Saturday, January 29, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” As it if is not bad enough. We are having to deal with wave after wave of Covid. People loosing their jobs. People having problems paying for their mortgages. What is the Prime Minister Thinking when he starts this war on truckers. Let’s think about this for a moment. Justin has sold us the pill that those unvaccinated are carriers of COVID. Not true. Those vaccinated are just as likely to carry Covid as those non-vaccinated. The difference between the two is severity of outcome and hospitalization. This confusion created by the government is splitting society. Just recently Justin introduced legislation that forces trucker to be vaccinated. He rationalizes with the fact that he has forced all government employees to get vaccinated or loose their job. Is this a democracy? 1st, by forcing truckers to vaccinate it is causing major supply chain hold backs. 2nd, it is opening the door for suppliers gouging prices. Wake up Justin. Use your head. Now is not the time to get into a pissing contest with the Americans over vaccination. Canada can’t afford to loose and suffer any more. I heard that Justin is going to go back on his word on issuing a further $10,000 grant to businesses that need it. Yet, he announces support for the Ukraine. Our tax dollars are going to fight a war in europe. Is this logical? Our people are starving on our streets. Many are forced to go homeless. Our food supply is being compromised and our tax dollars end up in the Ukraine. Canada has been experiencing vaccine shortages. People are having problems paying mortgages and loans. Yet, we the people of Canada fund a war in the Ukraine? What is wrong with this picture? I suggest that Justin meet with the truckers. Then meet with the U.S. officials and open the borders without restrictions to truckers and essential services personnel. We need those truckers on our roads. We need to help families in need. I suggest Justin keep everything closed for at the least 2 more months. Get a grip on COVID. We close we open... the results appear to always be the same... Why OPEN. WHY... because Justin gets pressure from big business to open. Small business owners are the ones that pay for Justin's friends. Justin use the money you are going to waste on the Ukraine and give it back to the people of your nation to offset financial deficits caused by this very real enemy that is silently attacking Canadians. Want to start or support wars. Show leadership and go after China. China is the one that has to be made to pay. China is the point of origin. Why are we wasting time supporting the Ukraine? Why are we becoming entangled in others wars. Canada’s priorities are off. We must assure that all of our citizens are taken care. That we are united Canada and that our government assures that at all aspects of society everyone is offered the opportunity to succeed. From free higher education to assuring that everyone has a place to call home. Invest in Canada first. NOT THE UKRAINE. NOT AFRICA. CANADA FOR CANADIANS FIRST.

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