Saturday, November 12, 2022

When in oshawa please don’t drink the water

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. When in Oshawa, please don’t drink the water. How else do you explain the recent municipal election results? Can there be that many stupid people in one city? The City is offered a golden opportunity to improve the quality of life for everyone and the people appear to be happy with people living on our streets. With people over dosing and dieying on our streets at an alarming rate. People are ok with our parks and ravines being turned into make shift home for the homeless. Or that our parks and ravines are not safe to go for a walk. It appears that people are ok with being harassed when visiting the core. Or that the quality of service keep going down while taxes keep going up. How do you justify the huge number of homes being built and the tax that they bring to expenditure, waste and relation to any tax increase? There is none. Tax increases are money that municipal officials use to grease palms. To solidify support during elections. How else do you explain the results? The status quo is acceptable? First only 18% actually cared enough to turn out and vote. This means that like in most global democracies. The majority is made up of a minority. A minority that has proven to lack any sense of knowledge of what is taking place in our city. Out of the 11 municipal positions in Oshawa. The people only changed 1. I blame the other 82% that did not even bother to turn out. It has to be the water... Please explain it to me. Could it be that the same people keep coming out every election? Think about it. Last election it was a 22% turn out. Are voters that care about democracy actually dieying? In the downtown core alone. The same two councillors win!!! Councillors that are directly responsible for the homeless and the poor safety/health condition of our core. We reward failure with another term and thank them by forking over taxpayers money for them to continue doing nothing positive for the core? People always wonder. Why is it that we do not have more professionals put their name forward during municipal elections. Well, these results make it obvious why. Why would anyone want to put their name forward when people do not vote on credentials. The vote on name recognition. Look at what took place in the Mayoral race. On the eleventh hour. A nobody, clerk looking to up her pay and job title puts her name forward as the vote by sex vote. She came second. A person with no real accomplishments. Limited education. No real business life experience. No real interest or understanding of the issues of the City. Did we not learn from voting Carter in... that the pity vote is not in our best interest? Don’t get me wrong. I am not bitter, but disapointed that society is failing and we are on course to self destruct. Look at the COVID situation. Were we ready for disaster? Socially we are heading towards dangerous times. Democracy led by a majority made up of minority is not democracy. Everyone is quick to complain about tax increase and the cost of living. Yet, no one is prepared to make the right changes to bring positive change. Please when in Oshawa. Don’t drink the water. Better safe than one of the 18%

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