Monday, August 1, 2022


By Ahmad Formuly Ward 1 City Councillor Candidate for Oshawa I like to begin this column by thanking The Central for inviting me to write a weekly column to all readers. This I believe is a great service to the community at large. Most voters when faced with an election know very little about those running. Specially the new candidates. From now until the election I hope to take advantage of this feature and address many of the issues that matter to Oshawa and the ward I will be representing. Municipal elections are upon us. As such we must weight our choices wisely. The future of our city is on the line. As a young man in Oshawa living in Ward 1. I have first hand recollection on what matters to those living in our ward. It appears that election after election the same faces sit in council. Taxes keep going up and quality of life appears to slowly slipping. For these and many other reasons I decided to put my name in and with your help make a difference. My name is Ahmad Formuly and I am running as a Ward 1 City Councillor Candidate for Oshawa. I studied Political Science at Ontario Tech University and always found it very interesting on the importance of government and society. How it suppose facilitate taxpayers life. We entrust those elected to act on our best interest. Unfortunately and much to my surprise. I have learned the hard way that in many cases this is not so. I have heard from people living in ward one many alarming issues. Such as not being able to get a hold of their council person. When dealing with Council having to deal with a lot of red tape. I believe that I will bring new fresh ideas that matter to the youth of today and tomorrow. I believe in preserving culture and tradition as well as being open minded to changes for the betterment of all in ward 1. I believe in respect, honor and valor. My candidacy will represent all of us. I feel that it is my duty to step up and work with constituents to improve life in general. my campaign platform: 1. Easy and respectable access to the City and their Councilor 2. Improving the quality of life in Oshawa by working with council to get tough on crime. 3. Putting money back into the pocket of the citizens of Oshawa by cutting down the unnecessary spending. 4. Look for ways to accommodate the affordable housing issue. Finding solutions to our homeless. 5. Protecting and creating more employment opportunities in Oshawa through working with council on finding corporate sponsorship and partnerships in order to create opportunity for industry/commerce/trade. 6. Work hard to assure that development does not keep exploding north. That our quality of life remains and does not become a highly density area. 7. Ward 1 needs protection from over building. Social housing abuse and the never ending threat of over developing. Oshawa is a great place to live. A great place to raise a family. Unfortunately for the past four years the quality of life has slowly slipped. The same old councillors are just not making the grade according to my observation. We need new blood in council. New fresh minds with fresh ideas. I believe that Oshawa with younger councillors can make the changes needed for future generations to grow and prosper. We may not have all the answers. But we sure will work hard to find them. Your vote and support is appreciated as together we need to make a difference. Thank You.

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