Thursday, November 17, 2022

The last frontier

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” The human mind. The last frontier. As they say. We are nothing but animals with the fortunate ability to communicate and socialize like no other animal. The animalistic fundamental roots are all the same across the animal kingdom. Fight or Flee is something we have enbedded as part of our DNA. The difference in humans is in the way we interact and live in a system of hypocritical beliefs that hamper our success in life. Constantly having us to deal with negativity and the enforced flee due to oppression and mental compromise. We are brought up from birth to be good. To do what is right. To be honest and up front. To not lie or cheat. To fear a God. To follow rules and norms and to not question but to follow the status quo. We go for the first 20 years of our lives living a code of ethics and morals that slowly ravels with the realities of living in a society that rewards unfairness.... that is governed by laws that oppress and prosecute the innocent. A system that is contradictory to all that we have been brought up thinking. The good become intertwined and used to rationalize bad and negative living. Charity becomes abused off the backs of good natured people that refuse to give up and or believe that society is hypocritical and unfair. Good people that live a dream in a nightmare world of constant struggle. The church once deemed the essence of hope today is compromised by alternative rationalization of events in biblical scripture that renders once the almighty holly book nothing more than just a book of wisdom but far from Godly essence. Modern day society is infected by mental health issues that in part have been self induced. The less we believe the less hope we have to cope and understand our environment. Governments are scrambling all over the world on how to deal with this epidemic of confusion and lack of control. This compounded by the new world of high tech internet broadcast and interchangeable opinion and information, the people are confused. Just about every political ‘Ism’ is under threat. The talk of a new world order seems to predominate conspiracy thinkers. The reality is that the world does need a new world oder. The question becomes by who? Democracy is proven to be a failure as the majority is made up of an outspoken radical minority. Communism, has had it’s challenges and oppressed. Then what is the answer? Maybe there is no answer? Maybe we are becoming that of what other civilization have to endure. Extinction

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