Saturday, June 17, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Foreign call centers, customer service reps, human interaction will soon become a thing of the past. Just try calling any government office? What do you get? You are told to visit some web page. There you will be bombarded with all kinds of information that at the end of the day if you don’t understand the process.... Good luck getting anything done. Call a cable company, a utility company... Rogers, Bell... You get an automated system that is more frustrating than helpful. Only to after an hour of playing click here press this and that. You get some third world call center with an accent thicker than the IQ of he/she that answers. What is Artificial Intelligence: AI is a tool that will continue to grow to help with tasks, productivity and efficiency. We must invest early to up-skill AI learnings to reinvent new ways to bring unique value to the marketplace while becoming digitally mature. Expanding our AI navigation skillset in the early stages of development allows for humans to be a better equipped to be solution focused individuals. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword for a while now, but there are still many who believe that it's a technology reserved for the future. However, the truth is that AI is already here and is being used in various industries. In fact, businesses that have already adopted AI are reaping the benefits. If you're thinking about leveraging AI, there's no better time than now, and I'll tell you why. 1. AI can help you increase the efficiency of your business processes. 2. AI can help you make more informed decisions. 3. AI can also improve your customer service. AI is constantly evolving. The sooner you adopt it, the better equipped you'll be to handle future developments. By leveraging AI now, you can gain a competitive advantage, which will set you apart from your peers in the future. What does this mean? Simple. Corporations will no longer need to farm out customer service. Instead when you dial in to any company. You will be subjected to the usual automated circus. Then based on the series of choices you make. You will be dealt to the particular area you are in need of. If this can’t be resolved by basic selection. An automated AI bot will answer your call as a human would. Only now you are fully interacting with a machine. This machine will not compromise, find common ground and or work within the gray scale of human reasoning. The machine will be employing policy and cut dry decisions. The human element will be so far gone. No, ability to talk to a human. Great saving for corporations and government. Major job losses and major customers dissatisfaction. The writing has been on the walls for years. Customer service costs money. Corporations have utilized all kinds of tactics in order to curve this expenditure. Look at the actual human employed in relations to calls. When calling most companies the wait can be as much as one hour... with the choice of having someone call you back if you do not want to wait. I say the future will bring the wrong kind of change. What do you think? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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