Wednesday, April 14, 2021



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   The question in everyone’s mind is.  Should I or Should I not take the vaccine?  Those that took it may be re-thinking their choice as more and more information is being released by so called science.   Government is all for it as without to much thought a vaccine technically means that the virus will go away and the economic damage can begin healing.
I am constantly receiving information and have in the past had the advantage of reading and seeing things that most never get to know about.   I see the world not just a country.  I see the desperation and hear the conspiracy theorist hype up fear.  Fear of catching the virus and fear of getting inoculated. The real question is what are we up to.   Is the cure real and or just another double edged sword that governments of the world are being forced to use without knowledge of what they are doing to their own people.
My first degree from York University in Canada was in the field of psychology.  I first came to know about nanobots in the early 80’.   In the 80’s, nanobots as we know it today were used primarily for industrial applications.   It was thought that nano technology behind the scenes was becoming another cold war race of sorts as governments and many in academia became entangled in projects directed to using these particles to influence the thought and moods of the masses.   One application the Russians has mastered was the ability to use nano particles to track people moves almost like a form of pre-GPS technology as we know it.   I personally worked on a program through the University that was specific to cognitive and bio-psychological applications were nano technology at least in theory could be used to indirectly and even remotely produce a reaction that was that similar to mood or a feeling in a living human being.   My work was very theoretical and very limited.  Now you may be asking.  What is Nano technology or nanobots as we know them today.
Nanobots are robots that carry out a very specific function and are ~50–100 nm wide. They can be used very effectively for drug delivery. Normally, drugs work through the entire body before they reach the disease-affected area.  They can be used very effectively for drug delivery.
The field of nanotechnologies, which studies phenomena at the nanometer scale, 1 to 100 nanometers, is today in full expansion and finds applications in medicine, electronics and the development of new materials.
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy made the  first observations and size measurements of nanoparticles had been made during the first decade of the 20th century by Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, who made a detailed study of gold sols and other nanomaterials with sizes down to 10 nm using an ultramicroscope.
Adriano Cavalcanti is known as nanorobot pioneer, Cavalcanti is the medical nanorobotics inventor for the practical hardware architecture of nanorobots, which was integrated as a model based on nanobioelectronics for applications in environmental monitoring, brain aneurysm, diabetes, cancer and cardiology.
These tiny, autonomous robots don't need computer programs to repair circuits. ... By exploiting such quirks of nature, scientists have now built nanobots that can repair broken circuits that are too small for a human eye to see.   The most commonly-cited danger of nanobots is their purported ability to self-replicate. Nanobots aren't all that useful if you have to manufacture them yourself. If you can make a few and then have them reproduce to make copies of themselves, that's a far more efficient way of getting enough of them for useful work.
In today high tech world  a remarkable combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and biology has produced the world's first "living robots". Research team of roboticists and scientists published their recipe for making a new lifeform called xenobots from stem cells. ... Using their own cellular energy, they can live up to 10 days.   This technology is one of the primary agents in the many vaccines introduced to the world.   Little real research on the impact on human biology.   The thing about this type of technology.  Once introduced to the human body it can’t be removed.   Although the nanobots can't be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul level.   In other words impossible.   In my study at the University one of the inclines of the relationship between psychology and nonotechnology was the future implications for governments to utilize this in order to create a new world order based on stimulants in the air much like the 5G+ technologies, microwaves, x-ray, and many more.    
The “G” associated with cellular networks stands for generation. 5G is the fifth and newest generation of cellular network technology and it should expand the capacity for mobile networks, allowing more devices to use the network than ever before.  This technically, some are seeing as the vehicle to manipulate nanobots in human bodies.
Can nanobots control you?  Mind control is real, it could be developed with invasive neurotechnology as brain nanobots that can control directly the activity of victim neurons and thus, control different body's functions like the motor functions.  This can be proven/verified by science.
Can nanobots make you immortal?   Yes. nanorobots could be programmed to rebuild older cells into younger copies on a regular basis thereby the human body could become immortal. You could live a disease-free youthful life, forever.
Can nanoparticles change your DNA? New research by scientists shows that when cellular barriers are exposed to metal nanoparticles, cellular messengers are released that may cause damage to the DNA of developing brain cells. ... During their interactions with cell membranes and internalisation into cells, key signalling pathways and processes are altered.  So yes.
So far nanoparticle-based vaccines  obtained  approval by the US Food and Drug Administration could represent a giant step in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
On 18 November 2020, BioNtech and Pfizer announced the final results of their COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 clinical trial1. Only a couple of days earlier, Moderna had also revealed the preliminary outcome of their phase 3 study2. With a claimed efficacy in preventing infection of 95% and 94.5%, respectively, BNT162b2 — the vaccine developed by the small German start-up and the giant American pharma — and mRNA-1273 — developed by the Cambridge-based biotech company in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health — are on route to becoming the first prophylactic measures against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Two COVID-19 vaccines that use nanoparticles are messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. These vaccines contain a strand of genetic code that provides instructions for building a protein that’s found on the coronavirus. When cells take in this genetic code, they build the protein.
When the immune system sees the protein, it begins building antibodies against it that help the immune system fight the coronavirus. After the body has built up an army of antibodies, it can fight off a COVID-19 infection before it causes disease.
This new class of DNA- and RNA-based vaccines deliver the genetic sequence of specific viral proteins to the host cells using nanotechnology platforms. Traditional vaccines instead trigger immune responses upon injection of entire viruses, either as attenuated live viruses, inactivated viruses or engineered viruses, into the body.   Then the question remains.   Do we surrender to government pressure to vaccinate?  Do we trust science?   They said that when they found th e
 ‘God’ particle that they had all the answers to creation.  Now we are faced with the possibility of extinction by submission.   Can we play God and survive the possible extinction of yet another civilization.  My two cents.   Wait it out a bit more until we start seeing the true essence of  science.  Once proven then make a conscious decision on what you are injecting into your soul.

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