sufficient, independent person. I consider myself a beautiful woman, not in a conceited way, but I’ve been told this my entire life. I am an empath. I’ve dedicated my life to working in social services. I am a free spirit, yet an entrepreneur at heart. I love empowering women, and I’m working on becoming a certified self-love coach. I am 35; my partner is 38. He cheated on me during our entire relationship. He never admitted to the timeline, but he claims it wasn’t years. Still, the other woman has photos dating back to 2016. He said the pictures were old, and she was an ex who was obsessed with him. Honestly, the way she presented herself, I believed him. I also believed he worshipped the ground I walked on. From late 2016, he was living a double life. He stayed with her during the week, and we saw each other on weekends, vacations, and on random days off. We looked at houses, but he would never commit. The same with engagement rings. He got caught when I was 20 weeks pregnant, a pregnancy that was planned. On the day he was caught, I told him I would be sharing our pregnancy. I sent him a message saying so. He messaged me, saying he had been told I was cheating on him. I was distraught. I said, “No. I’d never do that to you. I love you. Who is saying this?” He said, “People you don’t know.” I said, “People I don’t know, know me and know I’m cheating on you?” I realize now he said this to use against me, because an hour after I posted our pregnancy announcement, his other girlfriend contacted me. When I confronted him, he said, “See, you never believe me! People are saying you are cheating on me, and I believe you. But you can’t do the same for me!” I feel sick thinking back to this. The next day, he eventually admitted he was cheating. For a while, he seemed remorseful. He cried. He was depressed. He lost weight. He begged and apologized all the time. I also found out he lied about his career. He had been fired from his job in 2016, but he told me he was still working as a pharmacist. I actually think he was a pharmacy tech. I now believe he was fired for stealing narcotics and selling them. A couple of days ago, I went through his computer and found an apology letter he wrote to the court saying he was sorry for stealing. On his laptop, I found a video. It was really dark, but I could hear two people having sex. I believe he had sex with a woman while he was visiting his grandparents in 2017. It was a trip I paid for. Belinda A Belinda, in 1994, a boy went missing in San Antonio, Texas. He was last seen playing basketball with friends. Three years later, a French serial imposter assumed the missing boy’s identity. He was flown to the United States and, for five months, accepted as authentic by some of the boy’s family. This was despite the fact he spoke with a French accent and had brown eyes and dark hair, while the missing boy was a blue-eyed blond. Released from prison in the U.S., this imposter repeated the deception in Spain and again in France. Your boyfriend is a serial imposter, but he doesn’t pose as an orphan. He poses as a man who loves women he does not love, like you. Men like him are without mercy and without remorse. An empath can feel things. A social worker knows to verify everything she is told. That is why she does home visits and verifies employment. But you turned all of that off because your need for someone was so great. You never met his friends or family. You never confirmed he had a job. You accepted everything at face value. When it comes to love, we cannot toss out everything we know about life. You followed a recipe for tuna casserole and continued on, even when you saw no tuna in the list of ingredients. All you can do now is learn a bitter lesson and be the best parent you can be. Wayne & Tamara write: