Saturday, November 19, 2022

Do we have a government?

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. I guess for Canada the ‘’GREAT RESET”, has begun. Can anyone please explain this to me. How is it that we the people are being openly raped at the grocery stores and our government does nothing about it. Come on folks. This blaming it on COVID does not cut it. This blaming it on the economy has been played before. How can anyone rationalize the cost of a head of iceberg lettuce to go from 99 cents to 5.99. Banks are recording profits. Insurance companies laying low on the profit radar but still making billions. Oil companies never had it better. Could this be the beginning of the new world order. Oh wait, then we have Justin running around fighting foreign wars giving out billions of dollars. REEEEEALLLLLLY - Canadian are going to bed with no food due to prices. Canadians are loosing their homes due foreclosures. Canadians can’t get a decent job to pay for the out of control house prices. And Justin is giving billions to a foreign nation so they don’t suffer the perils of war. You got to be kidding me. How about taking care of your own people first Justin. How about investing those billions back in Canada. We the people are living on the street. We the people are living day to day with fear of not being able to supply for family. But wait. I forgot. We the Canadian people through our own ignorance have become nothing more than a number in a huge bingo ball drum. A number that means nothing as long as that big drum keeps going around and around pushed by empty promises and the facade of Canada is doing great. We the people have been force to comply. We the people are being condition to accept. Look at the recent transit strike. What a joke. Oh the picketers only picket in controlled areas. Picketers are bound by law and social norm. Picketers are not on strike. They are puppets in a corporate play, string pulled by the union and the employee. It disgusts me on how this great nation is being raped and pilladged from within. The trojan horse is eating away at all aspects of Canadian quality of life. We have no culture, no h istory, no standards. We are being forced to accept under the guise of democracy. A political system that has proven to not be led by a majority. But instead by a majority made up of a very organized minority. I feel for our youth. I feel for the future of this great nation. Politically in Canada we are bankrupt. It is not about democracy and the people’s choice or voice. It is about who ever is in public filling their pockets as much as they can in order to retire a millionaire... or billionaire. All 3 major political parties are one of the same. No matter who is in power. We the people suffer. We the people pay the ultimate price. We should maybe stop worrying about the environment so much and worry about those living. Those in need and those suffering. Where are our priorities. We are nothing but blind sheep to the slaughter. BINGO - Your number is up. You just lost your house, you family.

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