Saturday, April 27, 2024

Excuse me I am Canadian

By Dale Jodoin As Canadians, we pride ourselves on being fair, polite, and reasonable. But there comes a point where even the most patient among us can't stay silent anymore. We're beyond fed up with the mess our Prime Minister has made, and the so-called "unbiased" news that keeps covering for him is just adding fuel to the fire. Let's talk about the trucker protest, for starters. Regular Canadians from all walks of life—different races, religions, and backgrounds—came together to stand up against government policies they didn't agree with. What was their reward? Our Prime Minister immediately branded them as racists and extremists. He even went as far as to claim they were getting money from some of the worst hate groups out there. And like clockwork, the news media lapped it up and spit it back out, painting these hardworking Canadians as villains on national TV. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. When people started to question where all the taxpayer money that's been sent overseas was going, the government's response was to shout "racism" from the rooftops. They say we're against freedom because we want accountability for billions of dollars? That’s not just misleading; it’s downright insulting. We have every right to demand transparency about where our money is going, especially when it's going abroad with no clear plan or payback. And when the news finally started reporting on foreign interference in our elections—something incredibly serious—the Prime Minister dismissed those concerns by attacking the character of anyone who dared bring it up. First, he labeled them as racists or homophobic, and then tried to bury the whole thing under a mountain of secrecy. But when documents surfaced proving he knew about the interference all along, he simply shrugged and denied everything. We've had enough of the lies and the sneaky tactics. The Prime Minister is supposed to unite the country, not divide it with false accusations and political games. He's supposed to lead by example, not by manipulation. Our schools aren't immune to this mess either. Public education is pushing political ideologies, teaching kids that communism is something to aspire to. They’re not learning to think critically; they're being taught to conform. Parents are right to be worried. Our children should be getting a balanced education, not being indoctrinated with radical ideas under the guise of progressivism. And let's not forget how all this political drama is hitting us where it hurts the most: our wallets. Housing prices are through the roof, gas prices are a nightmare, and despite our country's efforts to be carbon neutral, we're still getting hammered with carbon taxes. These taxes are supposed to help the environment, but all they're doing is draining our bank accounts and hurting businesses. The young people of this country, the ones who are supposed to be the future, are turning their backs on this Prime Minister. They're tired of empty promises and high costs of living. They want change, and they want it now. When the next election rolls around, don’t be surprised if the Prime Minister tries to play the same old cards, calling anyone who opposes him a racist or extremist. But we know the truth. We’re not extremists. We’re average Canadians, stuck in the middle of a political mess, just looking for fair treatment and a government that actually listens. It's time for a new government. One that will go after the real problems, like the indoctrination in our schools and the unchecked spending. We need a leader who will sit down with provincial heads and tackle our issues head-on, not one who spends his time defending his poor decisions and dividing the nation. We want a country where everyone, young and old, can afford a home and live without financial fear. A country where immigration is managed fairly and education is unbiased. Most importantly, we want a country where no group is set above another, where all Canadians can enjoy a peaceful life. Our patience has run out. It’s time to stop the name-calling, stop the lies, and start fixing what’s been broken. It’s time to kick the real troublemakers out of office and bring in leaders who will restore the fairness and respect Canada is known for. We deserve better, and we’re going to fight for it at the voting booth. Call us what you want, but we believe in a fair Canada, a peaceful Canada, for all.

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