Saturday, February 4, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - The other day in conversation I was asked.... Are you going to be running again in 2026? It caught me off guard. At first I said, “well it is to early to tell.” Then I went to explain... why should I run again. This time around I was beaten out by a bar room hussie and a former homeless/drug addict. On the first, she is a clerk at a local electrical contractors. She beat me out by one thousand votes. A woman that has been seen in more bars with more men then one cares to count. A woman that has no community recognition and was only place by one of the political parties to draw on the female vote. Like really this is democracy. Then I lost to a former homeless and drug addict. A man that by his own admission is illiterate and suffering from a learning disability. One the one hand great for him for his achievements and the way he can play society to his advantage. This brings to question the standards we should have. Standards for future generations to follow. If the population at large reward former drug addicts and homeless. Then why should the rest of us give a care and just stop being productive members of society. Let’s sit back and depend on government hand outs. On social services and on popular charity. Then most are left wondering how it is that their property taxes went up 5%. How the region tax went up 5%. It is an out of control train that we are all going to have to pay. In other words. Your choices for leaders is going to cost you. But it could always be worst. If the clerk from the electrical contractor had won. It could have been a lot worst. Imagine this. Here we take someone with little or no business practice. No real local image in the community. All of a sudden she is to run the city. First and foremost. Staff would have eaten her up. Second the unions would have had carte blanche on negotiations. Now to council. Council would have ruled the city. Wait is this not what they are doing with the current Mayor. How has our lives changed for the better in the last 10 years? It has not. Yet only 18% of you turned out to vote. The 82% surrendered their right to be heard. Now you are left with the bill to pay for their mistakes. The City claims that the increase is needed to pay for fire trucks and staff. I say malarkey... The trucks could have been purchased by the developers raping our farm lands. Training could have been supplied by the College and University. Staffing could have been incorporated by cutting waste and expense. No. Instead the City can waste 20 million dollars on the Ed Broadbent park. They can waste millions on litigation and challenges. Yet your safety and your concerns are used to dig further in your pocket. Now to the original question. Will I run again in 2026? Only if the 82% wake up. Will you awaken? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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