Saturday, April 27, 2024

Mayor's Behavior Sparks Controversy and Concern in Pickering Community

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In recent months, the Pickering community has been rocked by a series of disturbing events surrounding Mayor Kevin Ashe's conduct, raising serious questions about his leadership, respect, and community values. Reports have surfaced detailing instances of the Mayor engaging in derogatory labeling, online bullying, and enabling other councilors to gang up on individuals, all of which have deeply troubled residents and stakeholders alike. The controversy began when multiple accounts emerged of Mayor Ashe using disparaging language to describe anyone who supports me, Councillor Lisa Robinson, or who opposes Mayor and Council’s narrative on controversial topics, from Pickering residents and the wider Durham region. Terms such as "nut cases," "conspiracy theorists”, “crazies" and "mentally challenged" were reportedly used by the Mayor, causing understandable outrage among those targeted and the broader community. Such derogatory remarks not only sow division but also undermine the principles of respect and inclusivity that are essential for fostering a healthy and harmonious community. Adding to the concern is the Mayor's purported advocacy for mental health, a stance that appears incongruent with his reported behavior. Advocating for mental health necessitates not only empathy and support, but also a commitment to combatting stigma and discrimination. By engaging in language that stigmatizes and belittles others, the Mayor not only fails to uphold these values but also undermines efforts to promote mental well-being within the community. Furthermore, reports have surfaced of the Mayor's involvement in online bullying, perpetuating a toxic environment that is antithetical to the spirit of constructive dialogue and mutual respect. In today's interconnected world, online platforms play a significant role in shaping public discourse, making it imperative for leaders to model respectful and responsible behavior. Telling constituents to go pour themselves another drink, or further labeling them as “transphobes” or “homophobes” for wanting their politicians of Pickering to remain neutral is beyond disturbing. The Mayor's alleged participation in this kind of online harassment not only sets a harmful example for residents, particularly young people, but also erodes trust in our local municipal government. Equally troubling are accounts suggesting that the Mayor has enabled other councilors to gang up on individuals, further exacerbating tensions within the community. Instead of fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected, such behavior fosters a culture of intimidation and exclusion, silencing dissenting voices and stifling meaningful debate. In a democratic society, the right to express differing opinions and hold elected officials accountable is sacrosanct, and any attempts to suppress this right must be met with firm condemnation. In addition to the troubling reports of Mayor Ashe’s behavior, recent actions taken by both him and the City Council have further fueled concerns about transparency and accountability within local governance. Changes to delegation times, reducing them from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, place undue restrictions on residents' ability to fully express their concerns and engage with elected officials. Furthermore, imposing stipulations on delegates from outside Pickering, even if they represent Pickering residents, makes it next to impossible to address council if you have an opposing view. This is a disservice to the principles of inclusivity and equal representation, or as I like to say a smack across the face of democracy. The elimination of question period and attendees' recording within the chamber, as well as the loss of the ability for citizens to bring non-agenda items forward, further diminishes transparency and public participation in local decision-making processes. These actions not only undermine the democratic rights of Pickering residents but also create barriers to meaningful civic engagement and accountability. In response to mounting public outcry, concerned residents and community leaders are calling for accountability and transparency from Mayor Kevin Ashe and the City Council. It is imperative that elected officials be held to the highest standards of conduct, and any breaches of these standards must be met with swift and appropriate consequences. Additionally, in my humble opinion steps must be taken to reverse the changes that limit public participation and transparency, ensuring that the voices of all residents are heard and valued in Pickering. This is another issue throughout my time in office that I have consistently advocated for. Improved public engagement across all aspects of municipal affairs. We are supposed to be serving the public, not the other way around. My voting history on these issues proves my dedication as the sole Pickering municipal politician advocating for democracy and impartiality for all. I would like to take this moment and extend my apologies for the behavior of the mayor and my colleagues, and to assure you that I will continue to champion the interests of Pickering residents and beyond to uphold the values of democracy. It's time to end this culture of bullying, intimidation and name calling, and instead prioritize listening to and valuing the opinions of all our community members. By doing so, we can foster a stronger, more cohesive community that we can all be proud of. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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