Saturday, January 8, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” During times of chaos and war we need solid leaders with real vision. Not hypocrites with empty promises and song and dances. While they collect their pay and the rest of us are left to struggle. This is the case with our ‘I THINK I CAN’ mayor Dan Carter of Oshawa. This guy has been in politics for 8 years. Four as a councillor, one as Mayor and what has he accomplished. Our taxes have gone up almost 11% during his administration and the quality of life has diminished to the point that we are becoming the capital of Durham for drugs, prostitution and the homeless. Just this week in an attempt to show he is doing something. Carter released this insult to every small business in Oshawa: Statement from Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter calling on support for local businesses (CARTER IS ANTI BUSINESS - ASK HIM WHY HE FAILED TO SUPPORT THIS LOCAL NEWSPAPER ON APRIL 19TH, 2020 WHEN THE CENTRAL APPROACHED HIM TO OFFER THE CITY $100,000 SUBSIDY IN ORDER TO KEEP THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA INFORMED DURING THE ONSET OF COVID. OR ASK HIM WHY RECENTLY HE REJECTED SUPPORTING A LOCAL DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AS HIS TWO FAVORED PUBLICATIONS WENT OUT OF BUSINESS. PUBLICATIONS THAT HE USED YOUR TAXPAYERS MONEY TO PROMOTE HIMSELF ON YOUR DIME. HE IS NOT PRO-BUSINESS. HE IS PRO CRONIES. HE IS A HYPOCRITE OF THE WORST KIND. HE LIES RIGHT TO YOUR FACE AND EXPECT YOU TO BELIEVE IT.) As all of Ontario moves back into a modified Step Two under the provincial government’s reopening roadmap, there is one thing I think we can all agree upon: this is not how we wanted to begin the year 2022. (DAH, DO YOU THINK?) While the temporary return to stricter health measures may feel like we have taken a giant step back in this global pandemic, they are being implemented to control the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant in our city and are in place for the health and safety of our community members. (IN OTHER WORDS THEY HAVE NO CLUE ON HOW TO CAP THIS AND HE IS JUST THE OVER PAID PARROT THAT SPEWS THE LINE TAUGHT TO HIM BY THE BIGGER PARROT.) Even so, immediate action needs to be taken to assist our small and community-owned businesses that have been hardest hit by the economic impacts of COVID-19. While the province has announced an expanded rebate program for affected businesses, more is needed to bring timely and lasting support to our local business community. (MUMBO JUMBO... HE IS SPEWING THINGS HE HAS NO CONTROL OVER. HERE IS A SUGGESTION CARTER. SINCE THERE IS SUCH NATURAL GROWTH IN THE HOUSING(GHETTO) TYPE HOUSING TO THE NORTH. WHY NOT LOWER THE PROPERTY TAXES FOR DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS.. OR ENTER INTO A PROGRAM THAT WOULD SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER HYDRO RATES FOR SMALL BUSINESSES. AFTER ALL WE THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA OWN THE PUBLIC UTILITIES. CUT THE OVER PAID SALARIES AT THE OPUC. HELL NO. THAT WOULD TAKE LEADERSHIP. THIS GUY HAS TO GO.) As your mayor, I am calling on both the provincial and federal governments to continue to offer wage subsidies, programs to cover lost revenues and rent subsidies until a return to full operations can resume, while also considering other immediate measures to assist affected businesses. Beyond a return to full operations without restrictions to businesses, I am committed to actively advocating and responding to the evolving needs of business to support the path to a fulsome recovery. (OH SHUT THE HELL UP AS OUR MAYOR... YOU ARE CALLING THE PROVINCIAL AND FEDS... GET A LIFE... WHY DON’T YOU TAKE REAL LEADERSHIP AND CUT SMALL BUSINESS HYDRO BY 90%. NO INSTEAD HE JUST GIVES YOU A LINE TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE IS DOING SOMETHING... SMOKE AND MIRRORS. ‘HE IS CALLING ON BOTH.... WHAT A JOKE) Small businesses are an essential component of Oshawa’s dynamic and diverse neighborhoods and their sustainability is a critical pillar of our community. As such, I, along with the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force Chair, Regional and City Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri and membership, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Oshawa Business Alliance are working together to advocate and assist in any way possible to help mitigate the financial losses that businesses are continuing to endure during this difficult period. (CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS HYPOCRITE? MAYOR’S RECOVERY TASK FORCE. MADE UP OF TWO THAT HAVE NO REAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. WORKING WITH THE CHAMBER AND THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ALLIANCE. TWO GROUPS THAT HAVE AND ARE DOING NOTHING FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS? TWO ENTITIES THAT ARE CRONIES OF CARTER. A GROUP OF ‘YES MEN’ THAT HAVE DONE NOTHING FOR THE CITY... IF I AM WRONG EXPLAIN THE DRUG, PROSTITUTION THE HOMELESS... WAIT. THEY WILL BLAME COVID. DISGUSTING. THIS IS THE SAME GROUP THAT IS USING YOUR TAX DOLLAR TO PUSH A FAILED SHOP LOCAL CAMPAIGN WITH TITO AND CARTER PICTURES ON THE FRONT. PATHETIC. CHAIRED BY TITO-DANTE MARIMPIETRI A GUY THAT DOES NOT RETURN PHONE CALLS. REAL REPRESENTATION. NO WONDER OUR CITY IS IN THE POOR SHAPE IT IS IN. THEY BOTH HAVE TO GO IN 2022 ELECTIONS). As a community member, you have a role to play too. Now more than ever, it is important for us to support local and buy local whenever we can. You can help make a difference by purchasing from local businesses online, dining out at home by ordering takeout from your local restaurant, and purchasing gift certificates now to use later. (HYPOCRITE. IF THIS STANDS TRUE. WHY ARE YOU AND YOUR TASK FORCE IGNORING THE VERY SUCCESSFUL SHOP DOWNTOWN ‘INGINO’ INITIATIVE THAT HAS BEEN RUNNING SINCE 2018. A PROGRAM THAT ACTUALLY PUTS MONEY TO WORK FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE MERCHANTS OF THE CORE. CARTER YOUR ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE ALONG WITH THE HANDFUL OF CRONIES LIKE THE CHAMBER AND THAT OTHER HAND PICKED BUSINESS ALLIANCE NEED TO GO. IT IS NOT WORKING AND IT IS FAR FROM TRUSTED PROVEN LEADERSHIP. IN 2022 LET’S GET RID OF THEM BY VOTING THEM OUT. THINK ABOUT IT. OUR CHILDREN DESERVE BETTER.)

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