Saturday, February 11, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - People wake up. Private medical care will never be good for us. It is a cash cow for insurance companies and for doctors. If we can send billions to foreign lands in the form of humanitarian aid. I am sure we can invest billions in our own people. Primarily on the way we dispense health care. Let’s get real. The real problem is not the doctors. It is not the people. It is the government and the Canadian Medical Association. If they don’t graduate more doctors the demand for doctors will always be high. Doctors will complain that they are over worked and under pay. The taxpayers will have to deal with the brunt. Forcing the average person to put pressure on the government to come up with alternatives such a private insurance. THIS IS NOT IN OUR BEST INTEREST. Pay out of pocket does not mean more or quicker care. So stop pushing insurance companies interests and agenda as the solution. The Medical Association has no interest in having more doctors than patients. The Association looses political might. This recent so called problem in Ontario. Is shameful. Doctors blame COVID - and just about everything under the sun. The reality is that doctors and all in the medical profession are under staffed and under paid. This is an administrative problem that the Federal government can fix very easily. First, graduate more doctors. Double the output per year. Second, asssure a minimum guaranteed income for every doctor. Three, make accessible funds for specialty surgery so that our doctors do not end up in other countries. Four, assure that all nurses and subsequent related peripheral services have ample resources to expedite procedures. Five, cut back on hospital administrator perks and wages. Have them be accountable and assure they uphold strick standards of service. One thing that must be taken into account is that as a responsible government we must always assure that our population has the best of everything out there. If we don’t take care of Canada first. Why should we be taking care of the rest of the world. The medical problem is not a problem. It is an example of all that is wrong with our modern society. People playing politics to benefit their own pockets. Can’t blame the doctors. If they are over worked and they get the same pay. It is only human nature to look for ways to compensate for work performed. The Medical Association appears to be in the thought that keeping doctors demand high will achieve them getting more funding. Wrong. Privatization will hurt all Canadians. The only ones to benefit will be insurance companies and the medical profession as they will be in a position to pick and choose based on what they get paid. It is not working in the United States. Why would it work here. For those that tell you that it is working in the U.S. They are probably doctors. It is not about communism/capitalism. It is about being human. It is about being responsible. If we have billions to take care of foreign interest. We have billions to take care of our people. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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