Saturday, November 26, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. I have a question of concern over the recent municipal elections. Am I to believe that the people of Oshawa are happy with the quality of life in Oshawa? With the open use of drugs on our streets. With people living on our streets. With the increase in petty crime? Just recently a recount took place in ward 1. The original count was Theresa Ann Corless 1,094. Rosemary McConkey (incumbent) 1,107. Ahmad Rashed Formuly 208. The recount numbers came back Theresa Ann Corless 1,093. Rosemary McConkey 1,101 and Ahmad Rashed Formuly 208. First point of concern. How is it that Corless lost one vote. Rosemary 6 and Formuly stayed at 208? Does it not sound like something is wrong in Oshawa. Formuly the same. The other two lost votes. Out of the 11 positions on council. Only one was changed. Could it be that the 18% that turned out are the same 20% minus death of those voting? Where did the other 82% go to vote. Well obviously they did not vote. This is not only not good for Oshawa but for democracy. Think about it. 82% surrendered their voice. They voided their opportunity to be heard. We as a society can we be so docile. So uncaring? So unaware of the danger of our inactions? We the modern people of society are doomed to be lead without voice. They talk about the ‘BIG RESET’. We by our own action or in this case inaction are becoming a number in a global bingo game. We are not a person. But a number that may be manipulated and controlled. By our actions we surrendered our individuality and our voice. This compounded with the sea of misinformation and high tech tabulation of studies, polls and elections. We as a people, as a civilization are an easy picking for a new world order to take over and control our every aspect of life. In all past civilization the more the general population feared the state. The more power. Fear has many faces. In the past fear was brought about out of ignorance. The church promoted scripture in order to entice compliance to church and state norms and laws. The more sophisticated the society became the elaborate the schemes of enticing fear have become. It seems we are in conflict at all times. War on drugs, sex, and so on. In today’s world. We are confused by the overwhelming amount of data that we must process. Our minds become polluted and easily manipulated to believe things and ideologies that we truly do not understand. Our fear mongering to compliance comes as the applications that drive such machines base their premise on basic instinct of survival. It not any more a foreign enemy or a God. Instead it is about self preservation. Take the shot and save lives. Wear a mask and stop the transmission, cut risk. It appears it never ends. Viruses keep jumping at us in order for us to comply. Locally this past week with this re-count has shown that the manipulation is bigger and stronger than that of which we can control.

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