Friday, January 14, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I normally don’t like to air dirty laundry but this one just missed the wire on hands off. This past week I had the misfortune of having to make contact with Ward 3 Regional & City Councillor Bob Chapman. A councillor that in my opinion is the biggest waste of taxpayers money in the history of the City of Oshawa. A councillor that is only in office in my opinion to cushion his already hefty pension(s). What has he done for the people of Oshawa in all his years in politics. My contact was over Chapman vote to deny a local downtown business access to doing business with the city, during a council meeting. A business that has a long standing record of service to the city taxpayers for over 25 years, a major icon in their field. One would have thought that since the City has undertaken the ‘SHOP LOCAL’ campaign and the Mayor himself has put forth: On April 14th 2020, Mayor Dan Carter announced the formation of the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force to identify actions to support the needs of Oshawa businesses impacted by COVID-19. The task force will focus on economic support and recovery for local businesses, including relief measures, resources and supports that are available and guiding discussions with all levels of government to advocate on behalf of the local business community. That the city would have great support for any local business that approach them. But not in Oshawa. If the above ‘TASK FORCE’ is to be taken serious and not just another political stunt from hypocritical minds at City Hall. The City should have have jumped all over the opportunity to help/include and stand true to the task force mandate by welcoming this very reputable local business as one of the City suppliers. A company that meets and exceeds all municipal requirements according to the Ontario Municipal Act, to be included in the purchasing protocol. Not to mention that this same company is heading one of the most successful SHOP DOWNTOWN initiatives since 2018. According to Chapman, he stated that his reason for not supporting this particular business was due to his personal prejudice/bias/opinion and dislike of the company and proprietor. As a good reputable council member. He did not base his decision on the benefit to the constituents, the City. No, his decision was based solely on his personal bias and prejudice towards the owner of this said business. One has to wonder how many other councillor base their decisions on the same. Imagine all the opportunity that is being missed by councillors that go with the flow and do not engage in finding out information on particulars coming forth before council. Is there any wonder the city is in the condition it is. Parks full of used needles, our parks made into tent cities for the homeless. Our downtown a heaven for drugs and prostitution. No wonder the police services have back down from enforcing and patrolling as they once did and the city is now hires security companies to act as the City muscle to harass and abuse citizens down on their luck.... It is a nightmare.. and concillors like Chapman in my opinion are to blame... Councillors that are to full of themselves. Arrogant, ignorant and pompous. Retiree's that are only in politics to fluff up their pensions. This is not representation. This clown of Chapman refused to support a business that has had more accreditation for being the champion of human rights. The only media business that proudly supports women’s shelters, homeless shelters, gay rights by publishing their events and services. CHAPMAN are you insane or senile... cause no one can be that skewed in their prejudice to solely deny access to the City based on personal prejudice bias and misconception. I thought the City pride itself on inclusion. I reminded him that it takes more than dressing up as the local reserves COMMANDER in his hypocritical attempt to care about veterans during memorial day to be a good leader. It takes character. The owner of the said company has contributed millions back to the community over the years. He has membership to every social/service group in Oshawa. Including many that Chapman belongs. Mr. Chapman's actions and arrogance and ignorance should be remembered in 2022 election as I am sure he be front line center making all kind of false promises and attempting to take as much credit on things he had no real impact on. PLEASE PEOPLE IN 2022 LET’S GET RID OF THE DEAD WOOD, THE IGNORANT AND THE ARROGANT. LET’S ELECT REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. REMEMBER THIS. IF WE FIRED ALL OF CURRENT COUNCIL NOT ONE COULD BE HIRED BY ANY PRIVATE COMPANY TO MAKE THE DECISIONS THEY REQUIRE TODAY - WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MAYBE 3 ON COUNCIL. In my opinion and if this is the reflection of council as a whole as the vote tabled was 9 deny to 2 consider any indication of how council treats local businesses and or future contractors. No wonder no real developers come to Oshawa. With the exception of the tent builder in our parks at Memorial Park. Not to mention the rip off artist so called developers building future two by four, Ghettos north of the University and charging suckers $600k for a house with no backyard and no front yard. I Bob Chapman reached out to you for leadership. I reached out to you as a fellow brother. I reached out as a fellow community leader with all do honor and respect. You acted abusively, inappropriate. Showed clear bias and prejudice without due proof. In your final statement you said, “We are nothing alike Joe.” You are right. I work hard for my money. I work hard to keep the people of Oshawa/Durham informed. I do not judge nor reject anyone. Can you say the same? We live in a country that we have the freedom to express our opinion without the fear of persecution. Want to serve the people of Oshawa. Resign you over inflated prick. I will not have the likes of you talk down to me or anyone in Oshawa. You work for us. Never forget that. You careered ‘YES MAN’. Oh by the way. Happy belated Christmas or is in your politically correct cowardness you don’t dare say that anymore?

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