Thursday, August 18, 2022

The revival of the 'Great Reset' socialism in Canada

The revival of the 'Great Reset' socialism in Canada by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Sadly, I am more and more convinced that the concept of socialism in new clothing, inspired by the principles of the "Great Reset" promoted so relentlessly by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is well and thriving in Canada. This newly promoted leftist view of government differs radically from western democracy and the balanced capitalism which emphasizes limited government power, greater individual liberty and religious freedom. Besides the essentially totalitarian political nature of socialism, history has repeatedly proven it to be a philosophy which destroys economies and impoverishes people, owing mostly to its deprivation of individual freedom and private property and the creation of bloated government bureaucracies. If implemented, it will certainly bring dramatic changes to our economy and our way of life. It seems that the economic goal of the Great Reset is a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and newly coated socialism for the rest; the majority of people. The recent Covid pandemic in Canada helped to entrench this concept in our society by allowing and increasing state control over the lives of people and the economy. In the process small businesses were dramatically damaged in favor of large businesses, increasing their monopoly. Draconian government lockdown measures, purportedly for the safety of the public, in fact destroyed businesses and eliminated competitors of corporate monopolists. These policies were a dream come true for corporate socialists. Sadly, I must say, this new form of socialism is becoming increasingly popular among all ages, especially among the young in the West, who have not experienced the disasters of the socialist and communist regimes' experiments in the former East Europe. Countries where the freedom of several generations was sacrificed to two-tiered socialistic mores. In practice, this new form of socialism is a revival of a socio-political-economic philosophy closely related to Marxism and communism; in lay language, it is the wolf in sheep's clothing. It is anti-capitalistic in essence and proposes that a utopia of human prosperity can be achieved when the state assumes control of most aspects of the population's economic and social life, thereby enabling it to redistribute wealth as it sees fit to those who need it most. In Karl Marx's words: "Take from each, according to his ability. Give to each, according to his need". In Canada too many young people have not been taught what socialism really means and the dismal history of its failures wherever it has been tried. Certainly this is a result of the Left's "long march through the institutions" including colleges and universities, public schools, and the media. Marxist-inspired critical race theory is a prime example. Once confined to the classrooms of Left professors, critical race theory has infiltrated every level of government, as well as school boards and even the military with the unique scope to undermine the values acquired through centuries of our civilization. It is evident by now, that it is in our schools, where the effects of critical race theory-which teaches young Canadians to categorize their fellow citizens according to race-are most dangerous. Instead of preparing young people with a solid knowledge of science and healthy social skills in respect of building a modern and vibrant society, the elites in this country are concentrating on the science fiction of new found socialist principles in order to maintain their control and dominance over the country at all costs. In fact, it is not difficult to see that the Liberal government of Canada is daily unveiling a clear orientation for building the foundation of a strongly socialist society. The new socialism, heralded by its 'building back better' buzz words, in essence means the joint control of the state and multinationals over our lives. It bodes of a new form of a symbiotically managed economy and the replacement of markets by an administrative economy. The growing omnipresence of the state in the life of its citizens is clearly an indication of more sinister things to come. Legislation enacted for the sole purpose of curtailing basic individual freedoms is in the making in Canada at an alarmingly elevated rate. Most of our elected representatives and unelected, unscrupulous, senior public servants are willing to sacrifice our country and our sovereignty, for a globalist socialist entity in which they can continue to control the people. The mainstream media sings the praises of the doings of the Liberal government and adores socialist inspired values. This media has waged an indoctrination war on us for years, unlike any other. It is aided by our own government bureaucrats, academia, schools, and social media platforms in vilifying our history and traditions. We are clearly on our way to an Orwellian inspired society dominated by a repressive and omnipresent government, soon to be guided by a Ministry of Truth. In practice, the new, rediscovered socialist believes that the most enlightened people in society are those who are 'liberated' from 'ignorant' traditional, historically based ideas. This, they believe, makes them naturally more compassionate and therefore best-suited to redistribute wealth and justice to the people. In this new socialist's view, voting only ensures the undesirable outcome of an "unenlightened" populous being given the opportunity to put forth its inferior ideas and religious beliefs. With all this said, it is a time for a change in Canadian politics. If not derailed, I believe a Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre will be able to change this course of events. It is time to return to our well established Canadian values for the sake of our future generations. What do you think?

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