Saturday, April 13, 2024

In nothing we find everything and in everything we find nothi

In nothing we find everything and in everything we find nothing By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher Much like the truth is out there. In nothing we can find everything and in everything we find nothing. Truth is the absolete understanding of nothing through interpretation and understanding of everything. Something that is not achievable by the human mind as the constant struggle between nothing and something rage on through one’s existence. This confusing the mind in a web of moral entanglement based on environmental divide. Look at the human animal. From nothing we evolve to something, that constantly changes to everything around us. From our molecular structure to our interactions. Evolution in it’s ongoing expansion and disclosure of everything clouds our minds in a romantic coccon of confusion. The more we evolve the more we see nothing. Our confusion mounts to such levels that compromises logic and common sense. It challenges natural laws and impedes natural growth of the mind and body. Love and hate become one, entangles in something that gives meaning to people’s everything. This passion translates to the understanding of nothing in claim of everything. The human mind is limited to know nothing, yet profess to know everything. An impossible feat as one can’t exist with the other. We look around the world and bring to question. How is it that the people of a Nation can turn on each other. How can such acts of horror be committed towards another? The answer lies in confused minds that profess to know everything when in reality they know nothing. Some may claim that nothing is in part pure innocence. Others may deem it as pure ignorance. But everything could not exist without nothing. If this stands true then, we as humans may never achieve full knowledge of everything as we fail to understand nothing. Now, what is nothing. Nothing is existence and the need for the human mind to evolve. To create a reality that is governed by everything around us and rooted in nothing or as stated, ignorance and innocence. Look in a dark room. What do you see. Do you seen nothing or do you see everything. The darkness in the room is just a measure of our perception of nothing.

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