Saturday, June 10, 2023

Shame on all churches

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What are we becoming? Basic human decency is something that is slowly being erased from our conscious. I blame all faiths and all churches. Specially the Roman Catholic church. The dominant faith, that worked side by side with governments to sustain civility, law and order. To champion human basic decency. Sad, that we are becoming nothing short of animals in a modern day concrete jungle. The failure of the church... and don’t get me wrong...when i get on the Catholics... As, I use Catholics as the seed for all other faiths. I know you Protestants and others sect are screaming... How dare he include us.... Well, It is what it is. All variants of the Jesus Christ book of faith are to blame. Christianity as you want to believe... is what made the west the west. A civilized society that ruled the world. Sure they made mistakes on the way... but if you look at other religions of the world. The blatanly continue to make mistakes against humanity and never apologize in the name of their god. In modern society christianity has become nothing short of the last stop for those that have totally lost hope. Jesus, is the final stop. The Church is not about transforming the uncivilized to civilized. From shaping innocence into productive members of society. Today’s church is about keeping followers and compromising the integrity of the principles that championed decency. The family unit primarily. Tradition and culture. I am disgusted. Just recently a municipality had to introduce this despicable service. A slap in the face to all Christians. Where is the church that people can turn to? Clarington announced it is building Ontario’s first Hope’s Cradle, an anonymous infant surrender site. It will be located at Clarington Emergency and Fire Services station at 2430 Highway 2, and will be for parents to anonymously and safely surrender infants. How it will work: A parent or guardian can come to an unmonitored fire station entrance. Inside the door, they will find a bassinet to place the surrendered baby in, and an information package. The package contains a medical form for the baby’s history and an addressed prepaid envelope. The parent will also receive information about the local support available to them, how the process works, and their rights should they change their mind. Once they leave the child and close the door, it will not reopen. Firefighter will get an alert that a baby has been placed in the cradle and go to pick the infant up. Paramedics will be called to do a health evaluation of the child. Any guardian who surrenders an infant will be kept anonymous, provided the infant shows no signs of abuse. Then Durham Children’s Aid Society will be contacted to collect the infant and place it in care. On the surface...WOW. What a great idea. A place for people to drop off infants that they can’t care for. Then you give yourself a reality check. This service is a testament of the failure of the church. The failure for the church to promote and strictly enforce family values. The churches lowering of it’s standards and principles that make it OK for divorce, out of wed marriages, living together out of wed. Really, there should be no place in our modern society for ‘HOPE CRADLE’s’ That is what the church is there for. That is the purpose of community. Modern society has no standards. Everything and anything is accepted as normal. Sacrifice, commitment, honor, valor and responsibilities are nothing more than words such as love. They have meaning but no real purpose in our daily lives. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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