Saturday, April 27, 2024

The immigration colander

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Allow me to disclose that I am an immigrant to this country. When, I came to this great country. I had standards to meet and I had a certain level of civility in order to qualify for a visa. I had to speak English, have and education, be clear of any medical infections or illnesses. I had to have a sponsor and the desire to integrate. Those were the days Canada had standards. Through my years, I strived to contribute. To educate myself to the point were I could offer other Canadians the same opportunities I worked so hard to earn. Today, it appears that Canadian Immigration policy has no standards. Canada has gone from a proud nation of it’s languages and heritages to stepping stone for foreign civil wars. A place that Canadians are forced to accept foreign culture, traditions and political interests. Canada has become a country of forced compliance. Foreign cultures demanding rights and priviledges that have not been earned but demanded as a human right. It appears that Canada has gone from air tight high standard immigration policy to a Tutti-Fruti Colander scooping from world civil wars, politically unstable regimes and just about anyone that cries refugee status gets in. What is that giving Canada? An Immigration policy that is being polutted with people with no education. Not even interested in learning our languages. In some cases ill and infectious. Criminals and political agetators. Political agitators with the only interest is to continue the cause back home from Canada. I say this is wrong. Then there is the visa for those that can pay. In some provinces if you can afford to run a business for two years. You are granted a visa. Many of these shell business opened never generate a dime or hire a soul. As long as they can register it and claim to be open for two years. Bingo. Or for the ultra rich. With a substantial investment they get to go ahead of the line. In most cases these are just as dangerous as the political/militant agitators that come under the guise of political refugees and ony interst is to use the resources of this country to continue the unrest back home. The wealthy visa seekers. Are buying land and property and then turning around and renting them out to only people from that nationlity for extortion rent rates. Is this our country. Let’s stop all Immigration. Let’s shut the door to refugees. Let’s tax heavy foreign investment and let’s cap the purchase of land for non-birth-Canadian. The Colander model is not working. It is hurting our country. It is changing all that was good in order to accommodate other cultures and tradition that have a proven fail record. Otherwise why are they in Canada?

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