Wednesday, January 12, 2022


‘COME ON MAN’ GET A GRIP ON REALITY By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” You read it here first. I suggest that unless we get back Trump or someone with his mind setback in office. We all best start taking Chinese/Russian classes. We for the longest time have enjoyed being the biggest the badest military force in the world. We enjoyed one of the best economies and the best to none society. We, America were rich in heritage and tradition. Traditions that we all shared as a unified country. One people against the world. One people made up of many different type/class of people. We distinguished our difference and acknowledge our indifference. Sure we made mistakes and we lived in context not pretentious social misconception. We lived in the moment and did what we had to do at the time. Today in this new modern world. Nothing is precious. Nothing has meaning or purpose. We live in a society that forces us to all accept, denounce questioning indifference and injustices. We are not to think or act logically as persecution and prosecution seems to have society living under a civil iron boot that will come down hard on opposition on the modern norms. In short. The silent minority has given up. Look at what is happening in politics. WE FAILED. Politics today is about money, greed and misconception, not to mention manipulation of the system. It is about keeping the job and not so much doing it. No matter the stripes. Republicans/Democrat appear to have developed a single political DNA. COVID hit our shores with the intensity of a humanity sunami. Killed Americans by the thousands. Trump and his administration opened an inquiry on who and where the infection originated. Until today. The source continues to be the same. After the election, Joe Biden carried on the effort. The same result. China. Under the Trump administration, I am sure by now China would have had to answer some tough questions. Under captain “COME ON MAN”. Nothing is happening. For the longest time. China and Russia have had it in for America or the West. What best way to disrupt world economies than with a biological weapon that infects all nations of the world. A weapon that you can’t see coming but takes out one by one of your opponents and sets their enemy on an endless abyss of confusion. One that sets them basically bankrupt. A great military strategy to conquer your enemies is to de-stabilize them, choke out the supply lines and have them turn on against each other. Then move in for the kill(militarily). So far by deploying the virus they have totally de-establized world economies. World industry has been brought to their knees with the exception of the Chinese. The supply lines have been compromised due to labor shortages. You don’t have to go far to see how this weapon masqueraded as a virus has turned one against another. Within our borders and internationally. Then there is CHINA. Basically the only supplier left on the planet. The only growing economy with a controlled Covid population. Now back to captain ‘COME ON MAN’. As America is facing the worst attack against it’s people in history. Captain ‘COME ON MAN’, goes on record threatening Russian to back off the Ukraine or else. Really, ‘COME ON MAN’. You are walking right into their trap. Not only is your country a mess. You want to go threaten a world tiger. Do you think the Russians would hesitate for a moment to form an alliance with China and take a shot at the United States? ‘COME ON MAN’ GET A GRIP ON REALITY. They are waiting on you Joe to make the wrong move and boom we are in WWIII. As it stands China has about 700,000 troops training in Canada. They are training on how to fight a war in sub-zero temperatures. In a province that is within 1,000 miles from the white house. Forget the Ukraine. Stop giving fuel to the claims that centered on the allegation that while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he engaged in corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son Hunter Biden by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. STOP PUTTING THE SECURITY OF THE ENTIRE NATION AT RISK OF WAR just so that you can pay back a long standing favor from a nation that is as corrupt as your political carreer. You want to play tough guy. Go after China. Rally up the world and demand retribution for their mistake and or intentional release of COVID. Focus on what matters to the American people. Go after the perpetrator of this weapon of mass destruction. Leave the Russians alone. Let them take care of their own business. Have you not learned from Afghanistan? Captain ‘COME ON MAN’ could not defeat the Taliban. Four towel heads throwing stones at you. You actually think you stand a chance against the comrade regime. A people that have the resources and ability if join forces with the Chinese to invade you. Hell the Chinese can call on the American debt to China and put us in bankrupt and take us over as it is. This is just another example that captain “COME ON MAN”, has no clue on what he is doing. Look at our gas prices at the pump. Look at the economy. But wait, Captain ‘COME ON MAN” will put on his game face and blame it on Covid. Is it time we the people awaken and demand true leadership. ‘COME ON MAN’...

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