Saturday, February 18, 2023

COULD THIS BE “A NEW Age of Aquarius

” By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Are we on the cusp of moving into the Age of Aquarius, where we are being asked to relinquish the old ways and harness the creative new. The Age of Aquarius—made popular by the 1967 rock musical Hair—is a period of about 2,160 years that is characterized by the passage of the vernal equinox through the air sign Aquarius. Opinions differ about the exact timing of this passage, but it is undisputed that we are now in a transition phase from Pisces to Aquarius. Symbolizing the start of a new era, the characteristics of the sign transiting the vernal equinox dominate earth’s collective energy. This move into the Age of Aquarius stands to impact the ways we make and connect with art to the ways we buy and sell it. Affecting elections much like in the U.S. According to astronomers - This past December 21, we saw the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. It was the first time in more than 800 years that this Great Conjunction returned to the air element, and it will remain there for about 200 years. This is critical for the arts, as Aquarius symbolizes a break from previously established traditions, thereby allowing for new and unusual ideas to flow more freely and for new pathways to emerge. Aquarius points to a newfound sense of hope and a strong desire for collective change—some of which we have already experienced in the Covid-19 pandemic and the protests against racial violence in the United States—and, when combined with Jupiter’s energy, encourages us to expand our thoughts. We will see a continued and deeper shift toward a greater awareness of the collective consciousness. This shift in energy will also serve cutting-edge and outside-the-box mediums like digital, video, performance, conceptual art, and similarly experimental forms—all of which will act as a catalyst for inventive change. But we must remember that change takes time. The U.S. department of defense in 2022 made it public that they are dedicating a special unit to look into the ever surging reports of UFO’s. With the threat of COVID slowly falling into the horizon and the war against Russian not having the same impact as it once did. Many are wondering if the new threat to national and personal security may not be in the cosmics. After all it seems that governments of the world thrive during times of chaos and uncertainty. During COVID governments of the world shut down countries and kept citizens under military rule. They went as far as force vaccine injections in the name of national security. Just this past month. The treats of Chinese flying balloons. Short time after that. In northern Canada, three UFO’s shot down of unknown origins. Could this be the era/age that we finally make contact. That we the people of earth find a new enemy and thru this phantom enemy, it unites all countries in the fight of a common interest. Could this be the beginning of one world government in the best interest of Global security. Could through the assistance of the ever surging technology of Artificial Intelligence. We the common folk may become the robots to the doctrine of a world order transcribed and delivered through fear mongering and sophisticated AI technologies. They can see us. They can hear us. Soon they will be able to direct us and even tell us when we can leave our homes. We the people must awaken and take control before it is taken from us. The new age of Aquarius is upon us. Who will come to liberate us? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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